Got off track :( but trying to get back on!

selfmom5 Posts: 30 Member
I was doing so good and then I ended up with strep (plus my two youngest kiddos) and got the dreaded visit from the hormone fairy! So the last two weeks have been a no go for me! I did run in my first 5k this weekend but didn't get to run the whole time. I must say that I loved it though and it has made me eager to keep with the running. At least as much as my knees will let me!
So today, I am back to watching what I eat and back to working out.... I am afraid of what my scales are going to say though! :(


  • brendajanealley
    the key to your story is that you got right back on track-and that is all that matters. We all fall off so to speak at times-I know I was out of town this past week-end and ate some things that I normally do not eat. But we will just get right back on the low calorie track and keep going-one pound at a time. :smile: