Unwelcome pregnancy symptoms: complain about yours here!

Sixel Posts: 57 Member
There's a lot to read about all the side effects one can have, and with each one on the list, you probably know someone who's had it. I've already read some posts on hemorrhoids, varicose veins, yeast infections,...

I'm at the start of my second trimester and wondering which ones I'll get.

I am already confronted with sciatica (of ischialgie): irritation of the root(s) of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine due to an expanding uterus putting pressure. This means lower back pains, and a constant pain in my left rear, especially while sitting (thus working). Anyone experience with this?

Take a moment to complain about your unwelcome symptoms or rejoice in the fact you have so little issues!


  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    My pregnancy with my son was symptom-free. It was smooth sailing.

    I am now pregnant with #2, and boy oh boy! Morning sickness sucks! Mood swings suck! Upset belly sucks! Blah, blah, blah! :noway:
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    I am blessed with relatively symptom-free pregnancies, however, during my third trimester with No.1 I developed PUPPP - Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, known in United Kingdom as polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP) - a chronic hives-like rash.

    Soooo itchy, and no way to get real relief. I got it everywhere except my face and it lasted for a good three weeks. Just as one area cleared (it started on my belly) it developed somewhere else - thighs, hips, bum, lower legs, back, arms, neck and head. I couldn't sleep and had about three cold showers a day to try and ease the itch.

    Fingers crossed I don't get it with No.2.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    At 32 weeks I now have a complaint.... The shoes I wore on Thursday no longer fit on Saturday. We were on our way for a weekend getaway on Saturday morning and I suddenly turned on full bit*h mode (which is rare for me). After trying to get to the bottom of it, I learned my feet were spilling over my flats. Ugh. So we stopped at a store, picked up a new pair and enjoyed our weekend. But seriously, I LOVE my shoe collection and if they stay big I'm gonna be sad.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    At just 11 weeks I'm having hip pain that is just insane, but my 1st trimester symptoms only lasted a couple weeks... and I'd much rather be awake with a settled belly complaining about my hip than the latter..

    Oh, and I miss running.. stupid cramping.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    LOL unwelcome pregnancy symptoms lets do this (almost into 3rd trimester):
    1. hypertension
    2. hyperglycemia
    3. standing to long causes my sciatica nerve in my right thigh to go numb
    4. tired (although seems to be improving with the iron pills)
    5. breast still sore
    6. slow and waddley
    7. heartburn
    8. the baby likes to bounce off my bladder and tickle me which causes loud outbursts and people look at me weird, LOL!
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    At 32 weeks I now have a complaint.... The shoes I wore on Thursday no longer fit on Saturday. We were on our way for a weekend getaway on Saturday morning and I suddenly turned on full bit*h mode (which is rare for me). After trying to get to the bottom of it, I learned my feet were spilling over my flats. Ugh. So we stopped at a store, picked up a new pair and enjoyed our weekend. But seriously, I LOVE my shoe collection and if they stay big I'm gonna be sad.

    lol....this made me spit water out of my nose. (hydrating at the moment). OMG I never considered this!!! Me too! :sad: I love my shoes! Don't know what I'd do if they don't fit anymore.

    So far my MS symptoms have subsided a bit and I am soooo happy. Now, I just go from full to ravenously hungry every two hours and I learned that eating right before bed is a huge mistake. Oh and certain foods cause bad heartburn.

    Um anyone dealing with constipation? Ugh... I found that taking a probiotic capsule everyday really helps.

    My energy is creeping back slowly, but the lack of sleep from peeing all night negates any energy I could have. :cry:
  • 32 weeks and lets see, crazy hormone swings, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and I have developed a gluten sensitivity. Other than that, I can't complain too much.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    When I was pregnant with baby #1, I had cholestasis of the liver & have SEVERE itching everywhere, but mostly my hands, feet & belly. I was miserable!
  • Just last night my SIL asked how I was feeling. I replied with okay, but, I'm really tired.

    Oh, and the nausea and feeling of being light headed sucks. Oh, and my boobs are so freakin' sore and HUGE. They were huge to begin with. Oh, and....

    And it went on until I finally said "I guess I'm not so okay". lol

    I've been waiting years for this though, so I'm trying not to complain too much. :)

    I think the worst was restless leg syndrome which I had with my first. Only lasted a week or so, but OMG that was hell.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I enjoy being pregnant and haven't had too many bad symptoms,but I did have a terrible rash after a virus and of course there is nothing you can take except Benadryl. So I was out of work for a week due to a rash.

    My son was breastfeeding up until 20 weeks but my aversion to nursing was strong that we ended up weaning.

    Everything else is holding together pretty well, though. I've had hip pain with every pregnancy and the support belt helps a lot; being 40 lbs less probably helps as well.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Only 7 weeks right now. I'd have to say the worst right now is the morning sickness. I had hyperemesis with my first (severe morning sickness.) I am hoping, praying and crossing fingers that this one doesn't get nearly as bad. (Last time I was hospitalized for it, had PICC line IV and lost 30lbs and I was not over weight to begin with.) I have lost 2 lbs in the last month and am not concerned yet. But, yes, morning sickness totally sucks.
    Constipation is pretty bad but that's an ongoing problem for me. I have IBS-C and pregnancy has just complicated it. I can't take my medication anymore and my constipation has gotten much worse.
    Sciatica has been hurting. I don't know that I'd blame that one on pregnancy though. I hurt it. Seems to have injured pretty easily though, perhaps in some way pregnancy made me more susceptible to injury.
    Sore breasts are easing up a lot. They hurt quite a bit for a good solid month, they are only slightly tender now.
    Headaches just started the last two days. This is a new one for me and had to go googling to get some ideas for relief because I don't want to take pain killers.
    Tired all the time but since I am in the dead season for my job right now, this really isn't a big deal. I can just go back to sleep after my baby leaves for school.

    Overall, not terrible. I am scared of hyperemesis setting in again, but as long as I can keep adverting this, I am happy.
  • lmercil
    lmercil Posts: 26 Member
    At 35 weeks now but I have had MS in the 1st tri, the flu or food poisoning-not sure which-combined with flying to a tradeshow (not a symptom but sucked none the less), sciatica since week 15, a great second trimester, getting tired in the 3rd, shoes no longer fit had to buy not quite flats (ugh- I'm a heels girl) and now these are getting tight, and now to top it off I have carpal tunnel in both hands. :smile:

    But I am still in good spirits and so excited. ON the sciatica - I have found the combo of a good prenatal chiropractor, prenatal yoga and switching out my chair at work for an exercise ball have helped immensely! Seriously if you have this go buy the largest ball from Target ($15) and use it! Plus my doula told me that having my knees downward (lower than hips will also help baby get into right position.

    Also if you haven't done it yet get in the pool. AMAZING! helps with swelling and it feels so good plus supposed to help relax everything and you can still get a workout in. I just switched from spinning to this in the last 2 weeks and it has been great.

    Good luck ladies!
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    If you have severe back pain, dont write it off as an unwelcome sympton, go to the OB to check it out. I thought my back pain was just normal 3rd trimester ache... but i was in premature labor at 27 weeks. And i had a super easy healthy pregnancy up until then, not even morning sickness. If you are unsure at all, rather have it checked ou!
  • Sixel
    Sixel Posts: 57 Member
    Some of those symptoms sound pretty bad. Thanks for the tips on sciatica.

    I managed to break my wrist so with another 5 weeks of cast ahead of me, my second trimester has gotten less fun. I'm surprised at how hard it is to get dressed, with the expanding waistline and only one hand to pull clothes up. And of course I am now wearing flats. :-(

    Luckily, feeling the first movements of a baby compensates for a lot. :-)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Oooo, pool sounds nice.
    My morning sickness cure came with a nausea medication. Some of the other symptoms have eased up on their own but the sciatica won't heal. It's just getting worse and worse, think I will try the pool.