
So, I know being patient is the key to dieting and losing weight, however, I am wondering if maybe this just isn't working with my system?

I'm on day 13 of the keto diet (got into ketosis on day 4). I test urine 3x a day, and my stix are consistently medium to dark purple. I was keeping my macros to 70/25/5, and at worst come in around 70/20/10. I am working out 3x a week doing strength training, and then cardio 20-30mins 2-3 times a week. My net carbs usually fall under 1500 and I am drinking between one and two gallons of water a day. I have been asked before, but I log EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth and I measure food. So I know its not sneaky calories or carbs.

I have not lost one pound and haven't lost any inches. I am wondering if a) my body is only burning or using the fat I am consuming and not using my stored fat? (but I am still in a calorie deficit?) b) my metabolism needs more carbs to keep it fueled? c) its a diet that just isn't working for my system? or d) Im just in the small percentage that needs to stick it out a month before I see anything? It has been suggested that I take a TBL of coconut oil before I go to bed, as it is a thermogenic fat and it was said that we burn most of our fat stores off while we sleep...

Im at a loss, and would appreciate any help/advice! Thanks!!


  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    did you lose those 4 #'s while following a keto diet?
  • kimplovely
    kimplovely Posts: 13 Member
    Sounds like you are also building up a good amount of muscles working out 3x a weeks in addition to calorie counting. Maybe do fasting or a carb up day to get your body out of whatever current cycle it is in? I would try it one week and see... if it does anything?
  • No, the four pounds came off before (it was actually from my July time frame, when I jumped back onto MFP, then slacked again, and when I re-committed and jumped back on, I just did an update of my current weight, which was 4 pds less than July)

    I was wondering the same thing, that a carb cycle or something....I just didn't want to jump the gun too early. However, Sat night I did have a cheat, have a few vodka tonics and some nachos. But Sunday morning, I was showing light on the ketostix, but by evening (and since) I have been dark purple... So maybe a super carb load? The thought of it actually kind of scares me, the last thing I want to do is gain!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Right. Well it's only been 2 weeks. I had a crappy time getting through carb flu so I wouldn't want to do that again on purpose :laugh:

    I don't have cheat meals, doing keto for my T2D so there is no reprieve for me :blushing: I hope you don't mind my saying so, but if you're having this much difficulty keeping to it strictly, why not just do low carb instead of Keto?

    If this is purely for weight loss, and I were you, I'd find something that was more sustainable cause you sound like you're having difficulty with it. I don't think Keto is a miracle diet and it is certainly more persnickety than other methods as in there's a bit of fooling with some of the variables till you find what works.

    If you don't need keto for health, there are easier ways to lose weight :laugh: Not trying to talk you out of it, but well, cheat meals will definitely throw a wrench into the monkeyworks.

    ETA: maybe you need to adjust your caloric goal....I inadvertently slipped into maintenance when I stopped counting. I didn't gain weight, but didn't lose either....sounds like you're not gaining, is it possible this is the issue?
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I was just looking through your diary. I'd increase my calories to meet my goals. I'm thinking the issue lies in either your estimate of your calorie burn, or your estimate of your foods.

    Since you already said you weigh everything you eat, I'm leaning towards an issue with your estimation of your energy output. Do you eat back your exercise calories?...in other words, are you 'netting' 1500-1700 calories?

    It's possible you're not eating enough.
  • I'm not having an issue sticking to the diet, I'm actually finding it quite easy as a transition from Paleo. It just doesn't seem to be doing anything weight loss wise.

    At the moment I am netting around 1200-1400, and often times feel as though I need to force myself to eat, as I am not often "that hungry". Maybe the lack of calories is the issue....
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Possibly need to increase your calories? Don't force water down, only drink when you're thirsty.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I would wait a bit and see what happens. It really has only been 2 weeks and 4 days verified keto if I understand your original post :ohwell:

    Aside from possibly needing to increase calories, I'd say to wait a bit before you change directions :blushing:
  • FooFatFighters
    FooFatFighters Posts: 37 Member
    Make sure you drink enough water. Dark ketostix can often mean you're not drinking enough. You need that water to flush your system. Flush that fat out. You only need to test like once a day at most.
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    I've had the same frustrations as you have, coming to keto from paleo. I didn't get the big drop in water weight that most people get in the first week of keto because I had already cut out grains and processed foods. So in order for me to lose any weight, I've had to drastically cut both carbs and calories almost to fat-fast levels (1200 cals, 80-90% from fat). After 2 days I'm down to the lowest I've seen since I started weighing 18 months ago - which is really just 1 pound lower from where I've been stuck for months. But with only 8-10 lbs to lose, 1 lb is a lot. This isn't something I could do long-term. In fact, after today I'm going back up to regular keto levels.

    The point is, you need to find out what works for you, but try not to change your plan too often. Stick with it a month to see what happens - maybe even forgo weighing yourself until the end of the month so you don't get discouraged. Then reassess and decide how you want to adjust your calories and macros. I can tell you that I've tried increasing calories and that never worked for me. All the BMR, TDEE, and calorie counters are only estimations. You need to find out what works for you - what level of intake allows you to lose weight but doesn't sap all your energy.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    The scale lies, especially, i've noticed, for women. Do your clothes fit differently? If you have calipers and/or body tape, have your measurements changed?

    And yeah, if you drink THAT MUCH water, I would seriously think the stix would not be dark at all.
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I feel your pain. I've been doing keto since January (had a few bad weeks here and there due to vacations and such) and have only lost 3lbs! 2 of those were in the past week. The suggestion that helped me was to go longer in between meals, let my body burn all fuel before filling it up again. So, I started skipping breakfast. I've had a few tough days, but generally this seems to be working for me.