Snack Time!

So I generally follow the 3 meals and 3 snacks principle. I try to keep snacks somewhere around 100-150 calories so that I dont blow a day over them. I like eating every 2-3 hours because when I get to boredom snacking part of my day, I can usually head it off by reminding myself that snack time is in an hour and to wait till then. Helps me be more deliberate in my intake. Here's my question: What kind of snacks do you eat? I am getting burned out on my usual ones i.e. string cheese, 100 cal snack bars and bananas. I am planning a trip to the store and need some ideas! Thanks in advance, Team!


  • DarleneMarie203
    DarleneMarie203 Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry that I don't have any ideas for you being that I am in the same boat! (kind of...)
    I just made a note in my food diary today to start eating more healthy snacks so, I am not STARVING all the time!:frown: At least you are already doing the snack thing! :smile:
    I'm glad that I joined this group! I need all the motivation I can get!:smile:
  • BethLuttrell
    BethLuttrell Posts: 10 Member
    My favorite low cal snacks: Green grapes with laughing cow swiss cheese (sounds odd but the combo is amazing), hard boiled eggs, bananas, carrots with humus, honey wheat pretzels, oreo cookie yogurt, slice of roasted turkey, cheese cubes (7 of them), low fat fudge pop, organges sprinkled with cinnamon... I am really trying to go away from the processed foods and I have turned to pinterest for some inspiration. They have lots of ideas and for me variety is the key. I cannot have the same foods every single day.
  • Simples77
    Simples77 Posts: 10 Member
    Evening is a killer for me, I always want a desert. Try oranges, sliced and grilled with a couple of chopped almonds on. I like sliced peppers with extra light soft cheese mid pm at work as well.

    I'm trying to train myself onto a black coffee or espresso after tea now as there are no cals involved
  • BethLuttrell
    BethLuttrell Posts: 10 Member
    Grilled oranges? Really.. that I may have to try! That reminded me of the grilled banana smore's. Take a banana and top with a few chocolate chips and mini marshmellows and wrap in a aluminum foil and grill for 2 minutes.. It is so good!!
  • greengolfkid
    greengolfkid Posts: 9 Member
    very cool snacks in these posts. I was pretty hungry earlier and really needed something, all we have in the house are crisps and biscuits and yogurts which everyone else will eat with scant regard for nutritional value or how long it will last you till you need another one.

    Couple of biscuits is over 100k I expect, a packet of crisps is easily 100k and a yogurty thing is over that i imagine. so I plumped for a tin of salmon, straight out of the tin 160k. Totally did it for me, although maybe a bit strange for some. high protein.
  • Mavalicous
    Mavalicous Posts: 52 Member
    how about a Best Made Dill Pickle!? lol

    Sorry guys inside joke...they seem to be my weakness and I just bought a gallon of those lttle *kitten* the other day but the sodium those guys pack is kicking my *kitten*. Just wish they would quiet down and quit calling me...

    " know you want some....."
  • livegreengoducks
    Great suggestions, I am writing them down! Grapes are totally on sale this week, so I am going to get a bunch. I love fruit, but for whatever reason, I dont eat it very much. And I LOVE bell peppers... got to start spending more time in the produce section and really LOOK at whats there. My local store has the produce section right next to their bakery. Its a conspiracy!!

    And Mike... thanks for all the pickle news today. You need to pawn those puppies off on the kids! LOL!
  • BethLuttrell
    BethLuttrell Posts: 10 Member
    If you like peppers do you like poppers? I LOVE THEM. I have bought peppers and stuff then w/ half or quarter slice of laughing cow cheese per pepper and pop them in the oven for about 6 minutes at 350. They are soooo good!! Sweet and tangy all in one. I also love bell peppers with ceasar dressing as a dip. I love snack foods and seeing everyones ideas. I have started to look at the food diaries of those that are public for more inspiration of meals. I am a horrible cook so when it comes time for the 3 bigger meals I tend to struggle with those.
  • Simples77
    Simples77 Posts: 10 Member
    Just slice the skins off then slice the oranges up, just make sure you don't 'cook' them, just heat them through. You'll find the almonds catch when they are done. Enjoy
  • Simples77
    Simples77 Posts: 10 Member
    Also, for the Brits on here I've just had some crab pâté from asda which was delicious on a few low cal crackers, it felt really indulgent. The whole pot had just over 200cals in but I used half of it in yesterday's crab risotto :)