Starting instructions



  • mikee007
    mikee007 Posts: 94 Member
    Challenge start weight 217 pounds
    Week 4 current weight 214 pounds
    One thing that went well stuck to my calories but still well down on my exercise routine
    Got a three week blast now to hit goal weight :-))
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    WEEK 3 results

    name_startingweight_currentweight_loss_% to 7lb goal
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Challenge start weight 138.6
    Week 4 current weight 136.8
    One thing that went well. Back running but still having a lot of trouble sticking to my cals. I'm running a half marathon this weekend. This will be my first. In the past I have always found it hard to lose weight while training. After this weekend I'm going to start running shorter distances and allowing myself to concentrate on my food intake more than my exercise regime. :)

    This week's special challenge is for dekutree who is obviously on a roll to message the other members of the group individually and say hi and share how he is doing so well :)
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    This week's special challenge is for dekutree who is obviously on a roll to message the other members of the group individually and say hi and share how he is doing so well :)
  • Hey all! Sorry, I flaked on logging in last week, I've been a sick & it was my 1st wedding anniversary so I was busy spending time w/the hubs in celebration. Not a good excuse, I know-- sorry!

    Challenge starting weight: 145 lbs.
    Week 4 current weight: 143.2 lbs.
    One things that went well: I've been under my calorie goal 4 days in a row, so that's something.
    Next week: Keep my calories in check and get some exercise in with at least a couple of days of yoga. Taking it easy in case this illness is a Crohn's flare. (Fingers crossed that it's not, I've been better the last couple of days.)
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    This week's special challenge is for dekutree who is obviously on a roll to message the other members of the group individually and say hi and share how he is doing so well :)

    Hah, whoa, I only just spotted this. Well part of my success was down to buying some new scales ;). Also I probably have more to lose than a lot of you. If we were doing this by bodyweight percentage it might not look so impressive....x
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    Challenge start weight: 207.5
    Current weight: 193.5
    Went well: Back running again after resting my back for a bit. Did a sneaky extra run today as it was so sunny.
    Next week: COOK MORE. Though I'm staying within my cals my fat has been quite a bit over and I've not been eating enough veg. Been very busy and so having snacky dinner a lot.
  • Challenge start weight: 145 lbs.
    Current weight: 143.8 lbs. (!!!)
    Went well: I've been under my calorie goal most days for the last two weeks, so I really don't know what's up w/my weight. I indulge over the weekend, but I don't go totally nuts...
    Next week: Staying under my calorie goal and keeping my weekends more in check. I'm at a loss b/c I've never really hit a plateau before and I know that I can get under 140 because I was there a year ago before my wedding. I'd only like to lose 10-15 more lbs, so maybe it's just that I'm relatively close to my goal. Oh, and I'm getting a cold, so I feel like crap. Happy, healthy vibes appreciated!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    WEEK 5 results

    name_startingweight_currentweight_loss_% to 7lb goal
    mikee007_217_214_3_43% (didn't log this week)

    Hey everyone. Thanks for logging in and tell me how you are doing. dekutree is still losing and has now doubled the target at 14lbs lost in just 5 weeks. Excellent work.

    I'm still persevering but struggling to meet 7lbs lost. After finishing my half marathon last week I'm now taking a rest from training and focusing on my food. This will certainly help me start losing lbs again.

    There is not much time left before Halloween. Are you dressing up? I've got a number of parties to go to as well as a Halloween 5k so I'm hoping to bring out a few costumes but I'll definitely be taking advantage of the opportunity to get my goth on and dress up as some traditional characters (witch).

    Remember to log in Tomorrow and then again on the 31st. Good luck. Let's see if one more of us can make it to 7lbs.
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    Challenge start weight: 207.5
    Current weight: 194
    Went well: Varied my run routes a bit and used my bike a little. Oh and cooked a nice healthy stew!
    Next week: Try a new recipe.
  • Challenge start weight: 145 lbs.
    Current weight: 142.8 lbs.
    This week: Been sick all week, so I've been eating lots of hot tea, soup and crackers. Finally feeling better! Woooo!
    Next week: Get my yoga on. Definitely not going to hit my goal of 7 lbs, but I'm trying to at least get another pound off! :)
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    Final Halloween weight = 190lb!

    See you tonight Leila for our spooky 5k!!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Final Halloween Weight = 134.2lbs.

    Looking forward to hearing your final results. I'll post them all up asap.
  • Final Halloween weight: 142.6 lbs. Have a safe and happy Halloween, all!