October 14- Weigh-in

bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
SW (8/1 -10/31/13) (#1)___346 (8/1)
PW (previous weight)____ 322 (10/7)
CW (current weight)_____ 320 (10/14)
Loss (this week)________-2 (10/14)
Loss Total (phase #1)____-26 (goal of 31#) 5# to goal

Let's keep after it! We've come too far and put too much effort & work in, to stop now!! We can!! ~♥bit


  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    SW : 221
    PW : 204
    CW : 204
    Loss: 0
    Loss Total: 17
    Phase Goal: 25
    Completion: 68%

    Was gone for 2 weeks. Ate tons of fast food, somehow I didn't gain anything. Didn't lose anything, but didn't gain. Not bad since I was expecting to gain.
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Sw 199
    Pw 195.8
    Cw 194.2
    Loss 1.6
    Total 4.8

    Still not making good food choices. Got down to 191 earlier this week, but then ate crap again. I'm really sensitive to sodium! Still in for the long run though!
  • SW 332.4
    PW 322.6
    CW 320.0
    Loss this week 2.6
    Loss this phase 12.4

    I'm still trying to hang in there. Take care everyone. We can do this :)
  • SW (for current phase): 237
    PW (previous weight): 228.2
    CW (current weight): 227.4
    Loss (this week): 0.8
    Loss Total (this phase): 9.6

    Sorry this is late! I got busy with school and work!! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Sw 203
    Pw 199
    Cw 198,6