Welcome =)

I'm going to hopefully keep this group incredibly active as far as postings go: I'm hoping being in charge of a group will help keep me motivated as well.

Here's where I'd like to do introductions =)

Running experience:

Alyssa, 23
I grew up with my dad running marathons, but running has never really clicked for me and I grew up in gymnastics instead. I've been running about a month and have run one 5k now (about 40 minutes). I'm going to sign up for another one soon, and my boyfriend and I are going to race. My goal is to kick his butt. I would like to get my mile time around 8 minutes, be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, and eventually I want to run farther and sign up for longer runs. I want to run 30 minutes every day.

I haven't decided if we should do daily or weekly check ins here, so if you have any opinions on that let me know. I think daily would be good, but I don't want to swamp you all. And weekly may not be enough, where as if you skip a day (and you say so on the post) we can encourage you to start up rather than keep putting it off. Let me know =)


  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I like the name :)

    Name: Ed
    Age: 25
    Experience: 3 half marathons (1hr45mins34secs, 1hr43mins35secs, 1hr38mins59secs)
    Goal: Complete Amsterdam marathon(under 4hrs)

    Been running since January, well properly as a means to maintain my weight and then I kind of got hooked. I've got my first Marathon on 20th October and am booked in for Paris in April and Midnight Sun marathon, Norway in June.

    In regards to check ins I think the more often the better, far too many of these groups start really active and then a couple of weeks pass and that's it group done.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I like the name too!

    pretty inexperienced really, had alot of ups and downs with starting running but I'm working on it, currently trying to get up to running a 5k strait without stoppingby for a 5k Dec. 14th! I have done 3 so far, two were obstacle races that were just for fun so I just went the pace I could handle and took walking breaks as needed.
    I am thinking about reaching for a half marathon next september; very intemidated by the idea though, not gonna lie!

    I think maybe bi-weekly check ins? I have never been a part of a group though so I am not really sure whats best or how it all works.
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member

    began c25k in september,
    today completed a week of running for 30-37 minutes.

    weekly checkinns sound better.

    i would actully want to increase my speed overtime and distance.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member

    I'm Jessica, 27, from California

    I started walk/running on May 29th as a way to loose weight. I began with C25K which I finished 3 1/2 weeks ago and completed my first 5k in 42 minutes, I am now down to 38. From there I decided to do half-marathon training and I choose a 16 week plan. I am currently on Week 3 Day 3 and will be running a 6 mile run today. I run 4 days a week and 1 day of cross training. I am running to loose weight but have found the more and more I run the more I love it. I am still a very slow runner. I average a 13 minute mile with my fastest mile of my run being 11:11. I run for at least an hour on the days I run however with the miles increasing I can imagine this will too!

    I have signed up for an 8 3/4 mile race here in Northern California in January called the Trinidad to Clam Beach Run. It is one of our most popular races and I have wanted to participate since high school. It runs along the Pacific Ocean in and out of the Mad River Bed and is a sand run. My second goal after that is to run the Pasadena Marathon next June.

    My two races are so far away because running is primarily for my weight loss and is my only workout. I have lost 78 lbs so far and need to loose another 100. I figure I am well on my way to my goal :D I didn't want a race so soon when I still have a big chunk of weight that needs to come off so I can compete at my best.

    I would prefer daily checkins or at least 4 times a week. Would be great though if these checks were labeled in their post like Week 9/14-9/27 etc makes it easier to find them :D

    So excited about this group thanks for the invite :D
  • epz1157
    epz1157 Posts: 22 Member
    Eric, 36 yrs

    As far as i can remember I grew up running. At 12 yrs at my school being the fastest kid in school gave you a free cool kid pass so i found myself out running my classmate at the playground.The game was mostly "tag" or "field day" that kept every bodies shoe lace tight and ready to run, i loved every moment of it. I've ran the 3K,5K, 10K and half marathon but never a marathon. So this is this my goal to run a marathon, i know i can do it
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    I'm Rachel.
    28 years old.
    I've always wanted to be a runner but just began running in May. My first 'unofficial' 5k was 40 minutes. I've worked hard and today, I cut 4 minutes off my time. Right now I try to run 3-4 miles 3+ times a week. I run my first official 5k on Saturday and my first 10k in December. I'm working on increasing speed as I would love to run a 1/2 Marathon this Spring. :)
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Hello there

    Name: Shirley
    Age: 34
    Running experience: I used to run cross country and track in High School. After High School I started training for LA Marathon and injured myself. Did not run for years, after having my kids I wanted to pick up running and last year I ran my first 5k in years. So far I have completed 2 5ks, 2 10ks. The third 10k will be this Sunday.
    Goals: Currently training for a Half Marathon which I have already signed up. My goal is to become a better runner, loose weight and some day be a cross country coach and finish what I started run a marathon
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    HI ALL!!!
    41 (sigh)
    Just started running again end of July - did my first 5 k in a couple years and placed first for my age group.... I decided I wanted to run to step up my weight loss - I have only lost 3 lbs since I have been really trying - but I have lost over 9 inches - I go to the gym 4 days a week and do different classes - but am now adding running as well.
    My goal is to run a 1/2 marathon - my thoughts were that I dont want to run for 4 hours straight could be boring - BUT my girlfriend was telling me that she wants to be able to say she ran the Chicago Marathon - well when you put it that way.... I might want to do it.
    I am signed up to run The Hot Chocolate run in Chicago on 11/3 - its a 15k -
    I am trying to be comfortable running 10 miles - but so far am up to 7mi consistently...
    another goal of mine is not to be a baby and get up and get out in the cold running... I do not like the cold!

    Am very excited about this group!!!! daily bi weekly every other day... its all good to me as far as checking in
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I used to run a lot about two years ago primarily for weight maintenance. Running was the only thing I did and my knees started hurting a lot(overuse). I gave up running for what I thought was forever. In the next two years, I managed to gain 40 lbs back of the 120 lbs I lost 10 years ago. In January, I started losing the regain using mfp and exercise. I started with Zumba then added Kickboxing, Spin, and weight training. In June having returned to goal, I cautiously started running loosely following the C25K program. I found my knees didn't hurt! Since then, I've been able to continue running and have increased my speed and distance. I did my first official 5k on August 10th and ran it in 32:08. Ironically, I placed first in my age group but didn't stick around for my medal because I didn't know how it worked. I thought it was 1st-3rd place in each age group with male and female mixed:) I got my medal later when I figured it out. Since then, I have done several 5ks and my PR is now 27 min 40 seconds. I have gotten 4 more medals. I'm not super fast by any means but I'm getting closer to having a competitive time depending on who shows up to run in my age group. I'd love for this to be an active group so we can all post about our progress.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Name: Maureen
    Age: 45
    Experience: 2 half marathons (2hr15 and 2hr12) and many 10K races (PR 57:11)
    Goals: to just keep on running!

    I have been a runner for quite a few years actually, always struggling with my weight. I ran many years ago...stopped when I had my kids and then started up again in 2003. My husband is my inspiration, doing marathons, triathlons and a couple of full ironmans. Hard to be a couch potato with all that going on in the house. lol

    Looking forward to being part of this group!
  • Welcome to the site :)