Hand pain on overhead press

smccb Posts: 99 Member
Hi ladies,

I wonder if any of you have dealt with hand pain in doing the overhead press (sometimes the bench press as well) and if you have any suggestions on what to do about it.

I am on week 7 of the program and just stalled out at 75 lbs for the overhead press and 85 lbs for the bench press. I don't mind being stalled out - I have been before and managed to break through to the next weight without too much difficulty. But the pain in my hands is making it really hard. I just want to put the bar down - it is pressing right into my hand while I am trying to do the lift. I think sometimes I give up because of hand pain. The bar is just so heavy and my hands are pretty small.

Any ideas?



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    are you using chalk? I've been noticing it's more uncomfortable recently, wonder if I should take my rings off before I lift..
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    ^^ Definitely chalk if you aren't already using it. I use it even on squats, because it helps form nice smooth calluses (I still shave them periodically because if they are too fat, that can get uncomfortable, too).

    But are you talking about that kind of pain on the surface of your hand, or joint pain? Can you describe it in a bit more detail?
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    I do take off my rings - if I don't, I get very painful calluses.

    The pain is partly from the calluses, but also in my hand. When I am holding the bar (this past time I was doing 75 lbs on OHP so it is pretty heavy for me) the bar presses into the part of my hand just below my palm and really hurts. I am not really sure how to explain it other than I feel like that part of my hand is bruising (it is not really.) My wrists are also REALLY sore during and after the lift.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    If your wrists are sore, it's possible that you aren't gripping correctly, and that you're letting the bar roll too far back into your hand, bending the wrists backward (can you tell I was doing that too?). Are you sure your grip is right? If not, can you take a video of your lifts? It might make it easier for you to tell, even if you don't post it for others (taking my own video and watching it while resting has been very helpful for me).

    Yep, this. Sore calluses are part of the deal and are helped by chalk. I was going to guess that if you have hand pain (actual internal pain), it's got to do with your grip. Please post a video to the form check thread, and also have a close read here:
