Do I have a twin out there?

mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
Hi, I am a 46 year old female, 5'4", dangerously close to 250#. I was a thin child but have been battling my weight since my late teens. I've lost and regained 30-40 pounds many, many times. I'm married with a pre-teen son and a professional career. I am struggling to exercise because I am recovering from some injuries that I sustained on top of chronic pain disorders (arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc). I'm considering weight-loss surgery even though I used to be strongly opposed to it. I'm hoping to find someone who will "get" me and become a good MFP friend. If this sounds like you, please add me as a friend!


  • mitzvahmom78
    mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
  • mitzvahmom78
    mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
    Trying again....bump!
  • AnnieChani
    How about me? 43, 5'2, currently 230, sw 260, also struggling with exercise due to prior injuries.
  • mitzvahmom78
    mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
    AnnieChani! I'm so sorry....I stopped checking this thread after a few days, and just now noticed your reply. Do you still want to be "twins"?
  • Momily56
    Well... I'm way too old to be your twin but I am a 5'4" woman, was at one time dangerously close to 250, am married, have a professional career and am struggling with injuries and arthritis. How about a big sister? I know how frustrating it is to really want to get going on weight loss and be stymied by injury and pain. Friend me if you connect.
  • mitzvahmom78
    mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I've had quite a hectic few days, but didn't want to ignore your post. Will send you a proper response soon. Thanks!