Introduce yourself!!



  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have been practicing yoga for 4 years. Even though I am heavier I love to practice. Yoga really is for every-body. I have gained and lost the same 15 pounds a few times since going through some medical stuff. However, I am really working hard to just eat clean, practice when I can and not weigh myself. I am so glad I found this group!
  • YogaJim108
    YogaJim108 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I just came across your group today, and the name summarizes two important things in my life. I have been practicing yoga for 7 years, and I have been teaching it for 2 years. I teach a restorative style of yoga. I have also been working to eat clean. Anyone that would like to add me would be great since we have similar interests.
  • sruvane
    sruvane Posts: 65 Member
    I'm not sure if the original creator of this group is still moderating this group, but I'd love to help keep it going. I'm also a yoga teacher (practicing but not currently teaching now, but did for 6 years). I'm also a 2008 graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and 2009 graduate of their Immersion year. I was trained in understanding a variety of dietary theories and also feel better when eating clean. I'm a work in progress, having struggled with emotional eating at various stages of my life. I'm working hard at being the best me I can be, and supporting others to get there too. I'm an educator by day (work as a speech and language pathologist), mom, and grandma.
  • mpoz23
    mpoz23 Posts: 2
    Hello :)

    My name is Megan. I just started on this site. I've had success losing weight and finding a healthy life before; however, I've been neglecting myself lately.

    I grew up always fad-dieting and taking up exercise tapes with distaste for weeks at a time. Then I became a vegetarian and found yoga and long walks and the weight and the excess fell away. I always began treating every part of my body like a temple.

    Now I'm looking for support from like minded people! I'm interested in getting my 200 hr. yoga teacher training this summer!
  • recoveryoga
    recoveryoga Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Jill and I've been doing yoga for about 3 years now. I've never considered it an exercise but more of a way of life. My main style is vinyasa and would love to add all my lovely yogis as friends here
  • Rokoye83
    Rokoye83 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi my name is Rose! I practice bikram, Hatha, vinyasa and ashtanga yoga. I have recently started aerial yoga classes. I find yoga serves as a spiritual and emotional release for me, as well as helps me lose the baby weight.
    I do my best to eat clean and would love for more like minded mfp friends! Add me :)
  • fairvanity
    Hey Everybody!

    I started practicing yoga as a means to get out of emotional toxic build up in 2012. I ve have a flexible but not strong body and yoga helps me become stronger. I second the person that said she loves yoga after not during - I mostly find myself getting really angry at my instructor for making me hurt so much but love how it calms my mind through out the day - week even. I get 3 yoga sessions a week but will aim to get at least a few sun salutations everyday.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    My name is Marina and I am fairly new to yoga. I'm not much of a spiritual person so I never considered it to be something for me. And while I still do struggle with meditative poses, in general - I love yoga.
    It's the first "sport" or exercise I am doing where I don't feel the need to be competitive. I don't need to 'get better than that girl next to me'. And it's not about burning kcal.

    I just want to get to peace with my body. I want to be more flexible and stronger.

    I haven't attended any yoga classes yet, I am just practicing at home. I'm still too anxious because I'm at the very beginning, I'm not very flexible and struggle with the easiest poses and I worry that I will feel embarrassed too much, so that I'll forget how muchI enjoy yoga and leave it because I'm not good enough. :embarassed:
    (I struggle a lot with perfection and yoga is the first thing for ages where I can accept, that it is about progress and that it's okay that I am not amazing from the beginning :blushing: )

    I'd be happy if you added me to your friends list :):flowerforyou:
  • conversegirl68
    conversegirl68 Posts: 7 Member

    I have been practicing yoga since the mid 80's. The last four years have been really hard as I've gained a lot of weight. I joined this group because it represented yoga and clean eating.

    I look forward to getting to know you all.

  • rah27liz
    rah27liz Posts: 12
    Hello! I'm Sarah and I began my yoga journey back in January. My goal is not only to redefine my body, but to strengthen my mind. I would appreciate any advice and support :)
  • rah27liz
    rah27liz Posts: 12
    I am attending my first group class tonight... I am nervous! I will let you know how it goes... :)
  • AngieRichThings
    AngieRichThings Posts: 14 Member

    I have been doing yoga for a good 10+ years but have recently decided to get a certification. Yoga is a wonderful way to relax the mind, body, and spirit. It's also great to help shape a body!

    I look forward to interacting with you all!

    Namaste :)
  • beakers1987
    beakers1987 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Beka, and I've been practicing various forms of yoga for about 13 years. I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in May. I'm here to meet like-minded people who are passionate about health & wellness.
  • ericamg1023
    Bikram or just a studio in and of itself? I own my own studio.
  • yogagirlnatasha
    yogagirlnatasha Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All!
    My name is Natasha, and I have been practicing for over a year and a half. I practice mostly hot vinyasa, but then also occasionally take regular vinyasa classes to change things up. I am looking into getting my yoga certification once I have the extra funds and time, I feel like it would really strengthen my practice both physically and mentally.
    Around two years ago, I discovered that I have some gluten sensitivities, and I have recently been trending away from packaged and prepared foods. My goal is to switch over to a completely clean and whole-food diet.
    I'm excited to be a part of your group!
  • solsikke74
    solsikke74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Live and I have practiced yoga for 13 years. I joined beacuse it is nice to be in a group with like-minded people. I started with the books of Vimla Lalvani, and is now following Ekhart yoga on youtube as well. With small children, it is easier to work out when it fits the family.

    When it comes to eating, I am the only one among my siblings and parents who does not take any medicine. I have been trying to eat healty for 20 years, and try to eat raw food.
  • emarks
    emarks Posts: 4
    I am a casual yogi, and have been at the upper end beginner/lower to mid range intermediate level for YEARS. I enjoy my weekly community yoga night, but have slacked in the last few MONTHS! It is horrible. I want to get back into having yoga be a regular part of my life. I hear that once one gets really into it, that the clean diet part just comes along naturally. I hope this is the case, because I really need to start seeing sweets as the devil in disguise that they are!! Oh. And I want to do crow pose for longer than 2 seconds without being afraid I will end up with a bloody nose.
  • dhall2011
    dhall2011 Posts: 209
    Hi I'm Destree. I love yoga and I mostly practice at home but I am a going to be teaching yoga at a community center starting next month. I'm working on the clean eating deal but it's slow going. I definitely am better than I was 6 months ago but I try to have grace with myself so I don't paralyze my progress. Looking forward to interacting with you all!
  • amymfr
    Hey I just found this group!!! My name is Amy, I'm 28 and 6 months ago I had my son. Since then I've been cleaning up my diet and committing to yoga, walking, and some running to keep healthy. I am at a lower weight now than I was before I got pregnant and I swear yoga and clean eating is all to thank!! Would love to meet some like-minded folks that believe like I do that a mat is one of the best ways to keep in shape : ) Would love to join in on this discussion groups and meet some new friends : )
  • Mslove9801
    Mslove9801 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am 36, live in Washington state and just recently got divorced. I put on too much weight while I was married after having kids and I am determined to get healthy this year!

    I am doing clean eating, intervals on the treadmill, yoga, walking my dogs and am thinking of adding weight lifting, but there are only so many hours in the day! I also work and go to school full time along with being a mom to two teenage boys. Writing this down makes my life look so much busier than it is! I make sure to take time for myself and once a week I just veg on the couch to decompress for a few hours with a good book or every once in awhile a Netflix marathon :)

    Nice to meet you all!