
Lets do something simple: set and alarm on your phone or other and drink 1 tall glass of water every 2 hrs. Let me know if you are up for the challenge!

I will be drinking 1 glass every hr, because I am nursing my 10 month old.

2 ways I have seen this work:

1. Fill up your glass and chug it right there
2. Fill up your glass and sit at the table until you are done.

Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger.


  • Ideas on how to drink more water?

    1. add essential oils like grapefruit (known to help you loose weight too) Lavender, peppermint, Lemon (rebalance your pH level)
    2.herb tea
    3. ?? please add to.
  • Great ideas. I always need to drink water but usually only with meals and then I drink several glasses.
  • 96boysmom99
    96boysmom99 Posts: 2 Member
    I usually keep a large cup or water bottle with me almost all of the time.
  • The key is to tracking your intake, because you may think you are getting enough but when your a mom with super busy days, you really cant recall, if you dont write it down.

    On another note it is acctually not good to drink water durring and right after consuming your food. It does not let your stomach digest and process the ezymes work. I belive it is best not to drink for at lest 30 mins. Does ayone have more info on that?
  • ok. I will try. I already pee too much
  • I find I drink more water if it's in a water bottle. If it's in a cup I forget about it.
    I'm up for the challenge!