Do you think I'm lifting enough?

Hi everyone,

I started a weight lifting programme about a month ago. I went to a trainer and he designed a programme. I was going to do NROLFW but then the trainer made a programme so I just thought I' go with that and see how it works out.
So I've been doing it 2/3 times a week for the past month. I haven't noticed a difference in my body yet but have gotten stronger. I'm not going to do my measurements or take more photos til after another month.

Anyway I just wanted to describe the programme and see if any of you experts out there have any opinions on it. I'm trying to up my weights but my gym just has 5kg, 7.5kg, 10kg, etc so I've been doing more reps of a lighter weight before moving on like he suggested in the book.

Here's the programme:

I do three sets of everything!

Warm up(he told me not to go higher than 4kg in the warm up cos it's just a warm up):

Med ball swing - started 2.5 kg now 4kg
Med ball squat push out- started 2.5 kg now 4kg
reverse lunge and press -started 2.5 kg now 4kg
Plank drill (15 secs on front, on right side and left side)
Bridge-one leg floor bridge (15 on each leg)


Squat curl squat press (1st left hand then right hand) - started 5kg now 7.5kg
Trx rows-BWx12
push up rotate-BWx12
lat pull down-4 bars (dunno how much they weigh) x10
backward lunge curl and press started 2.5kg now 5kg (in each hand) x10

It takes me about 40 minutes and I am sweating buckets usually.

What do people think , will I see results with this? Or should I just start the NROLFW programme?

Sorry it's all in kg, I'm Irish :smile:

I'm 31, 67kg, and 5ft7"

Thanks for all and any advice :smile: :smile:


  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    It seems good to me. As long as you are upping your weights when you feel the ones you are doing are too easy, I don't see anything wrong. Always push for better. :)
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I'm new, like you, so I'm interested to hear what others say. But I'm lifting heavier. I don't do many of the same exercises you do, so it's hard to compare.

    My overhead press is 35 lbs (15 kg), Lat pull down is 70 lbs (32 kg) and squat is 45 lbs (20 kg) (I have bad knees) and this week, I started doing 3 sets of 10. I had been doing 2 sets of 15 or 12 previously.

    Sorry I don't have more to add...
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for the replies :happy:

    You're lifting way heavier than me Fouriscompany! I should maybe push myself more next time And do less reps.
    Any experts out there care to give advice?

  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    If at the end of a set you feel like you can't do one more rep then you are lifting enough. If not, then you need to bump the weight up.