Books to read on pregnancy and exercise

superhelga Posts: 68 Member
edited February 3 in Social Groups
I recently found out that I'm pregnant. This is of cause wonderful, but I'm also a little frustrated. I had finally gotten some momentum, good habits and success in both my weight loss and exercise habit. Now I'm trying to figure out good advice on how active I can be, because I really, really want to remain active. However, I have a hard time sifting out the information trough articles on the web. (Im sure i could figure out a lot by digging trough all the discussions here, but I'm just too ADD to remain focused for that) I'm the kind of person who needs a living expert, or at least a book to constantly refer too.
So, does any of you have a book they really like and can recommend. A book that focuses on what you should eat, and gives good advice on dos and dont's when it comes to exercise.

Also. Just a general advise from you experts. (witch im sure gets asked frequently as well, sorry) I'm in my first trimester. I have a home office, so going to the gym is a must for me.(Doing exercise videos by myself doesn't work well. I just need to see other living people occasionally:) How long can I keep doing regular gym classes? Kick boxing, Zumba, weight lifting? What should I start avoiding and when? Someone said no squats after 1st trimester. What else?
Thank you!


  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Expecting Better by Emily Oster is excellent.
  • lmercil
    lmercil Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats!! I am 28 wks and am still going to the gym 4 days a week. Most doctors will say keep doing what you are used to doing. So I am spinning 2-3 days a week and lifting 2 days a week, I have also added in 2 days of prenatal yoga (highly recommend!). The big thing is to keep heartrate in moderate zone. Some say 140-160, but my doctor told me to not get breathless. The other big thing especially during 1st trimester is not get over heated. Try to position yourself closer to the fans and drink lots of water. I am still lifting like I normally would, but have decreased weight. I am still squatting as well - just lighter. The big thing you will notice is ligaments stretch and move so need to be careful. Swimming and water aerobics are also a good option especially as you get further along.
    I have also stopped ab workouts except for doing planks and side planks. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Kristy528
    Kristy528 Posts: 63 Member
    I am almost 10 weeks and at my first visit they asked me what I was previously doing for exercise and she told me that I could continue to do my Les Mills Body Pump class as normal with no lifting restrictions as of now. She said to listen to my body if i think I need to lighten up on something becuase of the relaxition hormone your body has when you are pregnant it makes things a little more difficult. As for the cardio she told me to make sure I can carry a conversation while doing the cardio. So I haven't been taking Body Combat class because i get really out of breath during that class, I figure its a waste if i can't go all out, so i have been doing cardio machines, I do want to go back to doing Zumba but haven't had the chance yet with my schedule. Not sure if the cardio aspect changes after 12 weeks or not. I plan to ask at my appointment on Friday. I am reading What to Expect when Your expectiong, and also a week by week pregnancy book since this is my first pregnancy. Good Luck!

    PS it is not suggested to start any new exercise program without first consulting your doctor. I have read that many times in my books.
  • superhelga
    superhelga Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you ladies. This is very helpful. I will check out the book, and am happy to hear that you ladies remain active. Spent my entire step class right under the fan to stay cool, delightful.
    I have also decided to give prenatal yoga a try soon, even I've always been considering myself to clumsy and antsy for yoga..
    If there are more books or videos people recommend, please keep them coming. I'm sure it can be helpful for others too:)
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