Daily Chit-chat



  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Thanks for the idea for the scale! I need one too!!
    So, I broke my lawn mower.... I could fix it, if I could get stupid nuts off... So, I now need to 'mow' my lawn with the weed eater. 30 minutes later, and all I have done is this very small section of my yard.... Pretty certain this is going to be an all day project. And my arms are sore already :laugh: I ran out of gas, so decided I should take a break and do my regular work out, before my arms are too sore to do it. I foresee some yelling involved.....:tongue: Anyway, that's my day. How about everyone else?

    I'd love to be watching this!! LOL
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Thanks for the idea for the scale! I need one too!!
    So, I broke my lawn mower.... I could fix it, if I could get stupid nuts off... So, I now need to 'mow' my lawn with the weed eater. 30 minutes later, and all I have done is this very small section of my yard.... Pretty certain this is going to be an all day project. And my arms are sore already :laugh: I ran out of gas, so decided I should take a break and do my regular work out, before my arms are too sore to do it. I foresee some yelling involved.....:tongue: Anyway, that's my day. How about everyone else?

    I'd love to be watching this!! LOL
    Ohh.... I'm sure my neighbors are in there houses going HA! Look at here! WTH is she doing?! LOL I was too tired to finish. So guess who gets to go at it again. Tomorrow. Stupid lawn mower. :grumble: Ya know, if I could just get these dang nuts out, I wouldn't have to do it! Hey!... Do you think using a weed eat to mow burns more calories than "mowing, general"? LOL!!!:laugh:
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    "mowing" your lawn with a weed eater sounds like a workout in itself :P
    Uhm. I agree... And, I wore a hoodie, and jeans. and steel toe boots (I hate snakes.) It's currently 84 (feels like 90, thank you weather.com) So, here I am outside, sweating before I begin, holding a giant weed eater. Ok, so maybe it's normal, I'm just really short. THEN I freak myself out 5 min into it because I saw a freaking toad, and thought it was a dang snake. Darn near dropped the stupid weed eater! Did I mention I don't like snakes??? Sick.
  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    Burning calories before bed hahaha
    Its my birthday Monday so i have lots of Birthday celebrations goin on this weekend and although im trying to stay positive that il make the right choices, once the champers is popped it doesnt always go too well?!
    But hey ho .....


    Enjoy it

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes
    I had a lovely weekend
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    "mowing" your lawn with a weed eater sounds like a workout in itself :P
    Uhm. I agree... And, I wore a hoodie, and jeans. and steel toe boots (I hate snakes.) It's currently 84 (feels like 90, thank you weather.com) So, here I am outside, sweating before I begin, holding a giant weed eater. Ok, so maybe it's normal, I'm just really short. THEN I freak myself out 5 min into it because I saw a freaking toad, and thought it was a dang snake. Darn near dropped the stupid weed eater! Did I mention I don't like snakes??? Sick.

    If your neighbors have pictures put them up on here. ;)
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    "mowing" your lawn with a weed eater sounds like a workout in itself :P
    Uhm. I agree... And, I wore a hoodie, and jeans. and steel toe boots (I hate snakes.) It's currently 84 (feels like 90, thank you weather.com) So, here I am outside, sweating before I begin, holding a giant weed eater. Ok, so maybe it's normal, I'm just really short. THEN I freak myself out 5 min into it because I saw a freaking toad, and thought it was a dang snake. Darn near dropped the stupid weed eater! Did I mention I don't like snakes??? Sick.

    If your neighbors have pictures put them up on here. ;)

    I seriously "LOL" here! My son is like what's so funny momma?
  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    Just hit the elliptical. I like burning calories before bed instead of consuming them. Ok tomorrow is Friday. Bring it on

    Burning calories before bed hahaha
    Its my birthday Monday so i have lots of Birthday celebrations goin on this weekend and although im trying to stay positive that il make the right choices, once the champers is popped it doesnt always go too well?!
    But hey ho .....

    Thank you


    One thing I've learned is to not try to eat a lite dinner to make up for the calories I'll be drinking later that night because that just turns into me eating anything I lay my eyes on at 2 AM. If I eat a dinner that fills me up more, I usually either skip the late-night snack or can stop myself after just a little bit.

    Happy Birthday!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    TGIFFFFFFFFF.....everyone have a good weekend and be smart. Weigh in comes quick on Monday morning. I need to get busy if I want a loss b/c this head cold set me back a bit in the working out dept.

    Go Michigan and Go Lions and GO Tigers and Go Red Wings!! :)
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Well kinda pigged out last night for red wings and tigers games (both won!). Gotta burn them calories off today!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Well kinda pigged out last night for red wings and tigers games (both won!). Gotta burn them calories off today!
    You could always 'mow' the lawn......

    HA!:laugh: Just thought I'd say I did... I took me an hour and a half! My arms hurt. They feel like Jello. I'm pretty sure I've turned into Jello. I, think I've earned PANCAKES!!!! I I'm gonna fix up some pumpkin pancakes! I still have "to shred" later today, so I'll burn even more calories. Oh, and I didn't see any snakes... Or frogs. Or toads... I did find a lizard... As long as I don't walk outside and see one staring at me (true story) they don't scare me.... Much.....
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Haha I think I need to do that twice tomorrow. Bad over here!
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    I need some suggestions on how to deal with family that is becoming less supportive of my goals. A couple of my family members and friends have expressed concern that they don't think I should lose any more weight. I'm only about 15lbs from my goal weight, which would put me right in the middle of my healthy weight range according to different charts/the doctor. I've tried to explain this to them but they don't seem to really want to listen. I have always been smaller on top and carried most of my weight in my legs/hips/butt.

    I know it's my body and all that jazz, but I don't want this to become a big topic of discussion at every family gathering either. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue!

  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    that's always tough. I like when they ask you "are you sick?" too. Just be the bigger person and tell them that you are striving to be in your healthy weight zone that you are comfortable in. Sometimes weight zones that are on charts are a bit unrealistic so be careful going strictly off those. Maybe wear bigger clothes at family gatherings so you look bigger...try stripes and pattern clothes. LOL
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Hah. I liked the bigger clothes suggestion.
    It's always hard when you have to do it alone. I understand. I really don't have an answer for you. *I* pray about situations like this. It helps. You can't change what your family is going to say. Is it immediate family? Like live/see them everyday? Or is it extended family, see occasionally? If it's the occasionally, you can use that to your advantage. You only have to see them every once in a while, so you don't have to deal with it. If it's the immediate, well, there really isn't a straight answer. We don't know your family dynamics. So I could suggest something, and it could be completely wrong for your family. I pray, and trust that the Lord will guide me in the right direction. Just let them know you are doing this to be healthy, not to make a fashion statement.
    ETA: I hope this came across in the right now, and didn't sound snarky.... If it did, I apologize, that was not my intention.
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    Thanks for the suggestions! I definitely might try the bigger/patterened clothes! Maybe with winter around the corner (I live in Minnesota) that will help! I definitely am doing it for health and am very careful to not get obsessive about the scale and things like that. I went vegetarian for a year in high school and got pretty skinny and sick so I think they are just concerned about that happening again. Skill, that's a good point about the charts. I saw one that had a very different range than the majority of what I was finding, that concerned me some as it was 20#s lower than the others.

    I don't see them daily, and I think that is both good and bad. Maybe if I saw them more often the weight loss wouldn't be as noticeable! But because I don't see them every day I don't have to worry about them hounding me too much either.

    You didn't sound snarky at all jbuc. No worries there! And I am sure someday you will come across this! Seems like the more I ask around about it the more I am finding it's a fairly common issue. I am just happy for advice! I am going to see my sister for the first time since March this weekend and I know she won't hide her thoughts on the matter from me.

    I guess part of this is a lesson in loving your body at every stage! I might not be exactly where I want but I still need to love myself along the way and not be so easily criticized but what other's think is best for me.
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Funny I thought jbuc sounded kinda snarky myself. Anyways u shouldn't have any issues with wearing more clothing in Minnesota this time of year coming up!!

    Jk jbuc. Settle down!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Taking my son to Tigers/A's playoff game today. I'm nervous as this could eliminate my Tigers from the playoffs, but hopefully we can win and force game 5. Either way I will try to be good and not eat hot dogs, peanuts and cracker jacks!!!! Maybe just peanuts. :)
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    Let us know how it goes at the game! I know I am going to have a hard time at the Vikings game this weekend!! I can't remember the last time I had a hot dog.... I better be sure to eat well before we leave so I'm less tempted!

    Unfortunately I don't expect much from the game itself... dang Minnesota teams.
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    First, I have to say WHAT A GAME!!!!!! Any baseball fans here catch it? Tigers pulled it out 8-6 in a drama filled game. I felt like I went 12 rounds with rocky after. Me and my son had a great time, but it was quite exhausting with all the highs and lows. We were in standing room where it's even more dramatic b/c you have people standing all around you reacting to every pitch.

    I only had 1 beer and about a 1/3 bag of peanuts, so I have to say success for that. On the way home though I did stop at Taco Bell, but didn't completely pig out there either. Much successful night then it would have been in the past all in all.

    Sorry about your Twins, Vikings, timberwolves, etc Crash. :P
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Where is everyone??? Just did ellip for 20 minutes and 80 torso twists with an 8 lb weight. Also did 100 crunches. I passed on squats tonight bc legs are feeling it already from last night and elliptical tonight.

    We need a little more posts in here with what people are doing! Open mfp in a browser if you are just using the app on your phone and get butt in here!