
This week is going to be all about movement. Yep, move around. Do something and log in at the end of the day, if you can and let us all know what you did that day.

Move, move move. If you microwave something do a few squats while waiting for it or march in place, etc.
Waiting in line at the store, do some side steps or knee raises, who cares if someone sees you.

Sitting at your computer get up every 10 minutes and walk around or just shake your arms and your legs or even just march in place as your sitting there.

Watching TV get up during commercials and walk around or march in place.

I think you all get the idea.

So what do you all say? Who is in??? I am in for sure! We can do this.
Good luck all and have a good week and enjoy exercise! It is good for the soul.:love:


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I do this all the husband thinks I am nuts, always jiggling about......... I am sure it helps ... and is easy to do.....good luck everyone....have a great and active week! :bigsmile:

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    I am in and will move move move with attitude cause there is always a song in my head! Thanks
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I am in, too. I do try to get up and move around for a few minutes out of every hour. Today is laundry day and I ran some errands with hubby so I know I have, at least, 90 minutes of movement. Maybe I'll do some dancing tonight.:laugh:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    15 min total up/down stairs with and without baskets of laundry
    30 min approx shopping
    25 min folding clothes
    10 min dancing with oldies on the radio--what fun!!!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I'm in here is what I was doing yesterday, didn't see this post till this morning but this fits in nicely I think:

    Sept 16th,
    30 mins total of up and down two flights of stairs carrying clothes from the basement back to the upstairs closet
    20 mins. total, pacing around the room while on the cell phone talking to family and rescue organization workers

    Oh almost forget, for getting up from the computer reminders, I use this website for countdowns.

    I have to page folks out in the middle of the night. this comes in handy for letting me know when the response time is done:
    There are several interfaces you can use, play around with them but the bomb is good for a laugh but I don't recommed using it with the volume up on your computer. It is simple and uses flash not java, so is safe to use. Unless you are on a Mac that doesn't support flash player.
  • southerngramma
    Back from our cruise..we had a absolutely wonderful time. Did lots of walking, took the stairs instead of the elevators some of the time. That depended on how my back was behaving..stairs can be super painful..but we did it! Haven't had a chance to weigh myself yet..but was on the move almost all day. Went to our local store to get fresh lunch meats, went to visit friends who just moved to SC. But I like the idea of moving as a matter what it is! Time to get back on track. Glad to be home..:happy:
  • californiagirl1950
    Welcome back southerngramm. Good job on taking the stairs when you could. That makes a big difference in the weight gaining on those cruises! Tell us about the cruise and how much fun you had. I love cruising myself.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Spent cooking dinner time and clean up time doing samba steps to music on the digital station, 30 mins.
    While working on the computer got up and did some dumbell workout, 2x5 mins for 10 mins.

    Don't just stand there, shake that thing. Is my new motto.

    Hope everyone else is finding movements that work for them.

    Oh and the cruise sounded lovely.
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome back southerngramma. It is always nice to go away but good to come home also. I love cruising and have always been good at not gaining weight because of taking the stairs and walking a lot etc. Good for you!

    I am dedicated to moving and also have incorporated some weights sometimes.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I put on some music while I was making the pumpkin soup yesterday and danced around gathering ingredients and while stuff was simmering--couldn't dance too much while I was cutting up the pumpkin. The whole process--prep, cooking, cleanup--took over an hour!

    Hubby and I also ran a few errands when there was was walking about, but not much.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Keeping the hand weights handy the 5 lbs. and doing curl every other hour for 5 mins.
    When I don't to the curls, I am doing yoga postures, I've been on the computer a lot today and found it good to use the timer to remind myself to DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL.
    Found some good glut exercises, did those as well

    I also did two walks instead of one today.

    Move that thing!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Didn't do much today, just my back exercises (10 min), a little shopping (30 min) and some dancing (20 min) this evening. .Planning to ramp it up a little tomorrow--hopefully (LOL).:happy:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Love the idea..Shake that Thing! Very cool! :huh:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Just back from my 27 minute run....which was 2.3 miles all downhill! So my booty has been well and truly shaken!

    Hope you are all jiggling at the end of the week! :bigsmile:

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What happened on Thursday?

    I had to walk 2 miles to get the car.
    Then walked the lake trail another 1.5 miles.
    Did the arms video, 5 mins. of dumbell working out and followed it with the Butt Burn video @ 10 mins.
    Went up and down stairs so many times I didn't bother to count them, looking for the gel that works with my HRM strap. And also cleaned out drawers looking for the bra that holds the strap in place while you work out.

    Never got around to dancing but there was lots of pacing and stairs omg the stairs.
    Oh almost forgot, I actually did a walk/run session, ran the downhill part of my walk around my block, that is 1.1 miles. when the soccer area is included. I then ran the distances between the goal posts, getting my heart rate above the 80% zone for a while. Must have been that that made me forget, oh the pounding heart rate!!!
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Walked yesterday and today but not fast....cooked cleaned today and did some dancing - back to Jazz this weekend now that I am finished the cleanse and starting to feel myself.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    @retirehappy--sounds like you had a busy day. Good for you!

    @ireallyneedit--glad you're feeling like yourself again and getting back in the groove.

    My back is still giving me fits--one day good, the next really bad (like today). But I'll get through this because I always do. Walked a little bit today, but not much. Will try moving to music later.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Hope the back sorts itself out quickly.

    Doesn't it always seem that the closer we get to our goals the more obstacles pop up? Your about 5 lbs from goal and this kind of problem can linger and keep you from the finish.

    Hang in there and do what you can without irritating that back again.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Walking with hubby the last couple of days, not high level aerobics, he is a meandering type, when I walk with him I have to really slow down my pace, but it is a great way to enjoy the weather together, keep moving, and just talk and day dream together.

    Did some hand weights while working last night.

    Got to go do some Zumba to make up for the slow walking last couple of days :tongue:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Thanks, retirehappy, for those kind words. Rested for several days, now I have to get moving, albeit in a gentler fashion for awhile, so everything else doesn't stiffen up. I'm also going to start watching calorie intake more closely again.:flowerforyou: