Hi just joined today and yes ...

I would like to lose as much as possible, perhaps not 15 lbs by Thanksgiving (2nd week of Oct.). But perhaps 4 lbs if I work hard at it. Any suggestions for exercise with a bad knee (will possibly getting replacement in the future)


  • Grafakos
    Grafakos Posts: 22 Member
    Maybe swimming, if you have access to a pool?
  • thergj
    thergj Posts: 93 Member
    Biking or elliptical trainer.
  • redwine579
    Swimming it is although the only 2 things I know to do, is the sidestroke and the dog paddle - sink like rock otherwise; I'll call the nearest swimhole and find out when their swimming classes are. Didn't even think about that. Thanks
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    I swim like a rock i've torn my knee up 3 times and it needs to be fixed now so i bike
  • rugget1971
    rugget1971 Posts: 5 Member
    I just joined today and yes I'm in
  • kimsfocus
    kimsfocus Posts: 2 Member
    just joined today and I'm in. I need to lose at least 10 pounds before my next Dr visit which is in November so this is perfect. Going for the 15. Never used a group before so friend me (not that I'm sure what that is yet....) but if it will help with motivation I'm in! :laugh:
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    I had microfracture knee surgery and swimming was great for rehab as well as a stationary bike, a quality elliptical can be very low impact, walking, some Jillian Michaels workout videos (I occasionally modify some of the moves but you can tone the rest of your body). Good luck with your knee!
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    Elliptical works for me with LBP and not so great Right knee
  • ricki011
    ricki011 Posts: 89 Member
    i was having horrible knee pain and a trainer at a gym introduced me to a "roller". It worked wonders!
    youtube video has great videos on the roller to help with knee pain. check it out. it worked for me. I used it again yesterday because i worked out a little too much/hard. pain gone. i used it before i work out and when i need to massage my legs.
    hope it helps.