need some low carb help please


I am wanting to go low carb but not as low carb as atkins

does anyone follow their own plan?

any advice appreciated


  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm on keto & doesn't really follow phases like Atkins but we go pretty low carb. I'm at 20 carbs a day. As long as your under 50 I say you'd see progress, but that's just my opinion.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Maybe South Beach or Primal? I've never gone through the South Beach info, but for some reason, I thought it was a little looser.

    I'm a keto girl myself, which keeps carbs around Atkins Induction levels. There's a lot to be said for being in ketosis - but it's not for everyone.

    Good Luck!
  • kirstyb1984
    Maybe South Beach or Primal? I've never gone through the South Beach info, but for some reason, I thought it was a little looser.

    I'm a keto girl myself, which keeps carbs around Atkins Induction levels. There's a lot to be said for being in ketosis - but it's not for everyone.

    Good Luck!

    Thank you both

    I have the south beach book at home will have a read thru it
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I am former Atkins that has sorta become keto (Atkins induction levels). Atkins induction is only for 2 weeks and then (On Atkins) you add in certain foods/groups of foods that are higher carb to find your carb level for losing, so the very low carb doesn't last forever on Atkins. i dont know much about South Beach or the other plans.

    You can also set your macros that way YOU want them. Just go as low carb as you feel comfortable. You can always change them if you find it's not working for you. Also remember that most low carbers track NET carbs (total carbs -fiber and sometimes sugar alcohols) so that gives you a few more carbs to play with.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    You could figure out your carbohydrate intake as a *percentage* of your total calories per day.
    I used my basic metabolism rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) as guides
    started out at 1800 total calories per day.

    My beginning 'macros' were:
    60% fat
    20% protein
    20% carbohydrate

    I have since changed the macros to:
    65% Fat,
    15% protein,
    20% Carbohydrates

    I haven't cut my carbohydrates too much,
    because I need to have a full belly of low-carb vegetables
    like cauliflower, broccoli, and kale in order
    to feel satisfied. If I don't make it to the carb allotment for the day,
    I don't worry about it. I make SURE to eat the fat allotment.

    The trick is to eat ALL THE FAT to feel satisfied,
    and to use as fuel so that your body HAS TO transform
    your fat reserves into the glucose your body needs for certain
    metabolic processes.

    Best Wishes!
  • SpunkiMama
    SpunkiMama Posts: 70 Member
    I wish I had some solid great advice for you... I have been struggling to find my own balance.. I think everyone's bodies are different, and are obviously going to produce results at different rates...

    The percentages are pretty much the same across the board if you are wanting to begin a low carb way of eating...the opinions and suggestions given by others here at on target, and a wealth of knowledge.... I could give my .02 cents but it would be repeats of previous posters...

    Research, learn, make a plan of BE PATIENT while your body adjusts.... dont freak out if results are not immediate..

    Patience will get you to where you want to go ...
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I feel for you.
    I have set my macros to 5% carb/ 70% fat/ 25% protein, but in real life all I seem to manage carbwise is between 15% to 30% carb, with less of the other two macros. What this means is I try to avoid carbs, but they sneak into my meals anyway... life happens. So I lose a bit of weight in the weeks when I go lower in carb consistently (yay) and then swing back up a lb or two in water weight when I eat more carbs. It is a seesaw.
    I don't have that much weight to lose -- started out at 82 kilograms and have lost 5 over the past five months. I hope to lose maybe 5-8 more in the next year. I am not in a rush, and feel good on the lower carb intake. The day after a higher-carb swing I wake up tired and have to battle the carb flu again, so eventually I am hoping to finally learn from that :ohwell: ... but I seem to have a thick skull and tend to forget when faced with a bite of potato salad or pasta or cookie... What works best is when I remember to eat enough fat, which keeps the cravings away and ups my energy.
    So you have to decide which way you want to go, and whether you can stick it out long enough. If you are a patient sort, you might be ok with higher carb levels, but you probably won't see fast weight loss.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    We do fine on a Primal version of Atkins Phase 3, modified to exclude starches, and only eat grains once a week on our "high carb cheat day" which we still don't go above 100 carbs.

    If you are low carbing for weight loss, then you just need to monitor your calorie intake to lose weight, and eat as low carb as you feel comfortable with to curb carb cravings.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    You could figure out your carbohydrate intake as a *percentage* of your total calories per day.
    I used my basic metabolism rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) as guides
    started out at 1800 total calories per day.

    My beginning 'macros' were:
    60% fat
    20% protein
    20% carbohydrate

    I have since changed the macros to:
    65% Fat,
    15% protein,
    20% Carbohydrates

    I haven't cut my carbohydrates too much,
    because I need to have a full belly of low-carb vegetables
    like cauliflower, broccoli, and kale in order
    to feel satisfied. If I don't make it to the carb allotment for the day,
    I don't worry about it. I make SURE to eat the fat allotment.

    The trick is to eat ALL THE FAT to feel satisfied,
    and to use as fuel so that your body HAS TO transform
    your fat reserves into the glucose your body needs for certain
    metabolic processes.

    Best Wishes!

    From what I understand it only makes sense to have a very high fat diet if you are in ketosis. otherwise your body preferentially stores the fat rather than burns it. (and other benefits from high fat on ketosis are lost)

    My understanding of the various metabolic changes that ketosis brings is hazy at best but that's basically my understanding.

    I have high carbs for ketosis but am remaining in ketosis. so finding your personal level is out there. you don't have to stay at atkins induction levels to be in ketosis.

    I don't understand how it works but I kind of wonder if timing of carb intake matters. it would make sense to me. your body does burn stuff once it's burned I am guessing it doesn't count anymore so it might be more of a limit at any given meal until it's burned.
  • rhonda966
    rhonda966 Posts: 4 Member
    I need some advice too... I'm eating between 20-30 carbs a day, but I am also watching my calories. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. The protein fills me up so much most days I don't make it to 1200. I am worried about messing up my metabolism eating <1200. What can I eat besides cheese that doesn't have carbs and less filling than protein?
  • MermaidTX
    MermaidTX Posts: 352 Member
    I need some advice too... I'm eating between 20-30 carbs a day, but I am also watching my calories. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. The protein fills me up so much most days I don't make it to 1200. I am worried about messing up my metabolism eating <1200. What can I eat besides cheese that doesn't have carbs and less filling than protein?

    Avocados work for me. Good fat & great source of potassium (more than a banana!). There's like 2 net carbs in 1 cup of avocado but they're fairly calorie dense (over 200 in a cup).
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    I need some advice too... I'm eating between 20-30 carbs a day, but I am also watching my calories. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. The protein fills me up so much most days I don't make it to 1200. I am worried about messing up my metabolism eating <1200. What can I eat besides cheese that doesn't have carbs and less filling than protein?

    I usually have tea with heavy cream a couple times a day. I use mayo a lot to increase my fat calories as can be modified to be a salad dressing or dip for meats & veggies.
  • kirstyb1984
    thank you starting tomorrow and aiming for under 50g carbs a day