What is your dream size?

xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
So this may be a bit silly, but I thought it would be fun too. What size are you now and what size do you aim to be?

I'm in between sizes now, moving down to a 10. I fit in a 10, but not comfortably. I've been a size 12 for a few years now and I'm just so completely sick of it, I've got a closet full clothes I can't wear. I will be mega ecstatic when I reach an 8, but my DREAM number is a size 6.


  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Started an 18/20 - 2X.
    Currently a 12 (a few 10s, with sometimes Medium, sometimes Large).
    Going for a 6. I think that would be a small?
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    Awesome Kira! We will make it there together! :smile:
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I'm a 10, would prefer to be a 6.
  • StaceyWalley
    StaceyWalley Posts: 9 Member
    I've been between 12-14 for a year or so(was 10-12 for like 4 years before that ) been wearing L- XXL shirts depending on the the brand and type.

    REALISTICALLY I would love to be size 6-8 and wearing small to medium shirts, I have always had huge hips and a ba-donk-a-donk even when I used to be a size 3.

    my DREAM size would be a size 3 again but after 2 C-sections I am not sure I will ever be there again but a girl can dream right?
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    I'm currently a size 8, but I would like to be comfortable in a 6, and wouldn't complain if I could slip into some 4s too.
    SASSYGIRLY30 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm currently a size 12, and don't know why but anytime I've thought of getting to my goal weight, size 6 is usually in that thought process..
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    A 5 sounds good to me :)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    A uk 10-12 is my current (depends on the cut)

    I'd love to be a 6 or 8 uk size but, its well, my backside doesnt want to shrink that much, and if it did i'd look weird with huge hips and no backside.

    But where ever my body is happy, i wont hate it for being happy :)
  • emmysusanne
    emmysusanne Posts: 34 Member
    UK size 16 here and would like to be a comfortable 12 or even a 10, definitely not lower than that (but see how it looks once I get there..) :) All the best to everyone!!
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I started at 14 sometimes 16 now I am swimming in most of my 14's and fit into some 12's but not everything on the rack 12. (I even got into one size 10) goal is size 2. (all regular size not petite even though my height would dictate that. I have a high waist and long legs for my height) that said, I'll be ecstatic at this point just fitting into tens. LOL

    Ultimately for my height a size 2 or 4 is a good lean weight for me. I was there for most of my adult life. It's only been the last five years or so i've been fat.
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member
    Size 6 will do it for me. Right now I'm a 10 I discovered last week. Just purchased a size 10 thinking I would be losing to fit it but I sent it back because it fit perfectly and so I was thinking, should I buy size 8's? I've been buying clothes for my new body. Just bought my first small ponte leggings. Can't fit them yet. I try them on once a week. I love doing that. I don't think realistically I'll be a size 6 through the winter, but definitely by Spring. Trying to do it nice and slow. I'm so glad I found a keto group!
  • I'm a 16/18, depending on the brand. I haven't bought new pants in a while (I can usually fit into size 16 dresses, but DEFINITELY size 18 pants!), but the ones I have were starting to get tight. When I was a 16, I swore to myself I'd never let myself get to an 18, but before I knew it, there I was in the "Woman's" section. I don't shop at the plus sized stores, because (1) they're way more expensive, and (2) their clothes just look like bags on me. I mean, come on... big girls need style, too! But if I get any bigger, I won't be able to shop at normal stores anymore, and even as it is, my selection is extremely limited.

    My ideal size would probably be an 8. I'm pretty naturally curvy, so I don't see myself ever being smaller than a 6, but I notice that 8/10 is the most popular size at most stores. As long as I have lots of choices when I go shopping, I'll be happy!
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    I'm so happy to see all these answers, so inspiring! We're gonna be out there strutting our stuff like Supermodels in no time!
  • VanCityFit
    VanCityFit Posts: 105 Member
    I'm currently a 12/14( the largest I have been) and I would be comfortable at a size 6 but super happy at a size 4. I have been a size 4 before and it felt amazing but I was still super confident in a 6 as well.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 173 Member
    Guy here.

    It's amusing to note that a women's ideal size is 6-8, yet a man's idea of the perfect size for a woman is 10-12 :D

    My suggestion is aim for that 10-12 and if you are still unhappy with the way you are, just tone it up! Men like a few curves!
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    way to generalize. what men prefer depends on the man and the way a woman wears a size 10 12 depends on how tall they are and body type.

    When I was dating still I got turned down as being too fat when I was a size 6 and 8 (by way more than one guy)
  • im a sie 22-24. i'd just like to be able to shop in a normal store! i never have been able to. so i'd be happy at a size 12-14
  • im a size 22-24. i'd just like to be able to shop in a normal store! i never have been able to. so i'd be happy at a size 12-14
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    FXOjafar, I appreciate your response, but I honestly believe men have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to women's sizes. That's the only reasonable explanation for this speech that a 10-12 is a ''perfect'' size. Maybe this is true for you, but in real life, I have not found this to be true at all, at a ''10-12'' you're still considered a ''big girl''.

    I am fairly tall, 5'8, and at a size 12 there was still unwanted extra. Before I started on a ketogenic diet and was just trying to eat healthy and working out, I wasn't just ''toning up'', I was losing weight, that's because I was far from being in my ideal body.

    As a size 6, which so many of us long for, you would still be very much healthy and ''curvy'' (if that's your body type) and you would also be slim (flat stomach, no extra jigglies anywhere).
  • Twylashea
    Twylashea Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not so much into my size. It has taken me close to 3 years to work down from 12-14 to 8, which is not bad at all. I really want my measurements to be 36-27-36. I'd love to regain my hourglass shape instead of the almost straight one I have. Totally focused on the inches.