Introduce Yourself

Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
Hey, I'm Lauren. I'm 27 and have been doing one of these challenges every month for a few months now. I also do cardio, but these help me learn new exercises and where my weaknesses are. I've incorporate a lot of previous challenges, especially squats into my normal routines. This is about positivity and helping each other so please don't get discouraged if you miss a day or need to modify some things. Just come back the next day, check in, and we'll be here. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Also, anyone is welcome to start a new topic - daily check in or a side challenge or whatever.

Best of luck everyone, you can do this!


  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    I'm Stephanie and I'm 28. I turn 29 on the 19th. Ahh.. last year of my 20s. My ultimate goal is to look like a completely different person when the "dirty thirty" hits :smile:.

    What day is everyone choosing for a rest day? This will be something I incorporate into my normal 5 day a week cardio and strength training routine.
  • Hi!! I'm Sage, I'm 20 years old and live in LA. I run a fitness blog called No Longer Weight For Me ( where I talk about the challenges of weight loss and the rewards of weight loss. I've ben wanting to do a glutes challenge for a while and am so excited to do it this month!!
  • shell1379
    shell1379 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi my name is Michelle and I have to admit a bit addicted to the challenges. This will be my third challenge so I welcome everyone.
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Rest days for me are always Sundays, but you guys do what works for you. I feel like every 4th day would be reasonable too. So glad to have everyone joining!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Hi I am new here! My name is Marissa and I am 26.. 5'6" and 202 lbs. I have been overweight since the birth of my first..never did get around to losing the baby weight. I had blood pressure that may have caused weight gain in my pregnancy.

    I have had 2 more kids and I am still overweight. My last was born 3 months ago so I still have a lot of baby weight. I realize I just wasted my early 20s being overweight and I feel an all time low because of that and have decided to do something about it.

    I will post when I do this challenge today. Funny thing is I was an athlete in high school and used to go to the gym 4-5 times a week before kids.. .... :)
  • Hi, I'm Suzanne and all through my life my mother has told me that I "have no butt". It's supposed to be a compliment I think and I always took it as such. Basically I'd like a little more lift to what I've got and a butt challenge just seems like it might be a perfect way to do that. :tongue:

    Add me if you'd like!

    I'm 162 lbs, 5'7", and for what it's worth have a BMI of 25.something.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi. My name is Jennie. I'm 34. I was sick a lot this year, and gained a lot of weight from it. Unlike people who stop eating when they're sick, I'm the kind of person who eats lots of bad food to make myself feel a little better. I ended up getting back up to the heaviest I've ever been. Now I'm SLOWLY getting back down. I love doing challenges because I feel I need them. I saw this one and loved it. I'm desperately trying to get rid of the cellulite in my butt. (or at least reduce it) I'm 5'5.5", my weight as of Friday is 151.8, and my BF% is 32.1 (obese) Thank you for the challenge and feel free to add me too! :happy:

  • Hello, my name is Alice. I am 32 years old and have recently got into doing lots of different exercises.
    I was toying with joining the gym, but it takes up too much time - travelling there & back,and also it costs a lot of money.
    It seems daft to spend all of that money to go to a room where I can run on a tread mill for ages, or ride a bike...without going anywhere! When outside, there is beautiful country side...perfect for bike rides & jogging; I have a dog, so I have a perfect companion.
    I am also a single mum to my daughter who will be ten soon...she loves the outside & bike rides. Perfect.
    I also do yoga, boxercise & hula hooping.

    In the last year, both of my parents have died :( Exercise to me is the most beneficial route away from the darkness of depression.
    I used to like a regular large glass or two of wine..or three...and I smoked...quite a lot.
    So to help me get through the hard times, I have turned away from *kitten* and alcohol and instead turned to exercise!

    I don't have a goal as far as weight loss is concerned; I don't even own a set of scales.
    To me, it is not about how much I weigh, but how good I feel.
    I think I weigh in at approx 9.9stone, I am 5ft 6in.

    I just want to feel good about myself & my body again.
    Not just good but GREAT!

    I wasn't going to bother with the community side of My Fitness Pal, I was only going to use this as a food/exercise diary....and then I found this challenge!

    So hello everyone, thank you for this challenge & having me onboard!
    Good luck go and shake that *kitten*! ;)
  • Hi, everyone! My name is Daisy. I am 23 years old. I've recently lost some weight just by eating healthier and a lot less than I usually did. Now I am trying to get in shape. I need to tone the areas that lost weight. That would include my butt. I've never had much of one to begin with and now there's even less of it. So hopefully by the end of this challenge it will look wayy better!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Hi, I'm Terrie

    I'm 48, until the 6th, and this is my 3rd 30 day challenge. In August, I did the squat challenge and just finished the arm challenge. Lauren is letting me post here daily on for the Ab challenge I'm doing this month. I didn't want to start a group, but wanted a place to post and have some accountability. Thanks Lauren. I'm also doing the "Burn 3500 Calories A Week" challenge.

    I've lost 53 lbs. so far and will continue until I like what I see in the mirror. I'm trying to work a little harder on the fitness aspect now. I've really begun to notice changes in my stamina and strength. Looking forward to encouraging you along.
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm Shelly from Southern California. I'm 47 years old (until the end of this month anyway). I've lost about 25 lbs since joining in April. I still have another 25-30 lbs to lose. I've found that I really enjoy exercising and just signed up for my first 5! Which will be in November. So excited!

    Looking forward to getting my @ss in gear with this challenge!
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm Shelly from Southern California. I'm 47 years old (until the end of this month anyway). I've lost about 25 lbs since joining in April. I still have another 25-30 lbs to lose. I've found that I really enjoy exercising and just signed up for my first 5! Which will be in November. So excited!

    Looking forward to getting my @ss in gear with this challenge!

    My first 5K is in a few weeks. Not sure what possessed me to run a 5K on my birthday, but hey.. it will be a hell of an accomplishment.

    Good luck with yours!
  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm Wendy and I will be turning 38 later this month. I joined MFP about 6 weeks ago, and this is my first challenge; I just want to keep motivated. My DH is also very fond of my lovely buttocks, and I just want to keep my booty looking great!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I did a squat challenge last month which was pretty cool. I was looking for another challenge to keep me focused for this month and so here I am. I will be turning 39 this month. I love to run and lift weights. I work out 6 days a week with one rest day. I try to eat healthy most days. I lost a lot of butt with running and cardio so I'm building it back up with the squats.

    Let's get it ladies!