New and needing help

I am new to the group and really need help to get started. I know I need to loose weight, I know I would feel better, I know what I should be doing BUT I am finding it diffiuclt getting started. My first step was joining here and my second was getting weighed. Next step I know is starting but keep putting it off. HELP


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi Marion,

    Welcome to this group and well done for taking the first step! By doing that you have already got started! :flowerforyou:

    Now you need to take your next steps........ possibly quite literally....go outside and go for a walk ..... round the block, up the street, through the park ...whatever is possible........ that way you will have started on an exercise don't need a gym or any weird and wonderful equipment........ just go for that first walk........ you will feel good and ready to continue........ moving more and eating less is the basis of a weight loss success....... so go you go and take that step....

    Have a look at our weekly exercise challenges on will see them with the Weekly Dates as headings...they are not too strenuous and excellent for beginners and those of us who maybe struggle with more energetic workouts...they will just get you moving a bit more.....a great way to start!

    You really will feel better!

  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    You took the first step by joining MFP.My suggestion would be to make small changes at first, log everything that goes in your mouth, exercise to the best of your abilities. If you really commit to getting stronger and healthier you will do ok.
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome and congrats for starting....I am fairly new myself and I find going on MFP every morning and reading the comments from the members really motivates me. One step at a time - that is recording your eating and a bit of exercise really is great. Good luck and we are here for you
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Welcome Marion

    you ahev taken the first step by joining MFP
    my 1 best tip to start would be log everything you eat and drink it really keeps me on track, you really doent realize how the calories add up until you get used to tracking everything

    good luck you can do this

  • mariancrumble
    Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement. Your tips are going to be a big help. I did go for a walk this morning with the dogs, although not as long as I would like at least it is a start. Logging everything will be my next step. I know that I must do this and am getting my head around it one step at a time.
  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    remember to open your food diary, so your friends can encourage you and suggest ways to help. logging everything is major. I like to call our "diet" the eat less move more diet. What we are actually doing is getting healthier and stronger little by little.
  • mariancrumble
    I am still finding my way around this site. Am going to start logging things on Saturday. I have taken the first couple of steps - joining here and getting weighed. I was dreading getting weighed knowingI had put on, but was so pleased that I am still a stone under my heaviest. I have been comfort eating for weeks now after loosing one of my fur friends, no excuse I know but it is the reality. I really need to get going and loose before I have to take steroids again as i can gain a stone in a week on them.
    As for exercise I try to get the dogs out for two or three long walks a week *2 miles is long for me. I am dusting off the WII cos once I get going on it I enjoy it and I feel safe with a sofa behind me to flop into if needed. Oh dear I am sounding negative and I really do not mean to. :frown:
    Everyones comments are encouraging and am going to follow the advice and start logging, make small changes and above all concentrate on getting fitter and healthier.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Welcome Marion. My best advice is love yourself and think about your health with every choice you make. Put your health first. The rest will follow. You are doing all the right things right now. Loving yourself will keep you motivated.
  • smalltowntwo
    smalltowntwo Posts: 15 Member
    Congratulations for taking the first step towards better health. I've only been on MFP for about a month and I can tell you that the support on here is quite amazing. Just jump right in take things a little bit at a time. Looking forward to getting to know you better.:happy:
  • mariancrumble
    I think the first steps are the hardest to take so thank you all for your words of support and encouragement
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I am just back from vacation, I logged but did not have the boards to visit :) so just saw you had joined us. Welcome aboard.

    I see everyone here has given you some great tips. I just want to add that your doggies will love it if you take them out more for walks. They will encourage you and you will be looking out for not only your health but theirs as well.

    I will send a friend invite to you, having friends does keep you on track. And I am with you on no meetings, I am lifetime WW but just couldn't seem to work that into my life any more. MFP works so much better for me.

    Log everything at first, then you can start to see where you need to trim cals. For us older ladies, trimming the carbs seems to bring the best results, cutting back, not stopping eating them, just cutting back. Personally I found cutting back on wheat to help the joint pain etc that was starting up with getting older. I am too young to feel old and I hope I can still say that when I am over 90!