If you signed up for a race before you finished C25K



  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I did Week 7, Day 1 last Thursday evening and then ran my first 5K on Sunday morning in 32.24. My goal was really to run it all without walking which I did so I was very very happy.

    Tonight I am back to Week 7, Day 2. Looking forward to my next 5K being a little more comfortable for me as the one on Sunday was a struggle.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I signed up for a "Turkey Trot" (5K) on Thanksgiving morning. It was $25 to register, so no real risk. I think I'll be in the middle Week 8 by then.

    I'm more nervous about actually sticking to it than I am the run! The run is goofey and casual and people wear costumes, etc. It should be fun.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I've just started Week 4 today, and last week I signed up for a 5k and a 10k.

    The 5k isn't until March 2014 though and it will be a part of training for the 10k which is at the end of May 2014.

    I'm enjoying the C25K so much I'm already planning in the 5k to 10k programme and then a 10k event programme so I'm ready for my race in May :)
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    I signed up for a "Turkey Trot" (5K) on Thanksgiving morning. It was $25 to register, so no real risk. I think I'll be in the middle Week 8 by then.

    I'm more nervous about actually sticking to it than I am the run! The run is goofey and casual and people wear costumes, etc. It should be fun.

    Gonna do a turkey trot too...hopefully stem off any overeating
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I actually started running because I wasn't fit enough to walk the local turkey trot last year. I'll be running this year's race. :bigsmile:
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I've just signed up to do the turkey trot too. It will be my first race.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I signed up for a 10k before I even started C25K. It does motivate you. I've graduated today and have until May to get up to the 10K distance and hopefully improve my speed a little. I did my 5k today in 38:31
  • TomInAiken
    TomInAiken Posts: 30 Member
    I am just finishing W8D3 and signed up for two runs. The first is on Nov 9 and the second is a Turkey Trot. I made the decision to commit to the races this week because I wanted to be sure I had some motivation to continue on after completing C25K. Paying the non-refundable entrance fees will surely keep me moving!

    I also have purchased the Zombies, Run app. I saw several comments here about that app and will start using it in a week or so after I complete C25K.
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    We didn't sign up yet, but we picked out a race! :) It's the weekend I'm due to complete the program, Dec 14th. I want to run a 5k before Christmas!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I registered yesterday for a 5k on Nov 23. Assuming I don't repeat any weeks (BIG assumption - lolz), I'll be in week 8 then. There's an 8k on Thanksgiving day that I'd like to do as well, but I'll see how I feel a little closer to time. Worst case scenario, I guess I walk that last mile and still earn myself a celebratory mimosa (or three).