9/18/13 Weekly Check In

Hi all,

I tried counting weeks and days, but my count is off from Mark's last weekly post. All I know is, it's WEDNESDAY in many parts of the world, so time to check in!!! I think our illustrious leader is probably bonked from all that running he's been doing, so may have slipped his mind that a whole week has gone by :smile:

So, time to check in for 9/18/13, kiddies! Recommended posts are:

1. Current weight (optional)
2. weight lost since last week
3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. weight to go by Christmas

It's not Wednesday yet for me (fortunately!), so I'll be seeing how much weight evaporates off of me over night, and will check in then.

Cheers, all (and fingers crossed for a drop in numbers!),

Mary Ann


  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    1. 201.6 lbs
    2. 1.4 lbs lost
    3. Ran 2.46 miles without foot pain!! (I had a fractured sesamoid removed, and the recovery has been slow. So, for me, this is freaking awesome)
    4. I'm going to try to eat healthier carbs. If I want a skinny waist, I can't be eating heavily processed breads and sweets. More whole grains and fruits to replace the cupcakes/ice cream.
    5. 21.6 lbs to go!!

    Best of luck everyone!!
  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    It's Wednesday and I am happy this Wednesday as I can see the progress!!!!

    1. Current weight 180.4 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week 4.4 lbs (not sure why is it so high I think I had some water retention week before)
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV: had a chocolate cake and was able to have some of it leave the rest! I am SO IN CHARGE!
    4. Goals for next week: try to cut added salt from my meals.
    5. weight to go by Christmas 9 lbs it that right???? YAY I think I can do that!

    I've got waist again! It's back and I am making sure it's here to stay! I love it! :-))
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    1. Current weight 186
    2. weight lost since last week 2 lbs.
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: bought a new pair of size 8 jeans and they FIT!
    4. Goals for next week: lose 2 lbs.
    5. weight to go by Christmas: 26
  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    1. Current weight (optional): 236
    2. weight lost since last week: 2 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: Well I was sick all week, but the one day I did go to the gym I upped my leg press weight to 115 lbs (from 90)!!
    4. Goals for next week: Lose a pound, go to the gym 5 times.
    5. weight to go by Christmas: 36 lbs
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    1. Current weight- 143.8
    2. weight lost since last week- .8
    3. Other accomplishment- ran 3 miles without stopping
    4. Goals for next week- drop another pound, run 4 miles
    5. weight to go by Christmas- 13 pounds!!
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    Hello! Looks like everyone's had a good week! Keep going you guys, you're inspirational :)

    Current weight: 11st 1lb (155 lbs I think!)
    Weight lost: I didn't check in last week because I was on holiday, but 2 lbs! Whoop!
    NSV: Taken up hula hooping again ... it's making my sides ache ...
    Goals for next week: One more pound, making me 11 stone. When I'm 10 stone something that'll seem so symbolic ...
    Weight to go by Christmas: 13 pounds (making me 10 stone 2)
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    lol ... thanks guys.. Yeah I was just about to post it (weds morning here in NY) but I forgot to do that yesterday so thanks for taking the initiative.. That's why this is a team thing..

    So happy with all the support and positive feedback I see everyone is giving. I just posted on my wall that Im kinda bummed im not losing weight but I keep getting comments and I feel like my stomach is pulling in so Im trying not to complain.

    Here's my stats.

    1. 229
    2. 0 lbs lost since last week
    3. Lots of positive comments, from my wife, my business partner (a personal trainer in peak shape)
    4. Goal is to make that Spartan race completion this sunday and if possible lose a couple lbs.. Havent eaten the best but my workouts for the week are still pretty strong. I try to congratulate myself when I do eat healthy and remember that its a lifestyle change not a short term diet.

    98 days till Christmas !!!! WHO HOOO

  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Well, no change from last week, but at least not a gain!

    1. 142.0
    2. 0
    3. Hmmm... well, my arms are looking pretty darned good from being back to lifting.
    4. Goal - get the rest of my bod to follow suit with my arms!!! Hoping for a 1 lb drop. So far hoping hasn't worked, though... so will need to develop a PLAN.
    5. Weight to go - maybe 7 pounds, depending on muscle gain... but that would be SWEET!

    Way to go, everyone! Can't wait until I'm back in the losing game myself!!!
  • 1. CW 221.8

    2. Lost 1 lb this week

    3. NSV - folks are starting to comment on my weight loss :)

    4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week.(not sure if I will ever make this one; only 51,000 this week including tennis!)

    5. 26.0 lbs to lose by Christmas

    Love seeing everyone's progress - it is helping keep me focused!!
  • Ravenous4Captain
    Ravenous4Captain Posts: 144 Member
    1. 297.8 lbs
    2. 3.2 lbs
    3. My beloved spinner rings and watch are getting to big for me. I am going to have to stop wearing the rings before to much longer.
    4. Lose another 2 lbs
    5. 37.8 lbs to go
  • lacyslosing
    lacyslosing Posts: 8 Member
    1.Weight lost this week: Big fat ZERO!! Frustrating because I've done pretty good.... I thought!
    2. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: Rented a paddle boat and didn't die while paddling around the lake! Really thought I wouldn't be able to do it, but I guess spin class has made me more conditioned!
    3. Goals for next week: getting my kids out to exercise with me, they need it just as much as I do.
    4. weight to go by Christmas: 29 pounds
  • gshields89
    gshields89 Posts: 30 Member
    1. CW: 262
    2. 3 lbs lost this week
    3. I did the arc trainer 3 times in the last week
    4. 3lbs is my goal for next week
    5. My goal I set on August 28th was to be down 40lbs by Christmas, so I now have 30 pounds to go :)

    I am new to the group and glad to be here
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    1. 167
    2. 0 lbs lost since last week 
    3. Lots of positive comments from friends
    4. Goal is to exercise on a regular basis and make healhier food choices
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    1. Current weight 169.8
    2. weight lost since last week 1.2Ibs
    3. hmmm N/A
    4. Goals for next week - lose 3Ibs ! & join uni gym asap
    5. weight to go by Christmas - between 140-30 (indecisive !
  • I'm new to the group and a day late (it's Thrusday here)

    1. 175.5
    2. 175
    3. I gained 2lbs this past week so trying to get back on track. Ran 3.1 miles on the treadmill last night. it is easier when your not pushing a stroller with a toddler.
    4. Decreasing my avg pace outside from 15 minute mile to at least 14 minute
    5. 25lbs
  • 1. Current Weight 224
    2. Lost 1 lb
    3. NSV - I have worked my endurance up to 30 min moderate pace on the Elliptical!!
    4. Next Weeks Goals - Stay within my calorie range, workout 4 times a week, and concentrate on being healthy.
    5. Weight to lose - 25 lbs and be 199 by Christmas Day!!

    It has been a tough two weeks. I have struggled with the scale even though I could tell a difference in my body, shape, and the way my clothing was fitting. I am glad I persevered and did not stop what I have started. I know that I can do this ONE POUND AT A TIME!!!
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    I'm with you, ibculverized! I've had a rough two weeks, too. I finally saw a bit of a drop this morning, which was the encouragement I needed. I try not to obsess about what it says, and concentrate on how my clothes fit and the changes I seeing in the mirror (at least, I think I'm seeing changes!). And of course, knowing that I'm on the Right Path.

    I'm hoping to push just a little harder so that I can achieve my goal by Christmas, like the rest of you. Although I know I'll get there eventually by doing what I'm doing, I also know that if I work a little harder and cheat a little less right now, I'll get to go shopping for some cute spring outfits! Gotta have that motivation :flowerforyou:
  • 1. Current weight 168 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week: I'm not really sure because I was off on my weight last week (I hadn't weighed myself in a couple weeks and was lower than I thought)
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week :: fitting (squeezing) into pants a size smaller! They are snug but they zip and I can't still breathe!
    4. Goals for next week :: I want to get to 165 but I'll take 167 lol
    5. weight to go by Christmas 18lbs
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    1. 187.4
    2. 0.2 down
    3. NSV - those C25K weeks are ticking by and most of the time, it's seeming easier rather than harder. Yes!
    4. Goals for the week: A better week of eating, for sure! Between having a very sick little boy most of last week, working a 12 hour night shift Friday, and coming home to a still-sick kid and sicker husband, the sleep-deprivation is taking its toll and I've been mindlessly eating way too much crap the last few days.
    5. weight to go by Christmas: 22.4
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm not abandoning MFP- but I won't weigh in til Monday.
    Long story but the gist- I am at home sick :( Boo hoo,
    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    No change in weight for me
    13lbs to go ...
    NSV - got carded last night by a lady waitress.. she saw my ID and said I literally thought you would be 25... that was nice -
    Goals for next week - run more - so far have gotten two days in will try both days this weekend provided it doesnt rain!!!
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    lost 3.4 lbs
    NSV: no French fries :)
    Weigh in again Friday and hope to be at 177.6!
  • asundeen88
    asundeen88 Posts: 32 Member
    1. 274.0
    2. -3.2
    3. Completed a 21 min run
    4. Meal planning, increase water and deal with stress better.
    5. 18lbs
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    I am going to be MIA I think- on vacation woohoo!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Here I am checkin in :-)

    CW 143
    Loss ZERO
    #to go 13
    nsv: I am down three more inches!!!!
    next weeks goal: run like I stole something!!!!