When are you planning to tell work and friends of the news?

OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
Just curious to see what you all have to say.

I'm torn with waiting till after my first trimester to tell my office. I work in a very professional financial office and I always wear fitted suits, skirts, etc. I don't really have a lot of loose clothing except for some blouses. Lately I look like I ate way too many donuts and I'm wondering if my co-workers notice. I'm only 9 1/2 weeks.

I was thinking of waiting to let them know after my ultrasound next week...but thinking that may be too soon. I guess time will tell. I think I'll hold on to my secret till I know I'm showing for sure and I no longer have clothes to hide it.

On the other hand, I'm telling my really close gal pals this weekend when we meet up for dinner and "drinks"....lol...they'll figure it out. :blushing:


  • IndianMuslim
    Congrats! I am going thru this same dilemma; although I just got a positive result today (I'm about 4 weeks). I am contemplating telling my co-workers and manager now because I work in a Radiation Oncology department in a hospital and I need to be careful around certain patients. At the same time I don't want to say anything too early and jinx it.

    Are you planning on working throughout your pregnancy? I was going to give my notice for my last day to be November 22nd (the day I leave for vacation), but that's still 6 weeks away. Not sure if I should give my letter now or wait a few more weeks. My ultrasound is on November 11th and that is when they will actually confirm my pregnancy.

    Anyone been thru this? Is it better to give advanced notice when you are not planning on continuing with a job due to pregnancy, or is 2 weeks sufficient? I woud love to hear from people who have been there and what their experiences were.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I am 10 weeks and we have announced it for a couple of different reason. (1) Family right away as they questioned why I did not have my glass of wine with supper when we all ate together, so they have known since week 6. (2) I have been incredibly sick this pregnancy and most people figured it out when I take off for the bathroom heaving. (3) We have two sons and they thought I was sick and dying due to the morning sickness so we had to explain to them that Mommy was okay at 8 weeks. (4) I have two sons who as soon as they found out announce it to everyone who they pass.

    Your co-workers might be suspicious, but waiting a few more weeks may not hurt just to be on the safe side. Make sure if you decide to not tell everyone that you let your friends know that it is a secret and to stay quiet. My brother-in-law the day after we told them at 6 weeks went and told all of his employees that we were pregnant. Had to get after him about keeping quiet and make sure that they all stayed quiet as we live in a very small, rural town and lips like to gossip. So make sure to stress to them to not share the news.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Congrats! I am going thru this same dilemma; although I just got a positive result today (I'm about 4 weeks). I am contemplating telling my co-workers and manager now because I work in a Radiation Oncology department in a hospital and I need to be careful around certain patients. At the same time I don't want to say anything too early and jinx it.

    Are you planning on working throughout your pregnancy? I was going to give my notice for my last day to be November 22nd (the day I leave for vacation), but that's still 6 weeks away. Not sure if I should give my letter now or wait a few more weeks. My ultrasound is on November 11th and that is when they will actually confirm my pregnancy.

    Anyone been thru this? Is it better to give advanced notice when you are not planning on continuing with a job due to pregnancy, or is 2 weeks sufficient? I woud love to hear from people who have been there and what their experiences were.

    I used to work at the hospital as a nurse for my first two pregnancies. I told my supervisor and co-workers right away, so that they would not question when I refused to do certain things. Especially being in with radiation I would mention it. I know that our x-ray techs would work throughout their pregnancy, but letting the people you work with know usually helps if something comes up that you can not do.

    I have no response for your second question. I worked through both pregnancies, but personally I would just give the required notice whether 2 weeks or 30 days.
  • Lmsvelling
    Lmsvelling Posts: 19 Member
    I am only 7 weeks pregnant and I have told my work people already because just this month I have 3 dr appts. (2 ultrasounds and a follow up)
    Close family guessed it since I passed up on having a drink too many times. I won't announce it to everyone til probably around 10 or 11 weeks. With my last pregnancy we announced it at 8 weeks.
  • Emma38418
    Emma38418 Posts: 38 Member
    I told my family when i found out at 6 weeks. The same week I had a scheduled clean and polish booked with my dentist. I told the dentists concerned about anything she may use, she advised it was best not to have a clean in case it causes sensitivity. The next morning at my office her husband came bounding in to my office congratulating me in front of everyone!!! So my team found out at only 6/7 weeks from my dentists husband, not quite how i had planned to tell them!! The way i have seen it is that should the worst happen they would know anyway because of my absence (we are a small team of 10). Anyone close enough to tell if the worst happen may as well know (quite a negative thing to say i know but practical) First time round i told family at 6 weeks and then work at about 8 weeks anyway because i was so excited!! The more people who are close to you that know, the more people there are to support you :)
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    I told family (and some friends) the day I found out. I will reveal it to everyone else at 10 weeks or so.
  • Hollie_downunder
    I've told our families - who are all over the moon excited - especially mine, first baby in the family for 20 years and first grandbaby!

    We've only told very close friends. I have a girls dinner next week where i think i will have to tell seeing as i'm usually the life of the party knocking back the wines!

    I told my boss this week at 8 weeks, i haven't had any morning sickness but one morning i was feeling quite Blah and thought i would tell just so she knows if i'm not quite as with it or productive!

    Everyone else will be finding out at 10 weeks and i can't wait! Already looking at what creative ideas i can use to announce it on Facebook etc :)
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    My husband, son and I took a cute picture and posted it on Facebook today. It was fun to see everyone's reaction. I would love to show you guys, but I can't figure out how to post pic's. i did put the announcement pic on my profile page.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    We ended up telling family at 9 weeks or so after the doctor downgraded my pregnancy from high risk to low risk. We have tons of out of town family who keep in touch via Facebook and I am friend with people at work there so I ended up telling my boss and close coworkers before people started posting all over Facebook. Also, I felt horrible in the mornings and even though I wasn't sick most of the time, people were constantly asking why I looked like death.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I finally told my coworkers last week at 10 1/2 weeks and then spread the news on FB over the weekend.

    We posted a picture of a little pumpkin with a pacifier with "Meet our Little Pumpkin, Arriving in May 2014". LOL....our pages were flooded. Feels good not to have to hide it and always put on a brave face when I feel like crap.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    We told family at 8 weeks. My Grandma passed away three days later so I am so happy we told them early. I'll tell my boss next week after my 12 week appt on Tuesday. Then I'll just let is slip here and there. No big announcement. I didn't announce on Facebook with my first. My sister's posted pics of my daughter for me and tagged us in them.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    We told family at 8 weeks. My Grandma passed away three days later so I am so happy we told them early. I'll tell my boss next week after my 12 week appt on Tuesday. Then I'll just let is slip here and there. No big announcement. I didn't announce on Facebook with my first. My sister's posted pics of my daughter for me and tagged us in them.

    I'm so glad you got to tell your grandma before she passed! We just missed being able to tell my husband's grandma by two weeks.

    I ended up telling my boss when I found out at 8 weeks because I felt like I owed him a reason for all my sick days. I figured if I was honest with him, he would understand where I was coming from since I'm a dedicated employee. I'm almost 10 weeks now and will probably tell a few more people outside of family when the 12 week ultrasound looks good. :happy: