Hey ladies!

Started this group for all young moms to chat about weight loss and getting fit!


  • Hi :) i really hope you dont mind me joining your group, im a 19 year old mummy to a 22 month old girl and i want to get fit for my princess :)
  • Hi :) i really hope you dont mind me joining your group, im a 19 year old mummy to a 22 month old girl and i want to get fit for my princess :)

    I'm glad you joined!!! :)
  • collegegirl713
    collegegirl713 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am 28 years old with a 13 month old and like most of us, I want to get fit for my little one. I have already lost about 25 pounds, but I seem to be stuck with motivation. I am SO tired and I find myself making excuses for my poor behavior (dieting and/or excercising). Hopefully, we can all encourage each other to set an example for our little ones!
  • FT03
    FT03 Posts: 5
    Heya to all the mothers,

    I am 31 and I just had a baby 9 months ago, so I'm slowly getting back into healthy eating and fitness training too.
    I had my daughter in 05 and took me at least a year to lose all the weight i had gained after having her, and I did well
    was so happy with the family support, I had kept it off for 7 years, then I had my 2nd child last year, and I gained 30kgs during my pregnancy, my normal weight before i was pregnant was 65kg so with my 2nd pregnancy i ate everything and anything at times more then once, not good! gave birth to a healthy baby boy weighing in at 9pdz :) big baby lol.

    after giving birth and the 6 week checkup i couldn't put myself into heavy training as I had a 7 finger gap along my stomach
    i needed to wear some SRC recovery shorts to bring my gap together, which was the first, so i had massive back problems and couldn't walk for long or stand for ages, very depressing during that time,
    But then 4 months later I started to try and get back into training and eating healthy but it just wasn't going my way
    with temptations around, a partner that is skinny and tall and can eat all he can without gaining weight, it was hard!

    But I was envious of all the mothers out there who have had 3-6 kids and look so good, that i challenged myself and made it a goal for myself, I did this before and I know i can do it again, other mothers can do it, so can I. it was all up to me to put the work
    into it and the effort! I had motivation from mothers and friends who have had troubles with their weight and now they are looking good. Everything gets out of control when you let it, but if you keep focused and know what you want! then it will happen!

    I just have to believe in that, so in the start i weighed myself and I was 93kg after having my son.
    That was huge and honestly my heart sank! I instantly thought I can't do it, it's going to be hard I hated how i looked, but i know it was my fault i ate alot during my pregnancy i should have been more in control of what i was eating, but sometimes you just couldn't help it lol.

    But to this day I am now 81kg so i'm slooooowly making progress and I know i can do much more, eating healthy is easy
    going back to the gym is intense but its something I have to do to shape and tone my body.
    Walking everyday with son is good but I know I got to step up my game.

    but it's good you have created this group LurveTheDoctor I really hope to find some inspiration on here from many mothers
    Because I too get tired at times, I work nightshifts and have a 9month old son to care for in the mornings, I don't really get the full 8 hours sleep till the weekend, so I know I need the motivation too at times.

    But I hope everyone is doing well with their goals :)
  • fairyT83
    fairyT83 Posts: 34 Member

    I had my little girl 3 weeks ago. I had to have an emergency c section so can't start exercising for another few weeks but I really want to be fit and healthy for my family. I've also been left with a very ugly c section pouch :( that I already loath. My goal is to make my body the very best it can be!!
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    I had a plan that I might start working out after I had my son but I was breastfeeding (plus pumping for milk donation) and the weight came off on its own, I never had the motivation to actually do anything to be healthier. Now he's going on 3 and I'm just fat on bones. Any muscle bulk I had sort of withered away. My BMI is still "normal" but the US Navy body fat calculator says I'm obese by my measurements. Its sort of depressing.
  • I feel the same way, I'm a stay at home mom to 3 kids and I'm always tired, I really want to lose weight but I cant get motivated btw I'm 26 yrs old on Monday 5"10 and 302lbs, I NEED/WANT to lose weight, after my last child in 2010 I just starting gaining and gaining and now it's hard to loose it!
  • FT03
    FT03 Posts: 5
    I've never had to have a C-section but I've had many of my friends go thru the same boat.
    and hey they can do it, you can too So good luck and reach high for that goal girl @fairyT83 ;)
    look forward to reading your updates
  • FT03
    FT03 Posts: 5
    I feel the same way, I'm a stay at home mom to 3 kids and I'm always tired, I really want to lose weight but I cant get motivated btw I'm 26 yrs old on Monday 5"10 and 302lbs, I NEED/WANT to lose weight, after my last child in 2010 I just starting gaining and gaining and now it's hard to loose it!

    hey chiclosgurl08 it's not hard to loose it, don't say that, coz I kept saying that too, after I had my son and I thought
    this weight is not going to go away if I keep saying to myself "it's hard, i'm never going to lose weight" and then eat a whole packet
    of tim tams to drown my sorrows, coz trust me I've done that lol..

    do something active with your 3 kids, 30minutes of push play every day goes a long way..and then start slooowly put yourself
    into a routine with healthy eating and doing other active activities, I know you can do it, it's in every women to be able to push themselves and make it happen, if others can you can too!!! your still young so WANT TO lose weight girl, and make a goal for yourself, hope it will work out for you, and look forward to any other updates :)
  • hellbreeanna
    hellbreeanna Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is BreeAnna and I am 22 with 2 children. My daughter is 3 and my son is 1 on Monday :p Today I am starting my journey to lose 30-40 pounds and I'm looking for support. I'm not very self motivated so if I could find a virtual mommy fitness buddy that would be great! Feel free to add me! And good luck everyone!