Anyone going through a deployment?

awise19 Posts: 154 Member
I am currently at Fort Campbell. This is his and my first deployment. Basically all I have been doing is working, working out, doing care packages and sleeping. I can't seem to find any wives that really are into fitness like me or aren't doing the usual sterotype of sitting around and kind of being sad and I don't want to be sad! I hope someone gets what I mean. lol

Anyway, just seeing if someone has some advice for me?
I am going on 2 months in.
He is infantry in Afghan of course.
Things are getting pretty hot over there and I am trying not to lose my mind thinking the worst.
& of course we live so far away from post it makes it that much harder to get involved with stuff.


  • Jessibear86
    Jessibear86 Posts: 111 Member
    i'm not going through one now, but when I was on deployment myself my husband was also stationed in Bahrain for a year. It's really difficult! Just keep busy an try try try to make friends. I've never been at home while my husband was gone since were both active duty, but i know being at home is probably the worst part because you basically have to continue life without them. It will get a little easier though! Just know he IS going to come home to you! Is it a year deployment?
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh wow. Well thank you for your service also lady! That is amazing. & yes being home in the empty house and doing everything we usually do together is awful. But I have really been doing okay I guess. I hope it starts going by more quickly! The weekends really stink haha. & right with how things have been going over there right now having that "he is coming home" thought is hard & he isn't one to not tell me everything that he can. So I know about all of it. Which makes it harder for me but I know it helps him. It is a 9 month deployment.
  • My hubby is on his 3 rd deployment and yep would be nice to have some motivation cause I am a wife that likes to just sit around but I'm not sad I do get out every now and then and am chasing after a 1 year old a lot but need to get my act together and work out more.
  • Second one I think I hung out a lot with the frg but that was a really nice one were no one acted like they were better than you just cause their husband outranked, and before baby and I worked, this one I'm staying with family with my daughter. but Skype is awesome thing and so are the phones if your hubby can get one I found a cheap website to by mins to call if you would like it. How long is he gone 9 months? If so it will fly by this current deployment has for me only 2 months and some change left
  • Mrschristinathomas
    Mrschristinathomas Posts: 4 Member
    We are stationed in Germany and my husband leaves this week! I am trying to get into great shape while he's away. This will be our first deployment married. I am currently working full time and the FRG Leader. I am hoping that I keep pretty busy but I am worried that the spouses attitudes will get me down and then I will start eating poorly since I'm a huge emotional eater!
  • willandjaye
    willandjaye Posts: 37 Member
    We are getting ready to start our second deployment together in about a week (his third). Last time he deployed, I was 8+ months pregnant and used MFP to lose the weight. This time, I have a two month old, lol, and plan to use this site to loss the weight as well. This is my first time far away from home and my support system (we're in Germany) so I'm not sure how this will work out plus we have a two year old who is really attached to his dad. Hopefully we'll be able to find support here!
  • willandjaye
    willandjaye Posts: 37 Member
    We are stationed in Germany and my husband leaves this week! I am trying to get into great shape while he's away. This will be our first deployment married. I am currently working full time and the FRG Leader. I am hoping that I keep pretty busy but I am worried that the spouses attitudes will get me down and then I will start eating poorly since I'm a huge emotional eater!

    We're in Germany as well!
  • I am going through a deployment as well.
  • Paigemtyler
    Paigemtyler Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Germany Ladies!

    I also live in Germany and my spouse is deployed. This has been our longest one yet because he had to go to the States first for training. I getting anxious for R&R the end of September. Haven't laid eyes on him for 10 months at that point. And the gym is keeping me busy!! I have that part almost perfected! I joined MFP to perfect my diet and keep me honest. Looking forward to losing a few pounds and perhaps surprising him.
  • We are coming to the end of our 2nd deployment and boy was this a tough one. The kids are older and understand more of what's going on, it seemed liked the last one went faster because I was AD then, my health of course didn't help things, and just the length. But he's coming home really soon and that's all that matters! I am going to be a few pounds lighter, and the kids will recover in time. :) I can't wait for the homecoming! I am going to be able to go this time, if you can believe it my shop wouldn't let me leave work to pick up my husband, he had to get a friend to bring him home, gotta love being AD, lol.
    But this time I am going all out! I am getting my hair done, buying an outfit, and I am planning a surprise reunion for my boys too. EXCITED does not begin to cover the way I am feeling right now. :heart:
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    We just started our 5th deployment, it never gets easier you just learn how to cope a little sooner the more you do! We're currently living in Germany and I find this deployment a little harder with the time difference, and being so much further away from family and no R&R. But I've started working out again, and my boys are both in sports and I'm getting more involved in the community so that has helped out! I fell off the wagon these last couple of weeks, but just saw pictures of my hubby from down range and he has lost quite a bit of weight so that has really pushed me to get back into it!!
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I'm not going through deployment now, but we do have one looming in the not too distant future. This will be our 7th deployment together. The best advice I can give, is just keep doing what you're doing by staying busy. I work full time, volunteer on the weekends and I also work on my fitness in between.

    It's also okay to have those days where you feel sad and lonely, but it doesn't help to dwell on them. The deployment will be done before you know it. :)
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Just switched to shore duty but my hubby and I have survived 5 deployments together. The key I find is keeping busy. Working out is a great stress reliever and will certainly help with any anxiety.
  • Girl, you are not alone! I'm about halfway done with mine and it does get easier, as long as you stay alone, I've been working out since September just to keep me busy, well and so I can look AMAZING when he does come home, but I think we all know how that is ;) feel free to add me if you ever need to talk or anything! Us military spouses gotta stick together!
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    I'm almost two months into a deployment. It's been hard so far to stick with it. My family is causing me a lot of stress. I decided to travel and visit while my husband is away. I'm starting to regret my decision, but I'm also trying to keep myself busy. I am starting kickboxing classes again tomorrow. I'm kinda just bummed at the moment, but I feel good when I think about the good things I'm doing for my health and it makes everything easier.

    You got this! :)
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    My husband is living somewhere else for a year we are almost done though a few days after xmas. I have not been able to see him just skype and phone. Def routine helps :)
  • clight18
    clight18 Posts: 6 Member
    I am about to head into my first deployment in a few weeks..I'm nervous but my goal is to lose all the weight and surprise him!
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    Deployment number two will be here at the end of the month.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Deployment number 7 just started. At least it's not that long this time, since hubby just transferred to a ship that was already on deployment.
  • mlssdl
    mlssdl Posts: 7 Member
    I know this thread is old but I want to say that I'm so proud of you ladies. I see the weight loss tickers at the bottom of your posts and it shows that you've all lost so much weight since you posted. Awesome job!
  • blb0107
    blb0107 Posts: 7 Member
    I am! My husband left 2 weeks ago and I've already lost 6lbs! Why is it so much easier when he's not home? lol
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    old post but i am about ready to begin the 4th one.
  • crimsonsunset79
    crimsonsunset79 Posts: 7 Member
    Me! We are # 4 :S