Holy Period Bloat Batman!!

msbanana Posts: 793 Member
Seriously, y'all. 4 pounds overnight and probably about 3-4 more over the weekend.
I feel like *kitten*. I keep drinking water and trying to avoid salty food (even though that's all I crave right now and we went to the fair this weekend). My pants are all tight any sign of the abs that were starting to show are long gone. I want to scream and throw stuff (that my also be the hormones).

If any of you all have any awesome tricks to keeping away/getting rid of period bloat I would love you forever.

For the sake of my sanity I generally don't weigh in weekly. I've had some issues with weight/food obsession in my past and if the scale goes up even a little I dive off the deep end and just say **** IT and eat all the things or say **** IT and quit eating all together. To save my mental health I am DEFINITELY skipping this week. I need to let my body do it's thing and get back to normal before I go any where near that scale again. I have a Personal Training appointment this coming weekend and will be forced to weigh in then- I'll let you know how much of this water weight I was able to shed.

I'm still with you all on this challenge but please understand if I don't check in every week with a weight. :heart:



  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I totally know what you mean! TOM always wreaks havoc for me, but such is life, sadly! LOL. See you when you're back to weigh in... but you can always still keep us updated!

    As far as tips, nope I don't have any! I have never managed to get through my period without gaining weight... and I always crave salt. Good thing is that I usually have pretty big losses when I get past that and lose the water weight :)
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I've seen the scale go up 5 lbs in a day because of that! It's annoying, but it will go back down.
  • thxo
    thxo Posts: 107 Member
    Not only did mine start today.. but I am also brutally hungover from yesterday. I feel like i'm going to die. I can't even tell if the weight gain is from all the pizza I ate yesterday or if i'm just bloated. :explode: :frown:
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Just adding on- TOM is wrecking havov for me, too. I know I gained a little weight back in the past few weeks, but the scale says 13 pounds more. I want to cry.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    I think I am the only woman on the planet who loses weight during TOM. Last cycle I lost 2lbs during, and as soon as it ended they were right back on. Cray.
  • livcurious
    livcurious Posts: 30 Member
    baconboobies - I'm the same! For the last few months I noticed I start losing as soon as I start my TOM. I don't understand it as I thought you gain in the beginning and then drop the water weight at the end.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Nice to know I'm not alone! Lol
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    "Aunt Flow" is about to visit and add tons of stress to that one!...*sigh*.. So... I've been on a ice cream, chocolate, salt and wine guzzling binge since Saturday... :( The scale is already reflecting it!!! S.O.S!! I'm on the crazy train and can't get off!!! :(