Surgiversary and NSV

jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
Today is my one year surgiversary! I am so glad I chose to utilize RNY as a tool for weight loss. I am just thrilled with the way that it has allowed me to not only make changes in my eating habits, but also made me look at other habits that were not so healthy as well. I feel better both internally and externally.
Yesterday was also my birthday, and my mom sent me some money which I (of course) used for new clothes. I took a friend shopping because I don't like my own choices a lot of times, and she was amazing at finding really cute stuff that was even on clearance so I was able to get more! We found a clearance rack of broomstick skirts, and I picked up the size I was looking at getting (which, btw, was already a size down from what I've been wearing). I tried on that skirt and a top that my friend found to go with it, and knew I would be getting that outfit. However, the skirt was a little loose so I went back to the rack to get the next size down, just to see. It fit. It is a MEDIUM. Oh Em Gee! I fit in a medium!!!


  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Awesome NSV! Congratulations on making an amazing, life changing choice and sticking with it for a year! Sounds like you are very close to your goal (according to your ticker) and that is a great feeling too!
  • That's wonderful! Happy anniversary & happy birthday!!!
  • TheMobileMom
    TheMobileMom Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats! What a great way to celebrate.