New To The Group, Into Week 4 of SL and Questions

mheebner Posts: 285 Member
Tomorrow I am going for 115 in the OHP but I can feel it getting much harder. Does anyone have issues with the absolute first press ? Once I get the barbell to the upmost position its completely fine for the rest of the reps but the first one I have to 'push' a little with my lower body. Its like I lack the strength to push the barbell up from the initial position but once I get one rep done the other 4 reps (going down to the top of my chest of course) isn't an issue.

Just wanted to add that I was doing a typical full body lift 3x a week at like 60-90 min a session. Got some descent results but I am really , really enjoying the shorter workout as my schedule is just crazy with my kids back in school. Eating at a deficit so I know that I will not be able to get as far in the 12 week program as most but I am totally fine with that. What do others do in this situation ? I will not be at my desired weight in 12 weeks but I absolutely want to continue lifting. What is the logical progression while still at a deficit ? Do I just keep going till fail and deloading as necessary while trying to lose weight ?

I thought I would just figure it out as I go but I am wondering what other people do.


  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    I am only at 80lbs for OHP so it is getting harder but I have not experianced the first push struggle you are describing. If you can get 5x5 with good form, tight glutes, tight abs, then keep adding. When you stall or fail, next time you do the lift, don't add, after 3 stall/fails of getting 5x5 deload 10% and continue like before you stall/failed.

    As for eating at a deficit while doing SL5x5, I have read mixed opinions. The majority is that you "can't" gain more then "newb" strength while eating at a deficit. There is also the idea that you can not lose weight unless you have a calorie deficit. I could not tell you if this is fact or not. I know plenty of people that do IF (intermittent fasting) gain stregnth and drop "FAT" some drop lbs off the scale but most measure thier success by inches and body fat %.

    I started MFP and SL5x5 because I wanted to decrease my BF%, but after learning more about heavy lifting I decided to change my goal to gain more strength and get 12-24 weeks of SL5x5 done. Revisit my goals and then decide to cut and decrease caloiries. When I first stated SL5x5 I was eating at a deficit, had my calories goal set at 1920 ( I am 197lbs 5'11") I did not eat back calories burned on work out days. I think it was around week 3 that I started feeling like crap, tired and out of energy. I read a little more, talked to some of the guys on the strong lifts inner circle and thats when I changed my calories to 2500.

    Listen to your body! Ask as many questions as you need to. Do research to back up the stuff you find on the forums. Hit me up any time you are wondering about something. I am always around.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks, and I will definitely be asking questions as they come up for me.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I do have another question come to think of it. I am just getting to the point where there is some heavier weight for barbell rows. I am feeling some soreness in my back opposite my front ribcage, below the shoulder blades if you can imagine where I am talking about. I have never done BR's before stronglifts, and just want to know if that is 'normal' when getting into heavy weight. I will say its not a 'bad' pain but more DOMS feeling. Of all the exercises, I have the least confidence in my form on those. I forget to drop my head for the first set and end up with a sore neck every damn time.