Any iPhone users out there having problems?

missmylin Posts: 32 Member
Ever since the iOS 7 update, my 5K app has been glitching out. I can't stop the mission at the end and choose to share my run and map. When I wake the phone up, the app completely shuts down. Which also means that I can't pause the app anymore. And the GPS tracking is conking out. It literally stopped tracking me halfway through my run tonight, so my run distance and map are all messed up.

Anyone else having similar issues?


  • KurtK1970
    KurtK1970 Posts: 50 Member
    I've used the app twice since I updated to iOS7 on my 4S, and haven't had any issues. I hope something isn't wrong with yours. :(
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    My app started acting funny on the last update, whenever I pick up "a sports bra" the voice is slurred and really weird. I haven't updated to IOS7 yet, so maybe that's why. I'm staying away from the update for as long as I can.

    I would contact support.

    Oh and you have tried turning your phone off and then on again right? *grin*
  • missmylin
    missmylin Posts: 32 Member
    7hunters, are you an IT Crowd fan too?
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    Hi there,

    I had the same problem (crashed on unlocking) on Monday, and I emailed support who are aware of the issue (to do with iOS7 presumably). Today I didn't have a problem at all. Well I did, the GPS cut out, but that happens occasionally when I run under a bridge (if I don't go fast enough!? haha).

    But yeah probably email support and they'll ask a few questions and you might help them diagnose the glitches more quickly :)

  • KurtK1970
    KurtK1970 Posts: 50 Member
    You know, my item pick-up notifications have sounded weird lately, too! Very slurred, like the guy who announces what I pick up kept a few of the whiskey bottles for himself. It happened RIGHT after I ran one of the newly-added supply missions, so I assumed that something with that mission messed up my guy's voice.
    I miss the old, clear voice. :(