Daily hello...



  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Rose, thank you for the recipe. I'll have to try that for a sweet snack. I also am interested in trying kale chips now that I've gotten to a point where I actually like kale. I am so sorry to hear about Beau. :-( It hasn't been long since you had to put him down, it sounds like you aren't done grieving. I hope you can work past it and be at peace soon. *hugs* Wow, I am legitimately crying right now...

    Marca, that sounds like an AMAZING time. Sometimes family gatherings cause me anxiety, but in general I do love them. Especially when there are lots of little ones around to watch as they explore their world and learn new things. It's awe-inspiring. I'm so glad you had a great/busy weekend and got in a good run with your daughter. Also, I totally agree about the PMS not actually causing issues, but just making it super difficult to deal with things. That's one thing I'm trying to use as a logic exercise to get myself out of my own head when it happens.

    Grump, firstly, I love your name. Haha. Congrats on getting to Onederland! Thanks for the sympathy (empathy?), I'm really hopeful that the root canals themselves won't be much compared to the daily pain I'm dealing with now. And, even that, I have a pretty good handle on now. :-) I don't usually find things in my freezer, but I am constantly finding things in random "cubby holes" and bags and pockets and stuffed behind furniture....lol!

    MJ, Sorry you had weird dreams. I hope you enjoy your vaca! I definitely know where you're coming from about feeling good all day and then having your energy plummet in the evening. I usually still call that a "win", because I got stuff done. :-)

    I succumbed to my TOM and spent the beginning of the week curled up on the couch taking painkillers and watching Netflix. Today I got up on time, made my eggs, and got right to work. So, I'm back on track after the hormone surge. Had some hormone-induced hysteria last night, but hubby talked me through it and got me back in the right mindset. Today is my dad's 60th birthday, so I will be indulging in a cupcake, but I'm allowing myself that without guilt. :-) Have a good Wednesday!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    TY Alyssa <3 I appreciate it.

    Well I stayed home today, toooooo damn tired to go in this morning. I had been without my meds for almost a week because of Walgreens BS switching suppliers and not telling customers and they couldn't get my meds. >:-O . I got them from CVS finally yesterday but it caught up with me. Slept for 13 hrs and still felt tired but I kept myself up, been lounging all day.

    This autoimmune protocol of the whole30 is a blessing and a curse at the same time I swear!!! As my body adjusts to not eating common allergen type foods, I'm finding more that my body doesn't like. I had a reaction to pineapple a few days ago, and today to strawberries and coconut cream :( So sad!!! I am holding out hope that I'll be able to eat them again once my gut heals, but I am nervous more stuff will start coming up that have been hidden intolerances because of the inflammation in my body from gluten and casein.

    Anyway...I hope everyone else is well!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Morning all. I'm back at work today - don't want to be, but I am. How have y'all been doing?
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    Doctor appointment was cancelled last week by the doctor....but they failed to notify me until I walked in the door - GRRR - needless to say...I didn't get to discuss with him my concerns. So I need to reschedule it. I'm feeling good, though for the most part. A little trouble falling asleep last night - but I think it truly was anxiety about all this furlough business
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Doctor appointment was cancelled last week by the doctor....but they failed to notify me until I walked in the door - GRRR - needless to say...I didn't get to discuss with him my concerns. So I need to reschedule it. I'm feeling good, though for the most part. A little trouble falling asleep last night - but I think it truly was anxiety about all this furlough business

    Sorry to hear that happened! Almost wish we were able to charge doctors, cable people, etc. a cancellation fee -- they get to charge us, why not us to them? ;-)

    Happy Thursday all, and hugs all around to all of you amazing people!
  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Doctor appointment was cancelled last week by the doctor....but they failed to notify me until I walked in the door - GRRR - needless to say...I didn't get to discuss with him my concerns. So I need to reschedule it. I'm feeling good, though for the most part. A little trouble falling asleep last night - but I think it truly was anxiety about all this furlough business

    Sorry to hear that happened! Almost wish we were able to charge doctors, cable people, etc. a cancellation fee -- they get to charge us, why not us to them? ;-)

    Happy Thursday all, and hugs all around to all of you amazing people!

    I was just going to say that as well....we need to carry our own signs stating "There will be a $75 fee for less than 24-hour notice of cancellation." :glasses:

    Greetings and well wishes to all! :flowerforyou:
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    ooooo I would have been super irritated too! I agree with the cancellation fee :D
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry to be MIA.... I have been SO busy the last few days!!! I have not even gotten my foods logged until either late at night or the next day.... and trying to remember everything at that point is an exercise in futility!!! I have been over on cals some but purposely keep my goal a bit lower so I am doing OK.... just not getting the exercise I would like due to a slightly twisted knee and hip from falling while bowling. At my weight, you just have to be a bit more careful when you are hurt even a little!!! So, I am going to try an easy run tonight and see if I am going to be able to participate in the 5K on Sat.

    I missed my TOPS meeting last week but my scale is looking pretty good this week so far so I may be able to log a loss tonight!!! I only record my weight at TOPS on here just to keep me honest and to keep me from becoming discouraged!

    I am really tired here lately too.... I don't think it is a thyroid issue though but maybe a time change thing.... meaning it is time for it to change!!! LOL!!! My body clock tends to set itself gradually so by the time we get to time change I am WAY ready for it!!! I found some sugar free pumpkin spice creamer so maybe I need to get me another one of my HUGE mugs of coffee!!!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Well, today is day 13 of the Whole30 for me and find myself obsessing over eating something sweet. It doesn't even have to be something unhealthy. I have tons of recipes at home for healthy versions of treats using raw honey or maple syrup and sweeteners. *siiiggghhhh* I'm gonna stick it out though!!!

    I'm still feeling a lil run down, but better for sure. Definitely ready for the weekend. I'm going to a haunted house/maze thing tonight so I'm pretty excited. I love going to those. Other than that I'll paint my nails, clean my place up, grab a few groceries for the week, and chill at home...maybe go catch a movie, and of course hit the gym. I love the weekend!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    *crickets* ....helloooo? :) How is everyone on this..fantastic Tuesday? -_- I'm being slightly sarcastic because I didn't wanna get out of bed this morning lol. I wanna skip the gym after work, but I'm not letting myself do that - gotta keep at it!
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Hi gals :D Doing good, took a cpl days off and hid in my just sneaking online to update my food diary lol. Had to rest the knees n back but back to working out today :D My sons GF has been so impressed with my weight loss she has come to the dark side with me? ( Or seen the light? lol) She is a young 19 and its difficult to get her to understand eating more not less. She decreased her portion sizes but only eating once or twice a day ( grrr) Ive explained starvation mode. She is new to this and hopefully it will click. She is a sweet girl and hate to see her damage her body.

    I also have been having SWEETS cravings that are unbelievable. Been taking 1/4 low fat greek yogurt 2 packs of splenda and 1/4 diced apple and a dash of vanilla and it kinda reminds me of apples n cream? Its not too bad and helps alot. Fairly filling as well. Doesnt sound like a whole lot but when mixed together it halfway fills a cereal bowl. :D

    Shame we arent all closer n go to the gym together Rose :D Would be awesome motivation :D Working out alone can sometimes be a hamper for me. I get too focused on time ect then it starts to drag. Ive dragged my bedroom tv to the basement n hooked my netbook up to it to watch tv while im on the eliptical. A 1 hour tv show works perfectly for a 45 minute work out with reduce commercials. THANK YOU FOR THAT! lol Makes time go so much easier
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi gals :D Doing good, took a cpl days off and hid in my just sneaking online to update my food diary lol. Had to rest the knees n back but back to working out today :D My sons GF has been so impressed with my weight loss she has come to the dark side with me? ( Or seen the light? lol) She is a young 19 and its difficult to get her to understand eating more not less. She decreased her portion sizes but only eating once or twice a day ( grrr) Ive explained starvation mode. She is new to this and hopefully it will click. She is a sweet girl and hate to see her damage her body.

    I also have been having SWEETS cravings that are unbelievable. Been taking 1/4 low fat greek yogurt 2 packs of splenda and 1/4 diced apple and a dash of vanilla and it kinda reminds me of apples n cream? Its not too bad and helps alot. Fairly filling as well. Doesnt sound like a whole lot but when mixed together it halfway fills a cereal bowl. :D

    Shame we arent all closer n go to the gym together Rose :D Would be awesome motivation :D Working out alone can sometimes be a hamper for me. I get too focused on time ect then it starts to drag. Ive dragged my bedroom tv to the basement n hooked my netbook up to it to watch tv while im on the eliptical. A 1 hour tv show works perfectly for a 45 minute work out with reduce commercials. THANK YOU FOR THAT! lol Makes time go so much easier

    I have been really wanting something sweet as well. I'm on day 17 now and I keep thinking about eating desserts!!! uugggghhhhh lol. My office at work is having a farewell "party" on the 31st for a co-worker that is retiring, so everyone will be having cake and ice cream and who knows what else. I might make myself some avocado chocolate pudding to have so I don't feel left out. Everyone knows I can't have gluten here, but they never take that into account when they bring in treats for the office so I can't eat it. I normally don't mind, but sometimes I want to feel like I'm a part of what's going on if that makes sense.

    I could always use a workout buddy!! :) I tend to do my own thing, I have my list of exercises that I rotate through during the week and listen to my iPod and keep to myself. But it can be very motivating having a partner. Good for you using the elliptical while watching a show though.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Good morning!! You guys have to try this AMAZING Coconut Milk Chai - 2c boiling water, 1/2 vanilla bean, 1/4 tsp ginger, 3/4 tsp cinnamon, 1c shredded coconut, 4 dates (pitted) - blend everything together really well then strain and squeeze through a cheesecloth and heat back up in saucepan if it cooled off too much. I am in heaven right now! :)

    I need more sleeeeeeepppp! I'm planning to try and go to bed early tonight - get a quick workout in at the gym and get to bed. Yesterday I did my weight routine and no cardio. (I do weights 3x's a week for now). I also need to do something with my hair, get it cut again. I chopped off my super long hair in June I think to this super cute angled bob which looked awesome with my curly/wavy hair. But it's grown out quite a bit so the back just looks silly now lol. Gotta get the layers fixed and the front shortened a bit so it grows out nicer. I'm toying wiht the idea of making some homemade shampoo too, I'm seeing lots of good recipes for coconut milk shampoo I want to try. Maybe it will help me with my frizz issues >_<.

    Well I hope y'all are having a good week!