Starting Insanity tomorrow (Monday 9-30)

arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
Anyone starting tomorrow? I'd love to find some other people who are doing this as well .

I have roughly 35lbs to lose so this is gonna be fun! This will be round 2 for me. The first round I had zero results. No lb or in lost at all. But I have faith this time will be my time!


  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    I had started Insanity 3 weeks ago, also my second round but I became sick with a respiratory infection and had to take time off, and now almost 2 weeks later I am going to start from day 1 again, today I did the fit test again, but I will be doing insanity through the end of December, feel free to add me!

    I wish you the best of luck this round, you will do great!