3 week stall....

Hi! I was sleeved Aug 22, 3 weeks ago tomorrow... Started puréed foods last week and since then I have gained 2 pounds... Did anyone have this same problem? Does my body need to adjust?
I eat 500-700 calories a day and get 60 grams of protein in.... Mostly all low carb as well... Just curious if this is common, thanks :)


  • Kristopia
    Kristopia Posts: 9 Member
    It is very common to have a stall around the three to four week mark after surgery, then every couple of months after. The little gain could be also caused by the time of month, or your body regulating. If you're taking in that low in calories with the pureed foods, you should start going downhill again. It's been four years since I had my surgery, but I remember ;)
  • gonnabeHOT_Heidi
    gonnabeHOT_Heidi Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for your response :)
  • Mithy1
    Mithy1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for that info...I'm 5 weeks out and have only lost a TOTAL of 20-22 lbs(inc. pre surg. diet). I'm eating between 1100-1200 cals a day and walking at least 30 mins 5 times a week and for the past two weeks the scale has not moved, except to go up or down that 1-2 lbs but not lower. I'm getting ticked...and discouraged...and yes, I'm eating good foods, proteins, veggies, proteins...a couple slips here and there (a wedding, a family picnic, and a birthday...but even then, I am careful and aware of what's going in my mouth). I hope something gives here soon.
  • LessofaLargeMarge
    Mithy1 - sorry to hear about your stall! I hope the scale will start to reflect your efforts. Keep your chin up! Do you have a nutritionist or surgeon that you follow up with? My surgery center team told us to call them anytime we feel discouraged, or have questions. We are also required to go to a support group 1 time per month. If you have access to any of that - I would definitely encourage you to reach out....
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Thanks for that info...I'm 5 weeks out and have only lost a TOTAL of 20-22 lbs(inc. pre surg. diet). I'm eating between 1100-1200 cals a day and walking at least 30 mins 5 times a week and for the past two weeks the scale has not moved, except to go up or down that 1-2 lbs but not lower. I'm getting ticked...and discouraged...and yes, I'm eating good foods, proteins, veggies, proteins...a couple slips here and there (a wedding, a family picnic, and a birthday...but even then, I am careful and aware of what's going in my mouth). I hope something gives here soon.

    Mithy, as Kristopia said, you will experience stalls on and off through the journey, so don't get too discouraged. Find out from your nutritionist or doctor how many calories you should be eating. Frankly I wasn't counting calories at 5 weeks out, but at 9 months out I stalled because I was getting in about 800 per day and that was too low. I didn't go up to 1,000 calories per day until a year out, so check in and find out where you should be landing. The other thing you can do right now is up your water intake. It helps flush the system, helping the weight loss. It's also harder to eat more when your tummy is full of water. And if you are using a flavored water, make sure it has no calories and no sodium. Most have sodium and that defeats the purpose of the water. Good luck and feel free to stay in touch if you think I can help.