January 2014 Babies



  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    My baby is due on the 1st of January 2014 haha so just make this discussion dont know how i managed that date but what a good start to the new year. I'm high risk so having growth scans so get to see bubba alot more. I'm currently 18st 13lbs which is 265lbs. Would love some pregnancy buddies so just let me know when you add me leave a little note.
  • happysocks
    happysocks Posts: 4 Member
    How are all the January Mums to be doing weight wise ? I was on the top end of 'normal bmi' when I became pregnant so hubby hasn't been able to feel little one kick yet, I suppose baby has more fat to be felt through. He thinks he felt a faint kick last night which was super exciting :)
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,763 Member
    How are all the January Mums to be doing weight wise ? I was on the top end of 'normal bmi' when I became pregnant so hubby hasn't been able to feel little one kick yet, I suppose baby has more fat to be felt through. He thinks he felt a faint kick last night which was super exciting :)

    I can feel the baby kicking but once again hubs is missing out as the placenta is at the front, bummer, that's two for two.

    As for weight, I'm slow starting to gain thanks largely to winter bugs (started at healthy weight, BMI 22) but am now getting heavier - bubs is nice and big though.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I straggle the December babies since I'm a January 1st due date...but found out it's a boy
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I straggle the December babies since I'm a January 1st due date...but found out it's a boy

    Congrats on your boy!!! That's awesome!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm due 8th January :)
  • I am due January 16th with my first. I have struggled some as one of my primary motivations to eat healthy and exercise has been maintaining my weight so knowing I'm supposed to gain weight has thrown me off a bit. However, I'm still on track between the 25-35lb gain for a healthy pregnancy, just leaning toward the 35lb end. I have continued to exercise about 6 days/wk, just backing off on the intensity. I've been using Moms Into Fitness Pregnancy 3 Pack that gives you a different set of workouts for each trimester. I like it a lot but sometimes feel it isn't enough of a workout so I supplement with TurboFire (EZ cardio classes, Sculpt 30, Tone 30, Core 20) and Yoga X (from P90X). I'm constantly working toward eating a more nutritious, whole foods diet--it's always a work in progress. I love connecting with other motivated people and would love to meet some of you other expecting ladies--feel free to add me!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    been awhile since we January Mamas have checked in...how is everyone doing?
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    been awhile since we January Mamas have checked in...how is everyone doing?

    Yep, its pretty quiet here. I am now in my 27th week, Due January 19. Just started my third trimester and the fatigue is kicking in. I try to log my food and stay within my calorie goals, but between the (Jewish) holidays and family weddings, sister's engagement party etc. I sometimes eat more than i should. As of today I have gained about 20 lbs, which is more than i would have liked to gain. I am hoping to somehow stay within the 25 lb gain goal. But, I remind myself that even if i end up gaining 32 lbs like I did with my other 2 pregnancies, i will still be 30 lbs lighter at delivery. I have continued to workout my whole pregnancy so far. I have a set of DVDs called Body by Trimester by Joy southworth. Its has two 30 min circuit training workouts per trimester plus a 15 min express workout. I do one of the 30 min workouts about 4-5 days a week and I also walk a lot with my kids in a double stroller. I still look fit despite my growing belly. I am very lucky to have a fairly easy pregnancy so far. Other than occasional pelvic pain, and heartburn, i feel great! I just ordered a hypnobirthing book and CD which i want to use to prepare for the birth. Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    been awhile since we January Mamas have checked in...how is everyone doing?

    Yep, its pretty quiet here. I am now in my 27th week, Due January 19. Just started my third trimester and the fatigue is kicking in. I try to log my food and stay within my calorie goals, but between the (Jewish) holidays and family weddings, sister's engagement party etc. I sometimes eat more than i should. As of today I have gained about 20 lbs, which is more than i would have liked to gain. I am hoping to somehow stay within the 25 lb gain goal. But, I remind myself that even if i end up gaining 32 lbs like I did with my other 2 pregnancies, i will still be 30 lbs lighter at delivery. I have continued to workout my whole pregnancy so far. I have a set of DVDs called Body by Trimester by Joy southworth. Its has two 30 min circuit training workouts per trimester plus a 15 min express workout. I do one of the 30 min workouts about 4-5 days a week and I also walk a lot with my kids in a double stroller. I still look fit despite my growing belly. I am very lucky to have a fairly easy pregnancy so far. Other than occasional pelvic pain, and heartburn, i feel great! I just ordered a hypnobirthing book and CD which i want to use to prepare for the birth. Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy!

    Sounds like you've been busy. I got a few hypnotherapy tracks too. And yes the fatigue is difficult. I've developed anemia, hypertension (seems to have gone down with medication). Other than that baby seems to be doing fine. Kicking and moving. Does anyone know what they are having yet?
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,763 Member
    I'm coming up 26 weeks and am feeling great - lots of energy, but I think that's because I'm sleeping better. For a couple of weeks there bubs was in a very uncomfortable position that made sleeping for more than a few hours at a time almost impossible. Let's hope she behaves for a while more!
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    been awhile since we January Mamas have checked in...how is everyone doing?

    Yep, its pretty quiet here. I am now in my 27th week, Due January 19. Just started my third trimester and the fatigue is kicking in. I try to log my food and stay within my calorie goals, but between the (Jewish) holidays and family weddings, sister's engagement party etc. I sometimes eat more than i should. As of today I have gained about 20 lbs, which is more than i would have liked to gain. I am hoping to somehow stay within the 25 lb gain goal. But, I remind myself that even if i end up gaining 32 lbs like I did with my other 2 pregnancies, i will still be 30 lbs lighter at delivery. I have continued to workout my whole pregnancy so far. I have a set of DVDs called Body by Trimester by Joy southworth. Its has two 30 min circuit training workouts per trimester plus a 15 min express workout. I do one of the 30 min workouts about 4-5 days a week and I also walk a lot with my kids in a double stroller. I still look fit despite my growing belly. I am very lucky to have a fairly easy pregnancy so far. Other than occasional pelvic pain, and heartburn, i feel great! I just ordered a hypnobirthing book and CD which i want to use to prepare for the birth. Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy!

    Sounds like you've been busy. I got a few hypnotherapy tracks too. And yes the fatigue is difficult. I've developed anemia, hypertension (seems to have gone down with medication). Other than that baby seems to be doing fine. Kicking and moving. Does anyone know what they are having yet?

    Yup, i am definitely busy. Between being in college 4 days a week and taking care of my 2 little kids, I dont know what I am having since i dont believe in taking ultrasounds unless medically necessary. So its gonna be a surprise. I have a daughter and a son so far.
  • I just found this group at 30.5 weeks pregnant! I'm due January 1st, and we decided not to find out what we are having. I'm up almost 20 lbs so far, and just started doing Tracy Anderson's Pregnancy Project DVDs. I really need to get back to clean eating, but I have a nasty cold/chest congestion and haven't been doing too well with my eating the last week or so.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,763 Member
    I just found this group at 30.5 weeks pregnant! I'm due January 1st, and we decided not to find out what we are having. I'm up almost 20 lbs so far, and just started doing Tracy Anderson's Pregnancy Project DVDs. I really need to get back to clean eating, but I have a nasty cold/chest congestion and haven't been doing too well with my eating the last week or so.
    Welcome, better late than never! It's tough enough being pregnant without being ill as well - all you can do is your best. Feel better soon!