9/21/13 second weigh in

I weigh in at 257.4 today. I lost 5 lbs. Most of the weight was lost at the beginning of the week and not much after...I will take it though. :)


  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    prizd - Congrats on a nice loss!

    I am down .8lb the first week. I'm ok with it as I know that I increased my workouts this week and my muscles like to screw with me and hold water for a few days as my body adjusts. That and TOM started this morning!

    Today is rest day for me!

  • nd1129
    nd1129 Posts: 16 Member
    I lost 1.2 pounds this week. I was sick in the middle of the week and still stayed near my calories, but not active at all after 5 for 2 days. Glad to see that I still lost weight even with the 2 days of exhaustion:flowerforyou:
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    Feeling discouraged...I lost a pound and a half by Wed and gained it back over Thurs and Fri. I guess my 3day average is less today than it was last Saturday, but still it is discouraging when there is no progress after counting calories all week. I think I am reaching a plateau after loosing 7 pounds over the previous 2 weeks. I have been trying to follow a low carb diet to jump start my loss, but I think I need to transition into a more sensible eating plan that is less restrictive.
  • stryla
    stryla Posts: 29 Member
    And dont forget to take measurements. The weeks where I dont drop in lbs, I usually get a little off the measurements, so its more motivating if you are losing somewhere.
  • I forgot to post on Saturday, out of town:

    Week 0: 202.8
    Week 1: 202.4 -0.4
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Week 0: 146.8
    Week 1: 143
    Total: -3.8 lbs.
    On my way!
  • bottemil13
    bottemil13 Posts: 21 Member
    Just joined this group! And the website too so idk exactly how the posting goes but here:

    SW sept 14th: 170
    CW sept 21st: 169

    1 lb down!

    I would LOVE to be down 20 by christmas but the last few weeks i have only been able to lose a pound a week so we will see what happens!!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I go up and down 2-4 lbs every day so it is hard for me to know for sure, but I seemed to have gained weight.

    Last week 181
    Yesterday 181.6
    Today 185!

    I went over my calories one day. The rest of the time I was under. I am doing the 30ds so could it be muscle?
  • mournemaid
    mournemaid Posts: 29 Member
    weighed in at 188 - 2lbs down - right on target ! :smile: