Stage 3 & 5



  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Where are all my STAGE 3 people?? Here are my A stats, I could have went up in weight on most of these but I wanted to make sure my form was right... At the Y, I have a form guy but he was very pre-occupied last night and not as helpful as usual. I am sore through the back side of my thighs. I still cant do a 60 second plank much less a 90 second plank...

    one arm snatch (love these) 25#
    DB single leg RDL #15 (each hand; easy, just working on form keeping my back straight)
    BB bent over row 55#
    DB saohs 5# and 10# (awkward, but notice when I spread my feet out wider it was better... ?)
    DB incline bench press 20# (each hand)
    plank: 40 sec --25 sec -- 22 sec (so frustrating)
    RWC 20#
    BWM- well, I started doing great until the jump squats, couldn't go any further. my legs would push me high enough to cross switch at that point so I stopped, then was out of time to do it again.

    It all took me 1 1/2 hours..

    thoughts questions and suggestions are welcome!
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    It seems I'm talking to myself but workout 3B took me 2 hours and I didn't even do HIIT!! I did a 5 min warm up and my spotter (Y employee) did get chatty between sets wanting to learn what I'm doing... I hope this week I can be in and out in an hour... this is getting way too long!
  • RRRobynnn
    RRRobynnn Posts: 31 Member
    I'm slogging my way through Stage 5. Ugh. It's taking me forever because I'm just not excited about the workouts. (I think "dread" is a more accurate term.) I have 3 or 4 workouts to finish the stage. I'm hoping to push my way through so I can start Stage 6 next week. Here's hoping...
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    It seems I'm talking to myself but workout 3B took me 2 hours and I didn't even do HIIT!! I did a 5 min warm up and my spotter (Y employee) did get chatty between sets wanting to learn what I'm doing... I hope this week I can be in and out in an hour... this is getting way too long!

    Workout A takes me about 1:15 and workout B takes me about 45 mins not including hiit so that does seem quite long to me.

    I have just finished stage 3 and it does get easier. The Best bit of advice I got on the BWM was to break it down to 4 sets of 6 for each of the moves. That made a huge difference to being able to complete it in an acceptable (to me) time.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    It seems I'm talking to myself but workout 3B took me 2 hours and I didn't even do HIIT!! I did a 5 min warm up and my spotter (Y employee) did get chatty between sets wanting to learn what I'm doing... I hope this week I can be in and out in an hour... this is getting way too long!

    Workout A takes me about 1:15 and workout B takes me about 45 mins not including hiit so that does seem quite long to me.

    I have just finished stage 3 and it does get easier. The Best bit of advice I got on the BWM was to break it down to 4 sets of 6 for each of the moves. That made a huge difference to being able to complete it in an acceptable (to me) time.

    Thanks Siany! I will stay more focused this week to finish sooner! I'm sure learning the moves in correct form took some time also.

    So on BWM you stopped/rested after each of the moves? I guess that would be better than not being able to complete it at all. I don't know why the jump lunges are so hard for me!
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Hello, ladies. First day of Stage 3 for me, today. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I wasn't crazy about it. Two lifts especially made me feel really self-conscious: db single-leg romanian dl and db single-arm oh squat. I felt silly like I looked like someone who was making up new moves as she went along, and they didn't really give me a burn. By the time I got to the bwm, I just wanted to get out of there so I didn't finish them.

    Just to not end on such a negative note, I really liked the one-armed db snatch -- I felt like a total warrior -- and the 90 second planks ROCKED my core in the best way.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Hello, ladies. First day of Stage 3 for me, today. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I wasn't crazy about it. Two lifts especially made me feel really self-conscious: db single-leg romanian dl and db single-arm oh squat. I felt silly like I looked like someone who was making up new moves as she went along, and they didn't really give me a burn. By the time I got to the bwm, I just wanted to get out of there so I didn't finish them.

    Just to not end on such a negative note, I really liked the one-armed db snatch -- I felt like a total warrior -- and the 90 second planks ROCKED my core in the best way.

    Are you hams burning today?? It didn't seem like it was a challenge for me either but my whole back side was sore after A, now B on the other hand... I felt nothing which is weird b/c that YTWL burned while I was doing it so I thought I would be crippled the next day.. but no. I also loved the DB snatch... not so much on the planks. lol
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Ha, YES, I am feeling it in my hammies! Doing my first B workout this afternoon. Seems like lots of folks don't like the YWTL's, but I am most looking forward to those. I love doing shoulder work.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Ladies, I just started stage 3 and I have one thing to say: Body Weight Matrix kicked my butt!! Was anyone else shocked by how hard it was, or just me? i thought with no weights it would be easy....WRONG. I was about ready to pass out when I started the jumping lunges and then the jumping squats. I made it through, but seriously that was the hardest thing I can recall doing in a long time.

    I think that I will do that on a separate cardio day, at the start of my workout when I have the most energy. Is that considered cheating?

    Does anyone else have problems doing the jump squats and switching legs? I tried that a few times and almost fell over (I am not the most coordinated person). I compromised by jumping back to the start position, then stepping back into the next lunge. I was much more successful with the jump squat, since it only required a jump up, not moving and repositioning the feet at the same time.
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    I am happy to report my second A workout went much better than my first! I think the workout change-up is hard for me. I like going in the gym and knowing what I'm doing, but with the start of every stage I am a total clueless n00b again. Since I already had one A workout under my belt, today went so much smoother, and I actually enjoyed it.

    lambentjewel: BWM is not coming easily to me, either. Workout A1, I made it halfway through the first set and then I just gave up. Today, Workout A2, I made it all the way through the first set, but could not make the second set happen. At this rate, I just hope to complete the BWM as intended by A4!
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I was watching myself in the mirror and I looked like a total goof doing the jumping lunges... it wasn't really lunges at all.. it was more of just a... scissor jump?... lol. maybe it will get better... Like 40mpw said I hope to have it down by A4.
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Checked off my second B workout this morning. Back extensions seemed way too easy. I am either doing it wrong or I need to make it more challenging (holding a plate?).
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    ^ I hold a 25# plate...
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    I think I must be the only one in Stage 3 right now, or at least the only one who is posting in this thread. Crogers111, I followed your lead and held a 25 lbs. plate for the back extensions and ahhh much better! Today was workout B3, so I only have two more Stage 3 workouts remaining, and I'll be doing my last workout on Friday. Wednesday is my planned A4 workout and after that a friend and I are cutting out of work to get deep tissue massages. Can't wait!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Hello again,

    Just finished Stage 4 today (yes!) and am taking friday off before starting S5 next Monday (7/10). I have to take a forced week off end of October hence why I'm not taking a rest week now.

    I had a quick look at the book and was horrified to see 120s planks and the BWM both in the same workout! I think I'm going to hate A! At least, there's only 4 of them to do. How are you S5ers finding it?

    40mpw, a deep tissue massage sounds heavenly! You've got me thinking that maybe I should one. Let us know how it goes.
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Last A workout of Stage 3 today! A guy at the gym asked if I was doing Crossfit. I am so misunderstood.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Now I am going to be all alone on this thread:(.., I just started Stage 3 today. I was feeling pretty good about myself until I started stage 3...that was tough, I could only manage 5 lunge jumps, and everything else just seemed so awkward.
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Now I am going to be all alone on this thread:(.., I just started Stage 3 today. I was feeling pretty good about myself until I started stage 3...that was tough, I could only manage 5 lunge jumps, and everything else just seemed so awkward.

    It's okay, I just started Stage 3 on Monday! :smile: I ran out of time to do the BWM so I'll need to figure out a way to incorporate that in somehow...

    Loved the workout though, my legs are STILL sore
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Lucky you, that BWM is brutal:)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I just did the second workout of stage 5 today. I've pretty much given up on the BWM. Regular lunges hurt my feet enough (the bones in my feet are not correctly aligned). Adding a jump is asking for trouble. :frown:

    I've adapted to the 120 second planks and cobras by now, but they are still a challenge. Unlike the swiss ball crunches, hip flexion and side flexion exercises. Those just feel like a waste of time to me. Actually, they felt like a waste of time in stage 3 as well. Any tips to make them more challenging? I have been doing the crunches while holding a 45 pound plate to my chest or weights over my head (kind of hurts my back to do it that way). For hip flexion I do the Prone Jackknife just because it makes people stare :laugh: and for side flexion I do the swiss ball side crunches. I get nothing from any of them.