Sept. 2013

Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
Hi ladies,
So glad to see everyone is being motivated. It's hard when life gets you down and there are changes we have to make. I am amazed how you ladies continue to stick it out. That means your looking for a better life no matter what road you go down or bumps, twist and turns you are hit with.
I have been doing body beast and am nearing the end of the program. I really really like it. I love the design of it but I miss my turbo. I would like to do a hybrid of the too but can't find any yet. I think I may have to do a body beast/ p90x hybrid. The one I found is called beastx. I really want to keep doing the heavy lifting. Hurts so good. I was thinking of looking into the Venus index workout just to see what it is all about. Anyone know anyone who has done it? I have been working out when I can, sometimes I miss days and I just do the next workout on my list. Melzy would say she did 5 days a week and I think this is my trend. I am trying for 6 but if I miss no biggy.
I am very proud of all of you, keep pushing play!


  • lucy_878
    lucy_878 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey everyone! Vini I have to say I am so impressed with your lifting. Seeing your posts daily has helped me feel less intimidated. We are both tall girls! I used to think if I lift, I would be big,tall and scary! Lol! I am learning so much from my MFP peeps! This week is starting off tough. Sort of sluggish and tired, and wanting to eat sweets! It is almost The TOM and I have to watch these cravings. I am doing TF like twice a week and hiphop abs. I am also doing a 30 day ab/squat challenge and beginner push up challenge. Tonight I rode my bike and watched football.

    I Am very proud that we are not giving up, we just keep on going! I appreciate all the support! Keep pushing play ladies! We rock!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hi friends!

    I had a very lazy week after a very good week. I'm back up on the scale again and will redo Week 5 of Turbo Fire tomorrow. I think it's hormonal cuz I know what the right things is to do and I end up doing the lazy thing...sitting on the couch watching tv in my workout clothes and gymshoes on and I have a fridge full of all the healthy items (no excuses) but then I end up ordering a pizza instead. It didn't help that my husband and kids were on a biking trip in WI this past weekend either. I just did all the wrong things cuz no one was home watching me. This is so sad as I'm rereading what I just wrote and wanting to delete it. I will leave it here just as a reminder to me that I need to get back up after my lazy slump.

    Hope you all have an awesome week!