Welcome & Intros

Hi! This group will officially begin on Thursday, October 10, 2013 and will have weekly challenges and weigh-ins. It is meant to be a fun and encouraging group that will help you with your weight loss goals.

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and your goals that you would like to achieve.

Here's my intro :smile:

My name is Christie and I am 36. I have been with MyFitnessPal since the beginning of this year and I love it. I have another 20 lbs to go and have plateaued. I have found that these types of groups really work for me and hold me accountable. I'm excited to be hosting my first group so please be patient :wink:


  • julienfam
    julienfam Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I"m new to MyFitness Pal. My name is Monica, I'm 48 and I need all the help I can get. I would love to loose 25lbs. Wish me luck.
  • I am Danielle. I am doing well with eating habits but need to exercise more. Looking for encouragement in that area especially.
  • Hi Christie, I am Tom. I am 20. I have only been on MFP for just over a month or so. My goal is to maintain my weight, but to loose body fat. I started this journey at 20% and am now at 17%! So not doing to bad, but want to get down to about 10-13% range!
  • Hi! My name is Ana and I'm 26.
    I'm super new, I started just yesterday, but I'm loving MFP so far!
    I'd love to stay motivated and I'm hoping to lose about 40lbs (I'm in no hurry though!).
  • Hi. I"m new to MyFitness Pal. My name is Phalandria, I'm 21 and I need all the help I can get. I would love to loose 110lbs. If anyone know how to work this app, can you please help me.
  • Hi my name is Christina and I have been on this app for about a month now and I love it but I have about 70 pounds I like to lose and I look forward to working with everyone!! I am 26 and have had three pregnancies'
  • Hi, my name is Jessica. I am 19 years old and my goal is to lose about 25lbs. I'm new to MFP (I just joined today), and I'm hoping that this will help me stick to my weight loss plan by connecting with and making new friends, giving and receiving support, and being accountable with other people as I make this journey to a slimmer, healthier me! :happy:
  • roymmou
    roymmou Posts: 39 Member
    Hi I am Dani.Soon to be 31 and I am hoping to lose 35 pounds. I am currently wrapping up 30 day shred and want to keep the momentum going :-)
  • KimB1219
    KimB1219 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim I have recently gained 10lbs, UGH!. So my goal now is to drop 15lbs, log on daily and add strength training to my workouts. I need some help getting back on track, looking forward to see what Thursday brings.
  • Jackkitty26
    Jackkitty26 Posts: 3 Member
    I am Stephanie and I'm 38 and I want to lose atleast 40lbs. I have been with MFP since the middle of last month and I need help getting motivated to work out. And any and all encouragement is welcome. I look forward to working with everyone and I hope that we all do well.
  • Hi. I"m new to MyFitness Pal. My name is Holly and I'm 19 years old. I would love to loose 28lbs, and get generally fitter. I have tried things like this before but they never work. However I have started year 2 at uni so i'm hoping for a fresh start. Wish me luck!
  • momofrugrats
    momofrugrats Posts: 30 Member
    HI my name is Gloria and I am 3weeks shy of being 41 years old. I have been with MFP since July. I would like to lose 17 lbs overall, 5 lbs for this 4 week challenge.
  • lfrazza
    lfrazza Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm Liz. Have been dabbling with MFP for awhile now. I just joined a Biggest Winner Weight Loss challenge at my local Y again and am really hoping to succeed this time. I ultimately want to loose 50lbs - which can seem so overwhelming. Any support and encouragement I receive will certainly help me. Working hard to eat right and attempting to get back into a workout routine (knee issues limit what I can do)

    Can't wait to share encouragement and tips as we tackle this together
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Christine. I am 44 years young!! I started using MFP early this year (January or February) but really "started" using MFP in March. I was amazed to see just how many calories I was acutally taking in at first. I had no idea! I have since lost around 30 pounds and I have hit a plateau. My goal is to lose another 50 pounds or more, but in a healthy way.

    I was previously in some other groups that gave weekly challenges and weigh in's and those groups really helped me to keep on track!! I also just started a women's group that focuses on overall health, it includes a weekly meeting with exercise and discussion groups. I am hoping that doing both of these at the same time will get me back on the losing track.

    I look forward to working with everyone and good luck on your own personal goals!!
  • Hi, I'm Katherine. I've been on MFP for a couple of months now. My ultimate goal is to lose 109lbs. So far I've lost 21. I really want to be healthy and a good example for my kids. I try to work out at least 3 times a week and eat right. I hired a trainer to work out with so that he could hold me accountable. I think this group will be a great way to stay encouraged and help keep me focused and on track.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello everyone...I'm Tatanisha. I'm a single 37y/o looking to tone up while dropping pounds. I need help staying motivated and I like the constant interaction of groups not those silent and independant ones lol!! I love to laugh and have fun.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Marsha and I am 55 years old. I have been struggling with my weight since I had my first child nearly 28 years ago...and until this year, my weight was winning. I joined MFP a few years ago, but never really used it right...didn't read the forums, didn't make friends...I didn't even realize these options were available until this time around.

    This time around began at the beginning of this year, and this time around I am winning!

    I love challenges and I'm up for this one! I have just over 50 lbs. to go to reach my goal weight, but would like to reach 174 lbs. by the end of this challenge. If I do, I will reach the second milestone of this journey because it would take my BMI out of the obese range...and into the overweight range...and that will make me very happy!
  • My name is Holly and I am 24 year's old. I did a great job losing weight with weight watchers at the beginning of the year. unfortunately, I gained it all back plus some. :-( Now i'm trying to start losing again. i just need motivation and accountability to keep going. I am currently 190 lbs and would eventually like to get down to 150 lbs. My goal for the month is to lose 4-5 pounds. I can easily put on weight but taking it off is a pound by pound activity. Every pound is motivation for the next one!
  • AZRunnerGirlinErie
    AZRunnerGirlinErie Posts: 98 Member
    Hi everyone - I love reading all the intros and I can tell this is going to be a great group! I'm really excited to get started on Thursday and am looking forward to seeing us all succeed.
  • jmclean67
    jmclean67 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 46 years old and have carried around an extra 20 lbs for the past 5 years. This past year I unfortunately added 10 lbs to that so now have a goal of losing 30lbs. I am not in a rush, I just want to get back to feeling good in my clothes and having more energy. I really like the idea of this type of group. It's great to hear from like minded people. Looking forward to the coming weeks.