Motivation needed

bruma1345 Posts: 21 Member
Hello, my name is Christina and I am finally ready to get motivated and serious. I started out almost 300 lbs (297) and now just barely under 270). I have been at a standstill and needed to get serious again. I just binged again today and need to stop. I am looking for support and motivated. I jointed a 12 wk biggest loser challenge and we have about 8 wks left. I have 2 young sons and NEED to get healthy for them.
Please feel free to add me on MFP.. I also have the Jawbone up.. my email is
Any feedback and tips are appreciated!


  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Did you log everything you ate on your binge? I've found it really *does* help! I used to ignore it, and just go, oh, I'll do better tomorrow. Some days I would, some days I wouldn't. But, now that I've been logging EVERYTHING, it seems to make me not want to binge. Or at least, not as badly. Something about putting it out there so people can see... You'll pull through this. We all hit tough spots. There isn't anything to do about the binge now. It's done. Move on. Don't let it 'eat' at you. Pardon the pun. Go for a walk. You can't out exercise it, but, it will make you feel like your doing something, and move you one step closer to the right direction. Hope this helps you!
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    I agree with jbuc. Be completely honest with yourself and log everything. Also, think about how you feel afterwards....sometimes we eat for emotional reasons (myself definitely included) and if you think about how your body feels after the binge and try to remember that before the next 'slip up' it might help keep you from doing it.

    Make sure you aren't setting yourself up for binges too though! Find other ways to deal with stress or whatever triggers you to binge. Be sure to replace the bad habits with good ones but don't overwhelm yourself with it. Start with one habit change and then once you have that one down (like removing pop for example) then pick something else like increasing your exercise or only eating out once a week (saves the wallet too!). Just keep them realistic and get your boys involved! This is a great learning opportunity for them as well! Even if it's as simple as taking them on a walk with you or having them pick a vegetable for dinner.

    Feel free to add me and send me a message any time!
  • bruma1345
    bruma1345 Posts: 21 Member
    I have an extremely stressful job.. most people don't last more than a month or two, but I have worked there for almost 7 yrs because I love the clientele that I work with. I am working on changing jobs now but my work schedule keeps changing and I think that is the main reason for the binges. There are some days that I are start at 6:30 and then I won't get home until about 7:30, 7:45.. and knowing that I don't see my sons have been killing me.. I think that has a part to deal with it. It is a double knife sword, food at the time makes me feel better (until it makes me sick :( and it is only temporary before I feel bloated), but I know in the long run that it will just kill me.. I've tried planning meals but then in the moment I don't feel like eating what I packed. I do log everything no matter how bad it gets, but I also think that I am trying to set WAY to many goals at one time. My mother was always heavy and I was also big growing up and I don't want my boys to grow up the same way.. they are still little enough that I can change eating habits and show them how to be healthy :)
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    It sounds like your head is really in the right place and you have plenty of motivation!
    I can definitely see why you are overwhelmed! I think breaking down your goals and making small changes will help you a lot! Plus even small goals will likely give you results.

    Would it help to pack a wider variety of food? Maybe that when if you aren't in the mood for something then you at least have a small amount of something else to eat and then at least cut back on binges. I know I am lucky in that I get to come home for lunch every day, but before I got into this position I would try to make sure I had some snacks packed and would eat one of them an hour or two before lunch and it helped me to be less picky. I've started working hard at viewing food as fuel for my body rather than just eating what tastes good (of course I only eat things I actually like but I might have to settle for something I am not necessarily in the mood for). I usually find that after a couple bites it isn't that big of a deal anyway!

    I think it's great that you seem self aware and are trying to change things before your sons learn the bad habits themselves. Good luck!!!