new to Turbo Fire

Just starting week 2 of turbo fire and I'm really enjoying it. I am however still really struggling with the moves. Today I did Low HIIT 20 and was kind of disappointed with my small burn. Pretty sure it was just because I'm still fumbling along trying to catch on to all the moves at such a quick pace . But I'm just wondering did it take long for you guys to catch on to the moves and routines or am I just really uncoordinated? I really want to stick to this but I have to admit I am feeling slightly discouraged by how lost I can be at times...


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I don't think you're that uncoordinated. They're fast! I think it's different for everyone though depending on where they're starting. For example, I caught on a lot quicker with some of the Fire workouts because I did Turbo Jam and am familiar with some of Chalene's go-to moves. With the HIIT workouts, it took a little longer because I wasn't used to them. What I always do with any new workout routine that I do is watch it before I do it. This is with Turbo Fire, strength, cardio, pilates, anything. Watching it not only prepares me for some of the more difficult or fast paced moves, but I can look at form. I might mime a couple of the moves just to get a feel, but I actually do the workout. That extra little bit of time helps so much when it's a new workout and really helped me with the HIITs. I felt discouraged too because I thought that with my dance background I should be able to keep up instead of falling all over the place. But just watching first and completely focusing without being tired helps a ton. I can't say if it'll work for you since everyone is different, but it's worth a try!
  • Thanks for the suggestion , I will probably try that with the HIIT workouts. I am however proud to say that I did the Fire 40 this morning and not only did I not get lost nearly as often but generally stayed caught up and burned more calories than last time too. think I may eventually get these workouts down after all :)
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    There should be a "New to Class" option that you can choose on the Fire cd's. She walks you through everything first slowly and you can still get a workout from doing that. Also, don't expect a high burn on those HIIT's, you're doing them for a much shorter time than those longer Fire classes. The HIIT's emphasize more on the afterburn. Good luck!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Just take your time, the moves will come to you. When I first started I stumbled my way through the workouts, now that I've completed the program and only do a TF workout once a week, I'm surprised at how second nature it is for me, even though I'm not doing it regularly.
  • Dragana_S
    Dragana_S Posts: 28 Member
    You will be burning more calories every time you do it. I measure all burn and afterburn as well and your afterburn is nearly the same or, in some cases even higher than the actual workout. I measured 8 hours post workout for all TurboFire workouts and all HIIT and Fire are great afterburners. Others (like core, stretch upper20 etc) not as much.
    I needed to do a workout around 3-5 times to get OK with choreography but it is worth it, it is more fun when you learn it.
    If you are new to HIIT workouts please get good shoes. I stuffed my knees with Hit15 and bad shoes combination. I was out of commission for weeks, now I do not do it without my asics gels any more.
  • I also love my Asics .... wouldn't take on any cardio without them :)
  • Thank you ladies you have all made me feel a little better about my slight clumsiness as I learn this new workout. You are all awesome. I am also very proud to say everyday the workout I do goes a little smoother than the time before as well as the calorie burn is a little higher. Your comments and encouragement have made it easier to keep push past the clumsiness. I guess this is one of those things where " fake it until you make it" would apply lol. Thanks again :)
  • Dragana_S
    Dragana_S Posts: 28 Member
    How did you go? Did you finish the whole lot???
  • JennOro9
    JennOro9 Posts: 6 Member
    does anyone by any chance have the fire starter links or videos....I cant find mine and i wanna start the program
  • Hello :)
    I am just starting the build up 9 week program and I feel very uncoordinated aswell! But I think it leaves space for improvement so I am not too bummed by it. Excited to have found people that do and have done turbofire!