Team Blue Meet & Greet!

justformel Posts: 193 Member
Hello all! I see I am listed as a co-coach and I see we don't have a thread started yet, so here we go! :happy:

If you see your name listed below, you know you're in the right spot!


With the show starting tomorrow night, lets try and get all of our intros updated by Wed AM at the latest.

If you haven't done so, please get your starting weight updated in this spreadsheet:

Let's go team BLUE!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Yay!!! Lets go team blue! My name is Ashley and I am a 27 year old mom of 2 boys and I have a step daughter who is 11. I work full time and am really bad about sticking to my goals. I do best when I have challenges to help me stick with the program and I am ultra competitive. I have about 80 total lbs to lose but mostly, I am focusing on being healthy and making better choices, portion control and getting in my exercise daily. What are you all most looking forward to? What are you going to do to hold yourselves accountable? What are you looking forward to at the finish line?
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    Just checked out the spreadsheet and see we just need one more to go and enter their starting weight! Remember this needs to be done by 8pm EST tonight. :smile:

    My intro: My name is Melanie, I will be 35 in one month. My weightloss journey has been a long one, going on over 10 yrs now. My highest weight ever was 276. I have been to goal twice now, but haven't learned the maintenance part of the journey yet. I have 3 very active daughters (9, 15, 17). I have completed many races over the years and this year I was no where near racing shape so had to take a year off. :cry:

    With this challenge I hope to get back on track and lose this weight again. I do good for a few weeks, I know what I need to do and get done, just haven't been able to snap back into it. After having to go buy all new work clothes for the winter, I know this is what I need to do cause I don't like feeling this way.

    I have several injuries I have to keep an eye on so they don't get worse. I think I let that excuse get into my head this past year as I didn't want to have a 3rd surgery in a row this summer. Not sure what is worse, going total opposite and gaining weight back, or aggravating my injuries and needing another surgery.

    I look forward to meeting everyone and lets have a great challenge!!

    GO BLUE GO! Makes me think of Bob, as he is the blue team! I love me some Bob! :flowerforyou:
  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    Hello Blue Team!!

    I'm Keli. I'm 23 and I have been on this weight loss journey my entire life. I can't remember a time where I wasn't conscious of my weight. But things are different now. I've changed my way of thinking. I've changed my outlook. This is now a battle to be healthy and fit. I have just less than fifty pounds to lose, by estimation. I'll know when I get there that I'm in the right place. I don't know the exact number now, so 50 is just a guess.

    I know all the strategies, I know all the work outs, I know all the right foods to eat. The biggest problems for me are the mind games. My emotions and anxiety tend to control my eating habits when they are controlling me. But that's one of the things I'm learning to change. I don't want to be controlled by my stress and anxiety any longer. I am meant for more!
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    I just read the bios on all the contestants and I predict a lot of tears this season, from me at home too!! LOL

    I can't wait for it to start, this is one of my fave shows all time!

    Last night I prepped my food for breakfast and lunch, plus snacks at work. I have been too lazy to do that in a few weeks, I was quite proud. :)

    What have you done for yourself today or plan to do to make yourself proud?
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello all!

    Sorry I'm a little late, I'm also listed as a co-coach! It is nice to meet you all. Glad to be on team BLUE! (Happens to be my fave color!) I'm going to make sure to add you all and keep each other motivated!

    My name is Darcie and i just turned 26 this past thursday. I'm a new mom, had my son in July, and is ready to get this baby weight (plus way more) off! My goal is to reach 160lbs. For this challenges my goal is to get out of the 200's and maybe even below 195!
  • MichelleP418
    MichelleP418 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Michelle and I am a 41yr old mother of 1 very awesome 10year old daughter and married to an amazing man. My goal is to do my best to get down to 160. I am doing this same type of challenge with some co-workers at work so I am hoping it will give me double motivation. I am excited to get this show on the road! It is great to meet you all and we will be successful!!! Why? Because we are team Blue!!!!
  • janetksc
    janetksc Posts: 80 Member
    My name is Janet. I am a mother of five(one of which is 29 and has cerebral palsy, who lives at home and is care for my be and my husband of 30 years) and grandmother of five, with two more grands coming in the next six months. I work full time as a credit manager and have tried to lose weight more times than I can think. I was doing great until about 4 mos ago when my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer...I live in South Carolina and she lives in I am flying back and forth about every 6 weeks. She is responding well to the chemo but it has been my "excuse" to go off task. In those last 4 mos I have gained back about 15lbs of the weight that I lost .... I am going to get back on task and I want to participate in this challenge to get the "kick in the butt" that I need.
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    Hi team!! Hope you don't get tired of me "spamming" the board! :wink: I am really using this as a chance for me to get fully back on the wagon, and by being very active and "bugging" everyone with the thoughts that run through my head, really helps me stay on track.

    Looks like we have had over half of the team check in so far with intros.

    Here is a list I have compiled so far:

    Devans25 - Darcie
    Justformel - Melanie
    Abagwill - Ashley
    Khearron26 - Keli
    Janetksc - Janet
    MichelleP418 - Michelle

    I am also going to throw this out there...if anyone wants a texting or email buddy, let me know! I would be more than happy to be that buddy to any and all! :bigsmile: Just sent me a PM and I'll give out my digits or my email is:

    Lets have fun with this team! This challenge takes us through the hard, full of food, holidays.
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    Just noticed...all of our beginning weights are in. WAY TO GO TEAM!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Even if we don't like where we are starting, its all down hill from here! With the support and motivation from all of us, we CAN do this together!! Let's have some fun over the next few months. Google tells me Feb 4th will be when the finale airs. Where do YOU want to be by Feb 4th, what do YOU want to accomplish?
  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    I have 3 goals that I want to reach (or exceed!) by the end of the next 16 weeks.

    1) I want to be down 20 lbs from my current weight
    2) I want to feel like I look confident, and no longer look silly in my Body Combat class!
    3) I want to be able to run 3 miles nonstop (which I have NEVER done before) and sign up for my very first 5K!!
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member
    I have 3 goals that I want to reach (or exceed!) by the end of the next 16 weeks.

    1) I want to be down 20 lbs from my current weight
    2) I want to feel like I look confident, and no longer look silly in my Body Combat class!
    3) I want to be able to run 3 miles nonstop (which I have NEVER done before) and sign up for my very first 5K!!

    Exactly! Ive dreamed of being able to run a full 5k!
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member

    Will anybody be watching tonight? How many people are recording and watching later?

    Ill be watching and chatting throughout the show if anybody wishes to chat as well. Just reply on this thread but remember to refresh the page periodically.
  • Anne0209
    Anne0209 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherry and I am 34 years old. Been married for 15 years this Nov., have 2 kids and I work a very part time job stocking cards/party/holiday supplies for Hallmark in our local stores. I've always struggled with my weight and dream of the day that I succeed at this weight loss journey. I've lost and regained my weight so many times, it makes me dizzy thinking about it.

    I don't have the best support system in place, I get a lot of encouragement on mfp but as far as in my own offline world it's pretty bleak. I usually do pretty good once I get in the groove of things, I get my workouts in, eat well and then out of the blue, it goes south, I'm praying this challenge will lead me to a longer and more successful lifestyle.

    I have 125 lbs. to lose, as much as I would love to be able to drop that like the contestants on the biggest loser, the hanging fat that would come with it would depress me so I will lose it slower and pray that the skin shrinks back as I lose. I hope to lose at least 40 and hopefully lots more by Feb. 4th.

    I have some deep rooted fears that hold me back at times from losing weight and I'm trying to realize that I need overcome them and not worry about things in my past but look forward to good times and the better life that I have now and in the future.

    I've never been able to share my weight with anyone because of the embarrassment of the number. BUT with the biggest loser it's all about putting it all out there and moving past our fears and going forward so that is what I am trying to do with this challenge.

    I wish everyone the best and hope we all are able to reach new heights in this challenge. GO BLUE TEAM!!!
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherry and I am 34 years old. Been married for 15 years this Nov., have 2 kids and I work a very part time job stocking cards/party/holiday supplies for Hallmark in our local stores. I've always struggled with my weight and dream of the day that I succeed at this weight loss journey. I've lost and regained my weight so many times, it makes me dizzy thinking about it.

    I don't have the best support system in place, I get a lot of encouragement on mfp but as far as in my own offline world it's pretty bleak. I usually do pretty good once I get in the groove of things, I get my workouts in, eat well and then out of the blue, it goes south, I'm praying this challenge will lead me to a longer and more successful lifestyle.

    I have 125 lbs. to lose, as much as I would love to be able to drop that like the contestants on the biggest loser, the hanging fat that would come with it would depress me so I will lose it slower and pray that the skin shrinks back as I lose. I hope to lose at least 40 and hopefully lots more by Feb. 4th.

    I have some deep rooted fears that hold me back at times from losing weight and I'm trying to realize that I need overcome them and not worry about things in my past but look forward to good times and the better life that I have now and in the future.

    I've never been able to share my weight with anyone because of the embarrassment of the number. BUT with the biggest loser it's all about putting it all out there and moving past our fears and going forward so that is what I am trying to do with this challenge.

    I wish everyone the best and hope we all are able to reach new heights in this challenge. GO BLUE TEAM!!!

    Glad to have you on team blue! We are all here to motivate and be there for each other. I understand about the getting started, all going well, and then wham it all goes to hell. If you feel as if you are about to get to that point, holla and I'll be there to help.
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member
    It has begun! These intro's are emotional. Gotta find a fave
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    I'm jealous!! Can't wait to watch but sitting at conferences right now.
  • lmanes1
    lmanes1 Posts: 64 Member
    Busy week at work and it's only Tuesday. My name is Lisa and I am married 18 years with two teenagers in high school.

    I am a teacher, so food is always a challenge. It seems that parents want to thank us with food, luncheons, snack breaks, breakfasts, etc... So I am learning to say thank you for the goodies, and quickly giving them away.

    Last year I lost 20 pounds between Dec. and June, but gained about 7-10 back over the summer. I have dropped 4 since September. I love this group. It will help me stay motivated through conferences, and report cards. My goal for the time with this group will be to challenge myself physically, and to lose 15 pounds. I have learned that this is a SLOW journey for me and rushing it, just causes more stress, and that equals over eating for me.

    I loved reading all of your posts and I will commit to logging on once a day to record food, and exercise and check out our group.

    Does anyone have a FitBit on our team? I'd love to be friends on that sight, too.

    We R Blue!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Woo hoo!!! Any PST watchers in here? I can't wait for the show to start! Im new to this so what is our team challenge this week?! Are weight in days Tuesday?
  • x3nicolette
    x3nicolette Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! I'm Nicolette and I'm very excited to start this process with everyone!
  • insanely
    Hi my name is Tracey, I am 45 years old and have been struggling to try and shed these god aweful extra pounds for the last 2 years,
    I am so excited to start this.

    I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada , I have no kids, my husband and I just celebrated our first year in our house. Lots of renos.

    I have alot going on right now as my father passed in Feb. so this is the first thanksgiving (canada) without him and my mother had a massive stroke and is now in a wheelchair.

    SO lots of stress, but need to commit to something to start getting my health back in order.

    I am not very computer skilled, so please bear with me trying to keep up.

    Any helpful hints from my teamates would be awesome.

    Sorry, to be late however we do not have a computer at home, as it crashed and is in trying to be fixed. So I can only use my work one and was off yesterday.

    Will long onto the spreadsheet on my break.

    WILL ALL THE CHALLANGES EXTRA BE POSTED THROUGH THIS MESSAGE BOARD, like i said I need all the computer help possible.