Prep Day

kritney Posts: 132 Member
Since the workouts seemed to be set up to do Monday-Friday I'm calling today a prep day. I've weighed (yikes) and will take measurements and before pictures in a little while. Then I'll spend some time today getting my food prepped for the week. I'm going to be in night class twice a week so I won't be able to follow the nutrition plan exactly but I'm going to try to eat as clean as possible which I think will be ok. So excited to get started!


  • sandeerah
    Sounds like you are just about ready to get pumped.
    Good luck on your first day tomorrow. Let me know how you go... Cardio!!!!
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member

    Sunday was my prep day too! Although I started tweaking my diet Friday. I watched all the videos, did measurements, and took b/a photos.

  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Great job Brandy! Prepping ahead of time is going to be key for me to be successful. Good luck to you!