Why do I suddenly have a big belly?

smccb Posts: 99 Member
Some background: I am 37 years old, 5'3" and 138 pounds. I have always been very active. I just had a baby five months ago and am trying to lose the baby weight and gain some strength. I was really doing well and my stomach was getting nice and flat, but now that I am on week 7 of the program, and really starting to struggle with the heavy weights, I have developed a real pouch. Has anyone experienced this?

I am getting a pretty good workout. I do SL three times a week and right now this is what I am lifting:

Squat: 135 lb
Deadlift: 175 lb
Bench: 80 lbs
OHP: 70 lbs and working towards 75 lbs
Barbell row: 70 lbs (had to cut back the weight to correct form)

I go for a three mile jog after each workout, simply because I love to run. I eat well (healthy foods) and drink protein shakes. I am breastfeeding so I do have to make sure I am eating enough or my milk supply tanks.

I am staying pretty lean everywhere else. It is my stomach that has suddenly popped out. Could it be too many calories? Water? And why would it only be in one place?

Thanks for reading this far - I am very frustrated, so any advice is welcome!



  • bek48
    bek48 Posts: 11 Member
    I happened to read this article on the stronglifts site the other day ("How To Eliminate Your Protruding Gut In 21 Days Flat"), maybe it will have some good info for you: http://stronglifts.com/how-to-eliminate-protruding-gut-lordosis/
    The guy in the article did some hip flexor stretches regularly and tightened up his posture. He claims he noticed an effect within 3 weeks.
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    Wow - thanks for this. I wonder if that is what is going on.

    Has anyone else experienced this with their abs? I am not sure if I like it. I was hoping that area would shrink up and be nice and tight and flat.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Wow - thanks for this. I wonder if that is what is going on.

    Has anyone else experienced this with their abs? I am not sure if I like it. I was hoping that area would shrink up and be nice and tight and flat.

    Nope, I confess I haven't heard of this. Does anything hurt when you squat, or is anything constantly sore? The lordosis theory was my first guess, actually, even before I saw that Mehdi piece.

    I don't know if you've ever taken yoga, but the lessons you get from that discipline on posture apply in day to day life. When you stand, position your pelvis so that if it were a bucket full of water, nothing would spill out of the front of the back. Lame metaphor, but I think effective. Just doing that consciously throughout the day will teach your abs to function correctly to keep your torso upright. Since you mention you were recently pregnant, I suspect you are particularly susceptible to this--your abs just got a hell of a stretch for a long time!

    And congrats on your strength gains.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Your pelvic muscles weaken considerably after a baby. I began lifting and was so sore in my lower belly I had to stop. Turns out I have a mild case of diastasis recti, which causes a protruding belly and weakened muscles. The lifting aggravated it. Have you talked to your doctor about this?