
Emma38418 Posts: 38 Member
How much are you doing, how often and what type? I am doing 30 minutes of walking or stationary bicycling per day (quite gentle) I am scared to do more, maybe you could inspire me with suggestions of other things that are safe?


  • LJ1973
    LJ1973 Posts: 2 Member
    Great thread - I'm looking forward to seeing other responses for ideas. I take zumba and pilates once a week. I try to walk during my lunch break on the days that I don't take those classes. Once the belly bump appears, I'll need to find something other than pilaties, I think... but the instructor is pretty good about helping people make adjustments when needed. On the days that I use the gym equipment (not nearly as often as i should) I usually use the elliptical and/or stair climber.
  • Mainly just walking the dog at the moment, but when I am feeling more human I'd like to start swimming and am considering yoga? Anything for a bit of peace and quiet time ;)
  • Lmsvelling
    Lmsvelling Posts: 19 Member
    I have a prenatal yoga dvd that I do about 2-3 times a week and I also walk in the mornings!
  • I'm still working out every day - a mixture of either running with my dog, bodypump or Shaun T Focus T25

    Before falling pregnant i was doing Insanity Asylum and also ran my first half marathon this year - so my body is used to intense exercise

    what i'm doing at the moment is quite a big drop in activity for me, though i'm feeling pretty tired at the moment! 3pm in the afternoon at work is a struggle! haha

    On the plus side, i am sleeping LIKE A BABY! (funny that quote, seeing as hear babies actually don't sleep that well! hehe)

  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I have a prenatal yoga dvd that I do about 2-3 times a week and I also walk in the mornings!
    What is your prenatal yoga DVD? I am trying to find one for home, but hate to get one that is no good.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    My energy level is just finally coming back at 10 weeks. I walk during my lunch hour 4 days a week for about 20-25 minutes and put in just a little over a mile. On Wednesday, my day off I go for a two mile walk.

    I've been trying to remember to do squats with light dumbells, but it's hit or miss if I remember to get them all in.

    I've been researching prenatal yoga DVDs and would like to start getting a routine with those. On Saturdays I usually do yoga and have been, but would like something more specific for pregnancy as I am self-taught and just unsure of myself. My back is starting to ache from trying to sleep on my left side at night (just trying to get myself trained). I am usually a right-sided, semi-belly sleeper and the flip is killing me!
  • BBickers0831
    BBickers0831 Posts: 7 Member
    I will say the last 2 weeks I haven't done ANYTHING I have been so exhausted!! I typically do 2 classes of Zumba a week and play softball on the weekends. Softball for me is now over - although the doctor said I could play (our season ended). I was told I could continue to do what I did prior to pregnancy which was Zumba twice a week, Softball & Weight Training once a week.

    I do walk - a lot. I park over a block away from work and walk and also take the steps to my desk on the 4th floor. Every little bit helps :)