I have what?

My doctor told me I likely have PCOS. He seems very focused on the fertility piece (which makes sense considering he is a fertility specialist); however, I am left wondering if this is why I have struggled to keep my weight down most of my life? And the acne...yuck! The symptoms all fit. The recommendation is to go back to taking birth control after we are finished "building our family". At any rate, I am back to MFP after a couple years hiatus and hope to lose weight, increase exercise, and feel great! I have a feeling you lovely ladies may have some great advice for me, as I really don't know what I am facing.


  • Pinksarah82
    By birth control do you mean the pill? The pill is the worst thing a woman with PCOS can be on! It makes you put on more weight and plays havic with you internally. My endo told me never ever to go on the pill again. My GP put me on the pill a few years ago for my PCOS and i put on weight very quickly even though i was exercising and eating healthy. So if it is the pill i would get a second opinion or do your own research on it.

    Also, yes, PCOS would make it more of a challenge to loss weight and yep acne is horrible with PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 11 (19 years ago now) and have struggled with the symptoms since. It wasn't until a couple of years back i decided to seek a Endo for advice and he put me on Metformin and explained the affects of PCOS the best i have ever heard it! Since i've been on Metformin and restricted by diet with low carb and sugar intake plus daily exercise i have lost almost 40kg (88pounds) in 9months. Even though i have 3 Aunt's with PCOS (hereditary for me) i still was blind to a whole lot of information on PCOS. I have since done alot of research myself and found out so much more that has helped me. It's worth doing your own research as well as talking to others. But i'm here to help if you want any advice from my experiences!
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Always just called myself a "hairy German woman" until I discovered that everything "me" was related to PCOS. Not on the pill and was never medicated, so I've lived with my symptoms my whole life. Nice thing about PCOS is, as our fertility doc said, the easiest form of infertility to treat. Our daughter's nearly two now :)

    I've learned a lot from this forum. Over the counter hair removers will never work - so I stopped wasting my money. Acne treatments too - it's just never enough. I thought not menstruating was kind of a good deal, until I learned it's a cancer risk. And my absolute favorite lesson - low carb, low sugar diet reduces the effects of PCOS and may kick start a period. There's no way I could actually go low carb (I love them too much) but sure enough! Just by reducing my carbs and sugar a little bit I was able to reduce symptoms and start a cycle. (and then remembered why I didn't miss them! Blah!)

    Keep asking questions. These people here are amazing. And keep us posted!
    CLARESE1 Posts: 5 Member
    Pinksarah82 can I add you as a friend? You just gave me some info that I was not aware of. I have PCOS and my endo prescribed me metformin and birth control pill. I noticed my weight balooning but did not link the two together... I am interested in knowing what you know because I was diagnosed about a year and half ago.
    CLARESE1 Posts: 5 Member
    also anyone else in this weightloss and pcos struggle please befriend me. I need friend support on here.:)
  • ragan4bama
    ragan4bama Posts: 58 Member
    I agree that birth control pills can play havoc with your system but have had way less side affects with the Nuva Ring. I went through several different birth controls before realizing they were never going to get the symptoms under control or the hormones. At least with the nuva ring it's manageable. I also take metformin. I tried the spiralactene but it made me super light headed.
    You have to work with your doc to find the right fit for you.
  • Pinksarah82
    Clarese1 - of course you can add me as a friend. More than happy to help others out in any way i can! If i can help others from my journey that it makes my journey even more worth it!