WEIGH IN #2 SEPT. 19th



  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Challenge Beginning Weight on September 4: 251.4
    Challenge Week 1 Weight on September 12: 248

    Challenge Week 2 Weight on September 19: 247.5

    Halloween Goal Weight on October 31: 230
    Weekly Loss: 0.5
    Challenge Loss: 3.9
  • mottrr01
    mottrr01 Posts: 7 Member
    SW: 248
    CW: 243
    GW: 230
  • monkepinay
    monkepinay Posts: 15 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 211.2
    Today's weight: 211.2
    Total Weight Loss: 0 lbs

    Halloween Goal: 192.8

    # left to go: 18.4

    I went hiking three times since the last weigh in and I was getting highly upset by the fact that I had actually gained weight rather than loosing any for the first couple of days. Then I slowly but surely got back down to at very least what my lightest was. I remember someone from last week's weigh in saying that even though they didn't loose any weight they did at least drop and inch or so, and I really wish I had been keeping track of my measurements too.

    Good luck to everyone. This week I've been a bit lazy since Sunday (my last hike), letting my muscles recuperate and have only hit the elliptical once and only for 22 minutes. There are still 2 more days (3 if you count today) for me to attempt to get some more work out time in.
  • JenWhite4022
    JenWhite4022 Posts: 27 Member
    SW: 161
    9/12 W: 159
    CW: 161

    I blame myself and my period for this two pound gain. There is always next week, which I will make a better one!
  • paulinapink2
    paulinapink2 Posts: 13 Member
    Starting Challenge Weight: 165
    Today's weight: 164
    Total Weight Loss: 1lb

    finally was able to loose a lb! :smile: good luck everyone!

    Halloween Goal: 145lbs
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    9/4Starting Weight 214
    9/19 Weight 209
    Total loss 5

    Halloween GW 194.8
  • camsgal06
    Starting Challenge Weight: 145.1

    Sept 12th: 145.1

    Sept 19th: 143.9

    Total Weight Loss: 1.2

    Halloween Goal: 130
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    SW: 167
    9/12 W: 168
    CW: 166.9
  • RsS10606
    SW: 209
    9/12 W: 209
    CW: 208.6
  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    SW: 127
    CW: 127
    Goal Weight: 114

    I fell off the wagon a bit this week when I had some good news and celebrated. Back on again!
  • geethsuma
    geethsuma Posts: 207 Member
    Starting Challenge Weight: 136

    Sep12th: 136
    Sep19th: 135.8
    Total Weight Loss: 0.2 lbs

    Halloween Goal: 125
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Starting Challenge Weight: 224
    Last Weeks Weight: 218
    This Weeks Weight: 217
    Total Weight Lost This Week: 1
    Total Weight Lost: 7
    Halloween Goal: 204
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    SW 141
    Last week 138.8
    CW 141.2

    weird since I was below my cals everyday except yesterday, brobably because I didnt eat well yesterday, probably just water weight :ohwell:
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    SW for this challenge: 181
    Last week: 179
    Today's Weight: 178
    Total Weight Loss: 3lbs
    Goal for Challenge: 164
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    Weight last week:229
    Current weight: 229
  • fitatforty3
    fitatforty3 Posts: 31 Member
    SW 204
    9/12 208.6
    CW 208.3
  • fitgirldanyel
    fitgirldanyel Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 208
    9/12: 206.4
    9/19: 205.6
    Total Loss: 2.4 lbs
    HGW: 188