Todays activity



  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome, tnhamilton/hrsel! Let's keep this thing afloat. I can use the motivation. Sounds like you are doing an awesome job. That's wonderful! I'm on a good roll, too. I started getting serious toward the end of May this year. Ni looked at some pictures and freaked out how bad I looked, and I KNOW I ride better when I am thinner. So I still have a long way to go, but I feel confident.

    I mostly ride a stationary bike for exercise. I try to get on four days a week, but that's not always practical. I like to hike when I can as well. And of course ride. :)

    Again, welcome.

  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    Okay since it is Friday I am checking in again, even though I checked in yesterday. I will check back on Fridays! Good news, I rode the bike last night, and I lost a pound! Yay. Amazing how diet and exercise actually work. :).

    Hope you all are doing well! Stay active. :)

  • RRDewey
    Hi, everyone. Thanks for checking in, Denise. Welcome, horselover! What's your actual name? I know I missed the Friday deadline, but it's been awhile since I reported, so I thought I would post anyway.

    Last week was bad--I missed Monday and Wednesday and only exercised on Friday. I use early meetings at work as an excuse, but I really could have gotten up early and exercised. This week was better...trying to get back on track. I am still doing my little walk/job around the neighborhood. I am jogging further and walking less, so that's good. I also upped my jump rope routine to 120 skips per session. I am trying to figure out an effective way to use my arm weights. I have a sore shoulder from a fall last year off Sky, and I'm trying to build it up. I looked up some exercises on youtube, but I think I am going to try jogging with them this week to see if I can stand it.

    I also found some core exercises on youtube that I can tolerate.

    I haven't lost any weight, but that wasn't my goal. I actually am hoping I lose 5 pounds so my clothes will fit better, but I know that won't happen until I start eating better, and I am very lazy about my diet. DH and I have a juicer and make a batch of veggie juice once a week, but that is not enough. Frankly my eating habits are terrible.
  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    Sounds like you really are doing well. Don't short change yourself. Some weeks will always be tougher than others. I guess the trick is not to have one bad week and then say the heck with it, and give up. ;-)

    I will be away this week, but back by this weekend. Going to visit my mom for her 70th birthday in Michigan. Hopefully I won't blow the diet completely. But I should strive to get in some exercise weather it is walking or borrowing my mom's bike. Something. That'll be the goal. :)

    Have a great week, all!!

  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    Still working on it! Lost two more pounds, yay! This week I don't feel like I have a lot of motivation, but I will be sure to get in some exercise. I started PT for my shoulder today, which may be part of it.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
