Green Team-Week 1

tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
Good Evening Fellow Teammates:
This week's challenge is to post "why" you want to do this challenge. Your response must be posted to the MAIN WEEK 1 THREAD and not on here to receive credit. Some of you have already done this, awesome job!! For those of you who haven't, I recommend that you never procrastinate on challenges and get them done asap because we all know life happens and before you know it , it is Sunday or Monday and your challenges are not done. I will try to post the week's thread on Wednesday evenings so that you have enough time to complete them.
There is a secondary challenge if some of you are looking for something physical too. It is to work out during commercial breaks while you watch T.V.. For more information and suggestions, please see Looks like it would be fun!!
I would like everyone to please have their weights and whether they completed, tried, or failed to try the challenges in by MONDAYS at 9 p.m.. This will allow me to ensure that I get everyone's information entered on time and we receive full credit. Anyone that does not send me this by the above time, I will send a friendly reminder email, so that you do not lose credit. If you are going out of town or any other life situation may happen, either get your weights and challenges into me early or ASAP.
Most of all let's have some FUN!! Please share your successes or your frustrations (trust me I know not every day or every week will be perfect). Let's build a support system that we know we can rely on and help get us to where we want to be!!
Have a great and successful week everyone. I will check back nightly for any questions or responses as I love to chat!!

:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: MAKE THIS WEEK COUNT!!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:


  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Hey quick question.

    I understand that we report to you on Monday with our weights and the challenge statue. My questions are we PMing you this info or posting it under a topic?

    I apologize if this was already covered.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Sorry yes please pm me with your weights and challenge stats unless you do not care about everyone else seeing your weight ( I know for some people that is hard, that is why I am leaving the option up to you).
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Well we are halfway through the week.. how is everyone doing?? I have had a mostly great days, but yesterday was definitely a bad eating day, so I got my butt to the gym and worked out for 2 hours. Thank you for all of those who have already posted their "why" challenge..fantastic job. has anyone tried the other challenge? I will try to get it in this weekend. GO GREEN TEAM!!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Been home sick since Tuesdays 7 mile run. I have health issues still but I am proud of myself for staying on point with my calories and I did manage a 15 minute walk despite the extreme pain I've been induce to my endometreosis. Also hubby and I set out a meal planar d lunch plan and preppe all of it today. Well I directed. He prepped. We have all our meals set up thru next Friday. And it will be our first week with no processed foods. Minus cheese.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Well we are halfway through the week.. how is everyone doing?? I have had a mostly great days, but yesterday was definitely a bad eating day, so I got my butt to the gym and worked out for 2 hours. Thank you for all of those who have already posted their "why" challenge..fantastic job. has anyone tried the other challenge? I will try to get it in this weekend. GO GREEN TEAM!!

    This has been a pretty productive week for me. I found myself combing through crock pot recipes here on MFP and found a bunch of things to make my fall/winter months so much easier so yay for real meals! I'm taking tomorrow to get everyone in my house involved in organization so things run smoothly and we'll just have an easier time getting in shape. Also, my toddler 'did' 30-day shred with me today. He did his version of all the exercises for the whole time, including the warm up and cool down. Halfway through he even went and grabbed a blanket to use as his 'mat' for the ab stuff. I'm happy that my exercise is starting to rub off on him in a positive way. He can't really do any of the stuff, but half an hour of jumping around and being physical is great!

    As per the challenge, I took that as my motivation to start walking again while I watch tv. I forgot how fantastic it was. Now I get to keep up with some tv shows that I love AND get a burn in at the same time. =D
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    Hey guys! I'm doing well. I am pretty busy with school but I went grocery shopping for all of my food. I'm doing low carb because I can cut out the carbs (which I don't miss much) to reduce my calories. It also keeps me full and not hungry. I was going to go for a run with a friend but I was feeling lightheaded and I decided to play it safe in case I was dehydrated. I have been walking to class all week instead of taking the bus which means walking a mile uphill in both directions (no joke). My eating has been on track but I think I need to lower my calories a little for the competition. I'm at a 300 cal deficit which is what I do when I want to lose but am also running a lot. Since I'm not running maybe I should eat a tad less . Thoughts?
  • I fought a bad virus Monday through Wednesday with a temperature above 102 but am thankfully feeling much better now. I plan on trying the Commercial Break Challenge this weekend. I think my kids will think it is fun. My calories haven't been the best because I couldnt stand the sight of food but stayed under all week.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Awesome Jesse. Kudos on meal planning, that is one my goals!! hope you feel better soon.:happy:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I love it when our kids pick up our good habits. We set the example of what good health and fitness is. Often my daughter will join in on my workouts especially when I am doing squat challenges (crazy girl love them) or ab challenges. That puts the biggest smile on my face because hopefully I am breaking the cycle in my family.
    Awesome about walking through commercials. I always seem to be doing something..Hand biking, crunches, squats, etc. It all adds up. Keep up the great work!!:drinker:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Hey guys! I'm doing well. I am pretty busy with school but I went grocery shopping for all of my food. I'm doing low carb because I can cut out the carbs (which I don't miss much) to reduce my calories. It also keeps me full and not hungry. I was going to go for a run with a friend but I was feeling lightheaded and I decided to play it safe in case I was dehydrated. I have been walking to class all week instead of taking the bus which means walking a mile uphill in both directions (no joke). My eating has been on track but I think I need to lower my calories a little for the competition. I'm at a 300 cal deficit which is what I do when I want to lose but am also running a lot. Since I'm not running maybe I should eat a tad less . Thoughts?
    Just be careful with cutting both calories and carbs that you are not cutting too much. Remember to drink lots of water, you will actually lose more weight because the cells and processes need the water. I would keep doing what you are doing for now and see if the scale moves, if not switch it up a bit. Keep going strong!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I fought a bad virus Monday through Wednesday with a temperature above 102 but am thankfully feeling much better now. I plan on trying the Commercial Break Challenge this weekend. I think my kids will think it is fun. My calories haven't been the best because I couldnt stand the sight of food but stayed under all week.
    Hope you feel better real soon. Sometimes it is best to just let our bodies get the rest they need and then go hard again when we feel better. If you do the commercial challenge , let's us know how you liked it.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Another great day of workouts in- treadmill and elliptical rider. Trying to find something fun to do over the weekend!! It sounds like everyone is having a good week. I am only missing one person's challenge and our team will have all completed the challenge. Thanks for all that have posted so far!! Have a great night everyone!! GO TEAM GREEN GO!!!
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    Don't worry Tam, I know what I'm doing. I've already lost 21 lbs via low carb and sometimes a bigger deficit. I drink lots of water and keep an eye on my electrolytes!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    yesterday as my first day back to working out, not my normal running, but I had a good workout, I used workouts and did their tank top arms workout, there 100 squat challenge, and the beginners cardio kickboxing.. oh was it fun! never did a workout video before, but I really like theres, easy to follow, great pace, and they have some low impact workout. It's weird, even though I've lost so much weight, I still need low impact workouts, i can't jump yet, hurts my knees to much, but i'm also able to do things I couldn't do before, like running 7 miles lol
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Cool. I hope you are watching your ketones as well because if you are getting ketones in your urine, you are actually eating lean muscle. Yes you lose weight, but you also lose that lean muscle mass which will burn more calories in the end. I am not preaching, just concerned. My sister is a nurse and my daughter is a type 1 diabetic , so I know the importance of carbs, but also what can happen if you cut them back too far. Awesome weight lose though and what works for one may not work for another, so if it is working for you, keep it up!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    yesterday as my first day back to working out, not my normal running, but I had a good workout, I used workouts and did their tank top arms workout, there 100 squat challenge, and the beginners cardio kickboxing.. oh was it fun! never did a workout video before, but I really like theres, easy to follow, great pace, and they have some low impact workout. It's weird, even though I've lost so much weight, I still need low impact workouts, i can't jump yet, hurts my knees to much, but i'm also able to do things I couldn't do before, like running 7 miles lol
    You are doing awesome..keep rocking on!!! Trust me if it hurts your knees DO NOT do it. I have had 2 knee surgeries from pushing myself from beyond where i should have, it set me back months. Listen to your body and your body will listen to you.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    and that is why i plan to listen to my body!! :D too many friends who didn't who hurt themselves... I really love running and want to do nothing that could jeopardize it in the long run

    yesterday as my first day back to working out, not my normal running, but I had a good workout, I used workouts and did their tank top arms workout, there 100 squat challenge, and the beginners cardio kickboxing.. oh was it fun! never did a workout video before, but I really like theres, easy to follow, great pace, and they have some low impact workout. It's weird, even though I've lost so much weight, I still need low impact workouts, i can't jump yet, hurts my knees to much, but i'm also able to do things I couldn't do before, like running 7 miles lol
    You are doing awesome..keep rocking on!!! Trust me if it hurts your knees DO NOT do it. I have had 2 knee surgeries from pushing myself from beyond where i should have, it set me back months. Listen to your body and your body will listen to you.
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    Cool. I hope you are watching your ketones as well because if you are getting ketones in your urine, you are actually eating lean muscle. Yes you lose weight, but you also lose that lean muscle mass which will burn more calories in the end. I am not preaching, just concerned. My sister is a nurse and my daughter is a type 1 diabetic , so I know the importance of carbs, but also what can happen if you cut them back too far. Awesome weight lose though and what works for one may not work for another, so if it is working for you, keep it up!!
    Not to worry, I am aware of the science behind it. Also, as someone without diabetes, ketoacidosis is not a threat.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Ok Ladies:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: LAST CHANCE WORKOUT:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    I would like everyone to try and get a can be on anything, use the elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill or walk or run it and please add 50 crunches and 25 push ups at the end!! Good luck and have a great Sunday!!

    I have biked 20 miles this morning and I will do LAST CHANCE WORKOUT this evening. Please do not forget WEIGH IN is tomorrow by 9 p.m.. I already have on weigh in. I will take them early!!

    GO GREEN TEAM GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    At 5 pm I'll be running the 7.25 miles from work home :) 5k NP :)