Insanity - advice

On day 3 of Insanity - which doesn't sound like much but after the pressures of work, dog walking and other training I am impressed I have made it to day 3.

I just wondered if anyone could give me some advice or reassurance as I am managing to keep up with most areas (slowly) and where I struggling it is in areas where I know I am weak.However I have always considered my legs to be a fairly strong part of my body but they are really giving way as I progress through each workout.

My brain and the rest of my body is pushing and pushing but I can't find any strength there at all. I am wondering if it is anything associated with my diet and maybe I am no consuming enough protein or eating enough after I work out to help my muscles power on. But as I will admit that dietary wise I am fairly clueless and often struggle with what I eat so I wondered if any more experienced members would be able to help. I am sure I am not the only one to struggle.

Thanks x


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Literally everyone feels pathetic when they first start. I tested in the "above average" fitness level at my college, and it still kicked my *kitten*. I'm halfway through month two and I still can't keep up 100%. You are doing fine, as long as you keep moving, keep trying, and do as much as YOU can, you will improve.

    As far as diet goes, read the nutrition guide (available online as a PDF if you don't have a copy) to find out how much you should be eating. Make sure you get enough protein (at least 1 g per kg bodyweight), and buy some whey protein powder to consume post-workout if you have trouble meeting this through your regular meals.

    You are doing great. Making through the first three days is excellent, and by this time next week you'll probably feel a little stronger and a little faster. The fit test will also prove to you that you're getting better. I never feel like I'm going to do any better on the fit test, because the workouts never get easier, but I have improved every time. Just keep going!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how many calories are you eating? do you eat back exercise cals? how much protein are you eating?

    you definitely need to fuel insanity workouts!
  • Tinktaylor360
    Tinktaylor360 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in absolute agony, my legs have ceased up and i can barely walk so had to take a rest day after day two. I intend to try day three today and see how i go. Hope i can get back on track :S
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am in absolute agony, my legs have ceased up and i can barely walk so had to take a rest day after day two. I intend to try day three today and see how i go. Hope i can get back on track :S

    do some extra stretching after the workout and hopefully it wont be so bad tomorrow!
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I have always considered my legs to be a fairly strong part of my body but they are really giving way as I progress through each workout.

    I have always had strong legs and Insanity definitely makes me feel like a wimp sometimes. lol I am halfway through month 2 and I still get sore.

    I am in absolute agony, my legs have ceased up and i can barely walk so had to take a rest day after day two. I intend to try day three today and see how i go. Hope i can get back on track :S

    I could barely walk the first week when I started Insanity the first two times. My calves killed me but I continued without taking a break and it got better.
  • tragonzales
    tragonzales Posts: 2 Member
    I completed day 5 and my legs aren't as sore as they were after the fit text and day 2. This is the first time I've done insanity and I can't keep up myself. Do what you can. If I can't keep up I start doing modified push ups (I have zero upper body strength), jumping jacks, crunches, any exercise that keeps my heart rate up and me moving. I do take breaks but even the participants in the video have a hard time staying on track too, other than the chick featured in all the videos who's body is like a rock! HARDCORE! Don't quit, keep up the good work! When I could hardly walk, I stretched. It doesn't hurt as bad afterward.
  • Tinktaylor360
    Tinktaylor360 Posts: 21 Member
    I think i'm gonna try and start again but take it a bit easier, think i just went a bit too enthusiastically on my first workout :)
  • Tinktaylor360
    Tinktaylor360 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in absolute agony, my legs have ceased up and i can barely walk so had to take a rest day after day two. I intend to try day three today and see how i go. Hope i can get back on track :S

    do some extra stretching after the workout and hopefully it wont be so bad tomorrow!

    thanks for the advice i am definitely going to try it
  • Tinktaylor360
    Tinktaylor360 Posts: 21 Member
    Managed to do day 2 again a bit easier this time just need to go a bit slower and not push myself as hard as i did the first time. Looking forward to day 3 now
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    I've been through Insanity 2x, Asylum, and Asylum 2.
    You'd be surprised how much it works your legs. Base & Core are keys to good fitness and Insanity works them hard.
    You definitely need to concentrate on your diet and getting enough calories. I work out early mornings and quickly learned that if I didn't get enough the day before that it affected my next mornings workout. You should be logging everyday and shoot for a carb/protein/fat ratio of 40%/40%/20% when you do Insanity.
    Any advice I can offer, I be glad to help.
  • KarenBev1977
    KarenBev1977 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all your advice and help - good to know I am not the only one!

    Quick question though - should I be eating those calories used up by exercise which show as a surplus at the end of the day or should I always work towards having a surplus?