Exercising during Pregnancy

Hello all!

Today marks the beginning of my 14th week and I wanted to start exercising again. But I have a question about it. During my first month, I was doing Insanity (didn't know about the pregnancy at the time) and stopped right before I found out bc my lower back was killing me. Now that it seems to have gone away completely and I feel more comfortable, is it ok do to more than just walking (like doing the eliptical) or bc I haven't done much since mid August, should I just ease back like I'm starting over? Don't mind walking, but would love to do more if possible.

Any suggestions and/or advice is much appreciated :smile: :smile:


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I have a DVD called "Body by Trimester" by Joy Southworth, she gives you an intense workout in 30 minutes and it s tailor made for pregnant women. Check it out on amazon. good luck!
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you so much! I appreciate it :smile:
  • rachael116
    I like Lindsay Brins' DVD for pregnancy. Some people aren't a fan of her personality, but she doesn't bother me and I like her work-outs. The package includes different DVDs based on trimester.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you! Love the suggestions!! :happy:
  • superhelga
    superhelga Posts: 68 Member
    Did you talk to your doctor about the back pain last time? Generally you are good to go, but if you have pains ( not sore muscles, but real pain, especially in your lower back) you need to discuss with your doctor. Water exercise, like swimming and water aerobic is really great if you have back problems.
    If the doc gives you green light, tell the instructor before class that you are pregnant. That way they will keep an extra eye on you and let you know if you're doing something wrong. ( most often the reason to later pain)You also should not do any exercises laying on the back, like crunches, after week 12.
    Good luck!
  • superhelga
    superhelga Posts: 68 Member
    And wow! Congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome and so inspiring!
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Did you talk to your doctor about the back pain last time? Generally you are good to go, but if you have pains ( not sore muscles, but real pain, especially in your lower back) you need to discuss with your doctor. Water exercise, like swimming and water aerobic is really great if you have back problems.
    If the doc gives you green light, tell the instructor before class that you are pregnant. That way they will keep an extra eye on you and let you know if you're doing something wrong. ( most often the reason to later pain)You also should not do any exercises laying on the back, like crunches, after week 12.
    Good luck!

    Yeah, he said it was more than likely just muscle inflammation. He also said it was fine to exercise. While in back pain, the one thing that seemed to ease it was walking! Anytime I sit (and I do for work and a very long commute) it hurt badly.. had to walk as much as I could!

    And thanks for the compliment! My hubby and I tried to conceive 2 yrs ago, and instead of getting pregnant or even a period, I gained extra weight in 3 months. I knew my weight was the issue. As soon as I dropped 60 lbs and got off the pill again (not even trying to conceive) to see how well I can regulate myself w/o it... BOOM less than a month and I'm pregnant, LOL. Scary and wonderful all at the same time :smile:
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    Hey momma! I am about 7-8 weeks pregnant and do yoga everyday. Just light yoga, but it's relaxing and fun! Congrats :heart:
  • queenmolly68
    I had a lot of discomfort in my back during the last part of my first trimester and beginning of my second. Invest in a good support belt and it will help tremendously. Once I started wearing one during my workouts, the pain was greatly diminished. I'm 30 weeks now and am able to exercise almost everyday. Of course, listen to your body and stop if you are in too much pain. AND talk to your doctor if it gets worse or continues to plague you.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I have multiple herniations in my low back (need a spinal fusion) and am still working out at 37 weeks. I would reccommend a support belt and massages if you can swing it. I also swear by yoga. Honestly, I very much believe it has kept me from needing the back surgery that they told me I needed 12 years ago. I stretch every morning and night for about 10-15 minutes and do a formal 45 minute practice at least 1-2 times per week. I jogged until 31 weeks and am still doing the elliptical and lifting fairly heavy. I have actually increased my weights in the third trimester!!

    I think the most important thing is to listen to your body. I also wouldn't venture into anything more intense than what you did pre-pregnancy. Good luck!
  • Kristy528
    Kristy528 Posts: 63 Member
    I am 11 weeks, and was just at my second appointment this past friday. I asked them both times about exercise just to see if i got different answers from different midwives. This is what i have been told so far. I am not sure if you have heard of Les Mills programs but I was doing Body Pump and Body Combat before I got pregnant and the motto is that you can still do these things within reason. They told me to listen to my body. As for the Body Pump class the first lady I saw actually takes the class. She told me that its great for me to continue with, with no weight restrictions until they tell me otherwise. As for the Combat class and any other cardio class in general like zumba they want me to be able to carry a conversation while doing it or keep my heart rate in the 140 range was what the second midwife told me. She said if you get yourself too overheated then your body is focusing on cooling you down and it takes away from the fetus. They told me ab work was fine however crunches usually end up stopping between 14-17 weeks because your belly just starts to get in the way. But planks and things like that are okay as long as its comfortable. Main thing is listening to your body. I am actually going to try out Combat tontie and Zumba this weekend for the first time since I have been pregnant. I didn't feel like I had the energy to do a class because of 1st trimester fatigue so I was just working out on the ellipical. Good Luck!!
  • Sixel
    Sixel Posts: 57 Member
    Queenmolly68, I'd be interested in a good support band for my workouts...