
So let's hear it! Do you love it? have you wanted to try it but a but nervous??


  • I have the Program, but am trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my weight lifting regimen. Insanity is an intensive Cardio program and it would be a good once or twice a week deal, anymore then that it would defeat what I'm trying to accomplish.
  • VoicelessRide
    VoicelessRide Posts: 395 Member
    Just boght it and will be doing it when i get off my deployment
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I am on week two! I freaking love this program! I hate it when I am doing it, but love it the rest of the time. I literally lay in a puddle of sweat at the end, but it is so worth it. I am feeling stronger, and more flexible. He takes a lot of time to work on stretching and balance, which I wasn't aware if when I started. My profile pic is 3 weeks apart of my left arm. The changes are from Insanity only, its the only workout I am doing right now that works my arms. I also run and do zumba once or twice a week.
    Oh I have no significant weight loss (but I FEEL different) right now, but last week I went over my cals a few days and am paying for it now. I am rededicating myself.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    5 days left and I HIGHLY recommend it!! I'll be honest, there are a lot of ups and don't feel like you're losing weight or the scale doesn't move, or it goes UP in the beginning, but about week 7, I had a BAM moment and I'm down 7 lbs and well over 12 inches...will do my final progress pics next week. JUST DO IT!!
  • Ok, I've been doing Insanity for 3 years! I also started Insanity Asylum about a year ago... so now I do a Hybrid.
    I absolutely LOVE it! It has changed my body tremendously!
  • I just started Insanity at my gym and I love it - but I agree - for weight loss only 1-2 times a week for me. It's a great workout though.
  • I have done my 4th insanity workout and cannot do half of it, especially when it comes to the push ups I do 3 and collapse. I had a baby 7 weeks ago so just working on getting my body back but wondering if I should just stick to month 1 DVDs for my workout routine for awhile to get my resistance up and in better shape before I even attempt month 2? I just don't want to get discouraged if I fail even worse at month 2 and quit from being discouraged?
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I have done my 4th insanity workout and cannot do half of it, especially when it comes to the push ups I do 3 and collapse. I had a baby 7 weeks ago so just working on getting my body back but wondering if I should just stick to month 1 DVDs for my workout routine for awhile to get my resistance up and in better shape before I even attempt month 2? I just don't want to get discouraged if I fail even worse at month 2 and quit from being discouraged?

    I don't mind the push ups so much, but the level 1 and level 2 drills on month one are so HARD!! I can't get through them all either.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm on day 15. I LOVE it so far. It is definitely a challenge, but I like a good challenge. :wink:

    I have a difficult time doing some of the things, but I feel like I'm getting better at them. I'm seeing changes in my body already and am definitely getting better endurance.

    I'm always tempted to skip my Pure Cardio days, but I make myself get up and do them. Other than that, I love all of the workouts.

    I'm doing it straight through right now, but am going to do it again in a hybrid form when I'm done. I miss my work with the weights, but I can't give my all to both things on the same day. So, I'm planning to do one day of Insanity and one day of weights.
  • cramseynyc
    cramseynyc Posts: 8 Member
    I LOVE it!!! I'm on week 3 of month 2. Month 2 was so hard for me at first but I'm getting better. The results are great so far - lost 10 lbs and 3" off my waist.

    I absolutely love Shaun T (although I don't feel that way during the actual workout lol). I'm definitely going to do another round when I finish. Or I'm thinking of a P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Maybe Asylum? What do you guys think?
  • japar
    japar Posts: 51 Member
    Completed the program in March (Weightlifting in mornings and Insanity in the evenings) - got me back in shape. Have since hybridized it with weightlifting in the mornings (weights 3 days and Insanity 3 days in the a.m.) - very pleased with results. Looking forward to going back to weightlifting in mornings and Insanity in the evenings program in the less busy winter months - wanna see if i can get this 50 yo body ripped again! I like Insanity for its straightforward approach to calorie burning and also has some strength benefits.
  • I have just started week 3 did the fit test was so impressed at my fitness levels already not stopping so much and managing to do
    more also, I dread doing it but am loving it at the same time does that make sense lol.
  • For those about to start insanity, thinking about starting, or just at the beginning ... I burned approximately 16000 calories over the first 4 weeks! I kept close track with my heart rate monitor and my fitness pal. I also accelerated my weight loss and dropped 16lbs in the 4 weeks. While the weight has not dropped as much as I would have liked, I believe I have put on some muscle mass as my pony keg is starting to show signs of a 6 pack! In any case good luck!

    I am almost done with week 6! The first week of the Max workouts! Big jump between in focus levels between the two halves of the program. Started out a little sluggish on the second half since on my recovery day I was helping others move! But feel strong about the next week!
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member

    I absolutely love Shaun T (although I don't feel that way during the actual workout lol). I'm definitely going to do another round when I finish. Or I'm thinking of a P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Maybe Asylum? What do you guys think?

    I was having this same debate forever!! I miss my weights...and I was thinking the P90x and insanity hybrid, but I've chosen to go with a round of T25 next, and since it's only 25 minutes a day, I figure I can easily add my own weight routine, or a few of my favorite P90x videos in addition. My knees and joints need a little break :-)
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm on day 15. I LOVE it so far. It is definitely a challenge, but I like a good challenge. :wink:

    I have a difficult time doing some of the things, but I feel like I'm getting better at them. I'm seeing changes in my body already and am definitely getting better endurance.

    I'm always tempted to skip my Pure Cardio days, but I make myself get up and do them. Other than that, I love all of the workouts.

    I'm doing it straight through right now, but am going to do it again in a hybrid form when I'm done. I miss my work with the weights, but I can't give my all to both things on the same day. So, I'm planning to do one day of Insanity and one day of weights.

    Pure Cardio is my favorite one. I love it because you aren't do repeats of the same moves, so it makes the workout go so much faster, and you don't have to repeat moves you don't like.
    I know this is probably a weak spot for many, but I have the level change workouts. They wear me out!!! But I have seen such an improvement in my body since starting this program, and I am only finishing the second week now! I definitely can't wait for the end result!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm on day 15. I LOVE it so far. It is definitely a challenge, but I like a good challenge. :wink:

    I have a difficult time doing some of the things, but I feel like I'm getting better at them. I'm seeing changes in my body already and am definitely getting better endurance.

    I'm always tempted to skip my Pure Cardio days, but I make myself get up and do them. Other than that, I love all of the workouts.

    I'm doing it straight through right now, but am going to do it again in a hybrid form when I'm done. I miss my work with the weights, but I can't give my all to both things on the same day. So, I'm planning to do one day of Insanity and one day of weights.

    Pure Cardio is my favorite one. I love it because you aren't do repeats of the same moves, so it makes the workout go so much faster, and you don't have to repeat moves you don't like.
    I know this is probably a weak spot for many, but I have the level change workouts. They wear me out!!! But I have seen such an improvement in my body since starting this program, and I am only finishing the second week now! I definitely can't wait for the end result!

    Yes, it is definitely nice not having to repeat the same workouts. But it just feels like a killer! :smile:
  • nomthizzle
    nomthizzle Posts: 5 Member
    Just started Insanity today.The videos look pretty intense but I am looking forward to it. I won't be doing the eating plan but I am sticking to MFP guidlines.
  • VoicelessRide
    VoicelessRide Posts: 395 Member
    i am on deployment and can
    t wait to do my insanity workout when i get home